Waking Up On The Wrong Side Of The Bed

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But at least I could have my dreams.

I wake up to snoring. Loud obnoxious snoring. I roll over and put my hand over his mouth trying to get him to shut up.

"Did you just lick me!" I yell flinging my hand off and rolling over.

"Isabella Potter. I want you to sit here for a moment and think." He says.

"What the fuck is your problem?" I say when it dawns on me. "Malfoy why are you in my bed?" I take his hands off me and unwrap myself from his legs.

"This is my bed." He tells me very calmly just laying next to me. We both roll over just looking at the ceiling.

"Oh. Sorry." I say awkwardly. "I just want to point out that I asked you to turn on the light." I laugh.

"You can't seriously be pinning the fact you climbed into my bed on me!" Malfoy laughs.

"I didn't do it willingly. Why didn't you tell me last night?" I say still snickering.

"I was asleep. It was a long day." Malfoy says rolling over towards me.

"What?" I say rolling over wondering why he's staring at me like that. He's probably staring at my awful bed head.

"Are you going to get up?" He laughs. I feel my embarrassment make my cheeks red.

"Oh yeah sorry." I laugh. I get up and pull my skirt down after realizing it was riding up.

He takes his stuff into the bathroom and I get dressed in our room. Our room. That's ridiculous. I can't being sharing a room with Draco Malfoy. I just can't!

"We'll be late if you don't hurry." Malfoy says. I grab my bag and hurry out.

"Wait! I never got a schedule!" I yell. Panic settles and I look at Malfoy.

"I'm debating." He says.

"Debating? You aren't going to help me?" I ask panicked. I've never been the type of person who messed around when it came to being late. My time with Tom really made sure I knew that being late was not acceptable.

"I'm debating on telling you we have the same classes." Malfoy laughs.

"Hahaha you're so fucking funny." I sneer walking away from him.

"Wrong way dear." He laughs harder.

"Don't call me that." I say hitting his arm. I let him lead me to our first class.

What are the odds that my first class is Professor Severus Snapes.

"Ms." Severus addresses me.

"Mr?" I say with a laugh. Severus laughs too and continues walking past me.

Does Severus not like calling me Potter because I'm actually a Snape. Isabella Severus Snape. That's me. Holy shit that's weird to think about.

"Iz!" I hear Harry yell. He runs over to me. "I didn't see you come back to the common room last night? Where were you?" I feel my heart stop.

"Harry." I say very calmly. Mostly trying to calm myself. "I was put in Slytherin." I quickly mumble and wait for the blow up.

The shock on my brothers face broke me heart. "You're a Slytherin?"

"I'm sorry." I say looking down and sitting at a table.

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