I Should Have Locked My Bloody Compartment

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"Well Miss.Potter I have never seen so much power and determination in a face before." Ollivander says. " I can just tell by looking at you. you know who doesn't stand a chance."
We leave Ollivander's and shop for the rest of our supplies. I got everything I need for Hogwarts which I learned starts tomorrow.

We went home and immediately got in bed seeing as it was late. I tried to sleep and my attempt ended horribly.

I quietly snuck into Ron and Harry's room and realized Ron's bed was empty. I picked up a note that said

"I knew you'd be in here. Go to sleep I'm right here with you every second I promise." I smiled and laid down.

I started to think of Draco Malfoy. What an absolute jerk. First he's nice to me and then he makes the worst comments I can't think of. Why would he help me if he hated me so much?

I have to admit though those eyes were gorgeous. Malfoy may be a prick but at least he has his looks to somewhat counteract that.

I slowly start to feel myself drift off to sleep. Yet that stupid fucking evil prick even followed me into my dreams.

"Iz," I wake up to the sound of Harry. "I got your trunk and stuff. Come on we're going to be late." Harry says running out of the room.

I get off of Ron's bed and make sure the door is locked and I get dressed. I can't believe I'm finally going to Hogwarts.

I was so exited to go 5 years ago but of course Tom had to find me the day before I left. Not to mention on my bloody birthday.

I walk down the stairs to see everyone running around like their mad. I'm pretty certain that Mrs.Weasley is going to have a heart attack in a minute.

Soon we are getting ready to get onto platform 9 3/4. I feel two arms around my shoulders. I turn to see the Weasley twins.

"Excited yet Bella?" Fred asks.

"You have no idea." I answer. I feel like my smile is a mile wide. They laugh and off they go into the platform for the train.

"Alright your turn Bella." Mr.Weasley says.

"So I just run into it?" I ask nervously. Mrs.Weasley nods her head yes. I run at the wall and close my eyes preparing for impact. When I feel myself still rolling my trolley I open my eyes.

These people definitely were not muggles. I did it. I'm on my way to my first year of Hogwarts.

I look around for Harry or Ron or some familiar face. I can't find any of them. I wander until I realize I have to get on the train before they leave without me.

I jump on the train and walk down the aisle looking for an empty compartment. Finding Harry would be better but I'm starting to give up hope on that one.

When I finally find an empty compartment I leave my trunk in the other seat because I can't lift it up into the holder. I may be strong still on the inside but I have to admit my little visit at Malfoy manner has left me physically weak.

I start to doze off when I hear my compartment door open and an annoying laugh I hoped to never hear again.

"No! Get the fuck out of here Malfoy!" I say before I even look at the door.

"Nice to see you too Potter." He sneers.

"Potter? As in Isabella Potter?" One of the two with him ask.

"The one and only." Malfoy answers. He picks up my luggage with ease and puts it up top with his stuff and takes a seat next to me.

"This is his Isabella?" One of them says rather loudly and our compartment door wasn't even closed.

"Are you bloody mad?" I say shutting the door quickly pushing them inside. "You going to get yourselves and I in a lot of trouble with a big mouth like that. And for your information I don't belong to anyone." I say angrily sitting back down.

"Goyle you truly are a blimey idiot." Malfoy says. "Shut up Crabbe so are you." He says to the other boy with them laughing at Goyle.

"Crabbe and Goyle? I know your fathers. Why Malfoy you can't blame them for being this bloody stupid." I says smiling as sweetly as I can. "Their fathers are even worse." I say smirking.

Malfoy laughs at Goyle and Crabbe who's faces get incredibly red. Crabbe suddenly takes out his wand and points it at me.

I fling out my wand and point it directly at his neck. I hear Malfoy take out his wand as Goyle quickly shuts the curtains around out compartment and takes out his wand pointing it at me.

But to my surprise Malfoys wand is focused not on me, but on Crabbe.

"I will kill you before The Dark Lord even gets a chance." Malfoy says to Crabbe and even I'm scared for him. 

"I'm not going to kill her Malfoy. Just have some fun." Before I can even react and before my whole world goes dark. I hear Goyle whisper "Imperio"


The second Crabbe and Goyle dare point their wands at Bella I felt my blood start to boil.

How dare they? They know Lord Voldemort wants her alive. I threaten Crabbe who seems scared out of his wits. But he quickly covers it up not wanting Bella to see.

I realize I should have kept a closer eye on Goyle but now it was too late.

"Imperio" Goyle says and immediately the light in Bella's eyes are gone.

"Stop it." I say gritting my teeth not to scream at them.

"What the hell's your problem Malfoy? We'll wipe her memory. Why do you even care?" Crabbe says. Goyle makes Bella go and sit on his lap.

"I don't." I growl. The look on Goyle's face as Bella wraps her arms around his head makes my stomach churn.

I know I have to keep my cool no matter what he does. I don't even know why I'm this upset about it. I must be going mad. I should get some more sleep.

I come back out of my thoughts to see Bella taking off her big long peacoat revealing her in just her uniform plaid skirt and button up shirt. I realize she never got placed in a house she doesn't have robes yet.

I have to keep myself from killing them and their curious eyes as they pretty much eye rape her.

She was a beautiful girl. Everything about her was just stunning. What am I doing? She's a Potter for merlins sake!

I see Bella sitting across Crabbe and Goyle's lap. I start fidgeting trying to take my mind off how badly I want to hex those two blithering idiots.

I see Goyle's move to her upper thigh and I just loose it. I take my wand out and point it at his throat. I grab Bella tightly by the arm and pull her up then push her behind me.

"That's enough now leave." I growl. They pick up there stuff and quickly get out. The fear in their eyes very real. Not even trying to pretend this time.

I see Bella's eyes change and I know the curse had worn off. She quickly falls asleep in my lap. I lay her coat over her incase she gets cold and we stay like that the rest of the ride.

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