Kisses and Dirty Blood

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"Draco." I manage to say before the taste of cherry meets me again.
His lips against mine felt so good for the quick moment it lasted due to Crabbe barging into the room.


"What Crabbe!" Malfoy snaps at him taking his lips off mine.

"He wants to talk to you." Crabbe says. The fear in his voice told who he was immediately.

"Oh Draco no. I'm so sorry I didn't think." I start ranting.

"No stop." He says. He takes a deep breath. An idea immediately pops into my head.

"Tell him I only chose you because you were next to me and I wanted to anger Harry." I tell him quickly. Malfoy looks hurt and steps back.

"Fine Potter." Malfoy says. I grab his arm and but he shoves me off and walks through the door.

He called me Potter.

"Isabella! You have no idea what you've done." Severus says coming through my door as Draco leaves.

"Severus you have to help him. Tom. I. I didn't mean to." I start tearing up. Severus grabs me before I hit the floor.

"He. Can't. Kill. Draco." I say between my sobs. I grab Severus robes trying to steady my breathing. "Tell him I'll come back if he lets Draco go." I cry.

"Isabella listen to me very carefully." Severus says pulling my face to look at him. "I will help Draco. But you and him can't be running around getting caught. This is his life on the line. Whatever feeling you have you kill them right now."

"I will I promise. Please just don't let Tom kill him." I say.

"Alright pull yourself together. We have work to do." Severus says before going to my closet.


I sit with hands practically shaking in my lap. He's going to kill me. I'm going to die. I'll never see Isabella again. Not that I'd want to. She kissed me to mess with Potter. I mean I did the same so I shouldn't be mad.

"Draco." I hear The Dark Lords voice from behind me. I turn and Nagini hisses beside him. Great so he's going to kill me with the fucking snake.

"Yes my Lord." I say keeping my voice from shaking.

"Imagine my surprise when I heard what happened today at Hogwarts today." I turn to look at him and I remember the whole reason I helped her. I still need to help her.

"My Lord I can explain." I say but he cuts me off.

"No need Draco. Severus has already made sure to prove your innocence." The Dark Lord says. I watch his nasty smile form at my confused face. "I was sent a memory from your Professor. Would you like to see it?"

"I would." I say holding my head high. I can see he's trying to intimidate me. If he's trying to trick me into a false sense of security it won't work. My last memory on this earth will not be me cowering to him.

With a flick of his wand our surroundings change. I'm back in Hogwarts. In our room. Isabella stands in front of her closet organizing her clothes. I call her name to warn her that we are here but she doesn't hear me.

"What do you want Severus?" Her voice cold and vicious. Snape walks from the out of the doorway towards her.

"As you can imagine your little boyfriend is in a bit of hot water now." Severus says walking next to her. She turns to him laughing.

"My boyfriend? Oh Severus I thought you were smarter than this." She says.

"Smarter than what exactly Ms.Potter?"

"I don't like Draco Malfoy. I like angering my brother." Isabella turns around walking to her bed.

"You used the Malfoy boy?" Severus says.

"Of course I did." Isabella sits down. "Harry hurt me. Now think of how awful his life will be? His precious little sister kissing his enemy? Draco used me to upset Harry too." She laughs deviously throughout her sentence.

"And I thought you were supposed to be the evil one. Don't let a little girl out smart you." She says playfully before I'm ripped back into the manor.

"Now Draco my question for you is how would you feel about torturing Harry Potter for a while longer?" The Dark Lord says.

"I don't understand." I respond.

"I want you to be in a relationship with Isabella. Push it in Harry's face. Get her to trust you. Bring her home for a dinner." Before he can even finish I shake my head no. "Bring her home to me." The Dark Lord says. The thought makes me almost throw up.

I fell my blood boil at the thought of her being back here. "No!" I yell.

"He'll do it my Lord." Severus says grabbing me before I can say anything further. And with that I'm back at Hogwarts.

"Professor I can't bring her back there!" I yell at him, closing the door to his office. "I won't do it. He can kill me with that bloody snake before I would ever"

"Malfoy stop it!" Snape shouts cutting off my rant. "I have a plan. But you have to trust me. And be strong enough to keep it from Isabella."

"Keep what from Isabella?" I hear. I turn around to be face to face with Isabella herself.

"Mind your own business Potter." I say hoping she'll just get mad about my tone and forget about the plan.

"That's no way to speak to your girlfriend Malfoy." She smirks. How does she already know? I look at her confused. "You bloody idiot I know Tom. I know what he's going to have you do."

"I. I don't want to do it." I say to her.

"To bad." She says pulling on my arm leading me away from Snape.


I lead him back to our room and shut the door.

"Are you okay?" I ask turning his head to look at his face for bruising.

"I'm fine." He says. He pushes me away and goes into the bathroom.

I lay down on my bed. I hear Malfoy talking to himself from the bathroom.

"Potter." Malfoy says after he climbs in his bed.


"Tomorrow we are going to be the cutest couple you've ever seen. But you listen to me. I have a reputation in this school and I don't need you sleeping around with a nasty Weasley when I'm not looking." His stupid sneer pissing me off more than before. How dare he?

"I know all about your reputation. Mr.Daddysboy." I say snarkily. If he wants to be mean to me than I'll be mean back.

"Excuse me." He says. I hear him get up and walk over here.

"You heard me." I say rolling over to look up and see him.

"I am not." Malfoy growls.

"Oh please. You're so far up your fathers arse your practically... mmmmhmmmm!" Malfoy slams his hand over my mouth.

"Shut the fuck up!" Malfoy screams. I grab my wand and send him flying across the room.

"Watch your mouth Malfoy I'm sure Tom wouldn't like the way your speaking to me." I say threateningly.

"Just about as much as he really loved the fact you kissed me today. You're welcome!" He says standing up and coming back over to me.

"I'm welcome?" I stand up to face him.

"For not throwing up on the spot. Kissed by such dirty blood." Malfoy screams. I feel my heart pound so hard it's practically coming out of my chest.

"Fuck you Malfoy!" I say before storming out of the room.

I run until I can't anymore and I lay down in the snow. The cold feels nice against my skin. I lay there thinking about what a bloody prick Malfoy is until I can't feel my limbs anymore. I fall asleep long before I can do anything about it though.

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