Making Father Proud

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How on Earth am I going to explain this to Harry?

Malfoy and I walk in silence for a while. It's clear that dinner has been over for a while. There is no one in the halls and it is completely dark. I can barely see where Im going. I can see Malfoy's shadow up ahead leading me deeper and deeper down into the castle.

Harry suddenly comes into my thoughts. I know Harry won't like the fact I'm in Slytherin. How on earth did I get put into Slytherin? Maybe my time spent with all the lovely people at Malfoy Manner I don't know, darkened me? I wonder if Harry knows which family member was in Slytherin?

"I can tell you are worrying." Malfoy says turning around breaking the silence. His eyes look worried before they return to his regular harsh look. "And it's distracting my thinking so stop."

"You are such a fucking prick you know that?" I scold him. "In case you haven't noticed I have a lot going on lately so could you just try to give me a little time to think and not be a little twit!"

"Someone needs to get those anger issues under control." Malfoy laughs and soon I find myself laughing with him. We stand there looking at each other until I finally muster the courage to ask him the question that I've been dying to ask.

"Why did you help me, Malfoy?"

"Why wouldn't I?" He replies quickly and quietly.

"Would you like me to start on the million reason list?" I say with a little grin. He smiles."But don't think I don't know you are avoiding my question."

"I'm not heartless. Believe it or not, I have a conscience." His smile slowly falls. I don't know what to tell him. His actions are so bipolar I can't tell if he really does.

"Isabella? What happened?" Severus says from behind us. He runs over to me pushing Malfoy aside.

"Its nothing major. Just Lucius rings." I say as he leads me into a big room. The hundreds of bottles on shelves distracts me from the fact that Severus is putting cream on my face.

"That's cold." I say moving away. "Its fine. It'll go away in two days by itself." I start playing with some of the bottles on his desk. Severus pulls Malfoy out and by the time i ask them where their going they are far out of hearing distance.

I slowly get more anxious and i finally decide to go look for them. I wander through the dark corridors alone making my anxiety worse.

I finally hear voices after spending a few minutes alone in a place I have never been cursing myself and my curiosity.

"You keep your hands off my daughter Lucius. I mean it. I'll kill you." I hear Severus yell. I look around the corner to see Lucius pushed up against a wall with Severus wand at his throat.

I feel a hand around my mouth and before I can scream I hear the quiet voice of the one and only Draco Malloy.
"Its me. You need to go back to the room. You were never supposed to know."

My mind trying to comprehend what just happened I let Malfoy guide me back. We walk in silence the whole time there.

"You can't tell anyone. I mean anyone. Not even Severus. He can't know." Malfoy says breaking the silence. He bends down in front of my chair trying to tear my gaze from off the floor.

I look at him. "Why wouldn't he tell me? Why wouldn't the tell me I'm not a Potter?"

"You are still a Potter Isabella." Malfoy practically cuts me off. "Lilly Potter is your mother. That makes you a Potter."

We hear a door slam and Malfoy jumps off the floor. He puts a finger to his lips as Severus walks through the door.

"Mr.Malfoy you may take her back to Gryffindor common room." Severus says taking my hand and pulling me up.

"Actually I'm in Slytherin." I say.

"You are?" He smiles. "That's brilliant." He laughs.

"My father must be so proud." I say sarcastically looking at Malfoy. I see his eyes flash with a warning.

"I know he is." Severus says hugging me. "Who wouldn't be proud of you Isabella?" I hug him back.

He motions to me to leave with Malfoy and I oblige. The second we get through the door Malfoy moves himself in front of me and glares.

I snicker and put a hand over my mouth.

"You are insufferable." He sneers turning around.

We walk through the halls until we get to the common room. The Slytherin common room is almost pitch black. I stumble over the furniture and I hear Malfoy chuckle.

"Shut it and help me." I tell him laughing a little myself.

He grabs my arm and leads me through a door and then lets go. He closes the door and I just stand there.

"Malfoy turn on the light." I say trying to find a wall but it seems like I'm in the middle of the floor.

"Find it yourself." He says. I hear the creaking of a bed and I realize he isn't going to turn on a light.

"And you say I'm insufferable." I wave my hands around taking little steps at a time.

I eventually find a bed and climb in. I take off my new Slytherin robe. I recognize it's the same fabric and material but I can't help but feel as if my Slytherin robe is heavier and courser than Harry's Gryffindor robes.

Severus. Severus was in Slytherin. How did he sorting hat know? Did Dumbledore know? How was Severus my father? But James and Lilly were married. I'm younger than Harry. But what if that was a lie to?

I have to stop thinking before I drive myself mad.

I eventually fall asleep. Dreaming of Severus and my mother. And a life I wanted so badly. But at least I could have my dreams.

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