I'm Going To Take Care Of Us

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"He's going to make you have his children then age them so they can fight beside him in the war."

"No!" Somehow the cry sounds through my dry mouth. "I won't. I refuse."

"He isn't asking." Severus says softly. I feel my body stiffen and I realize how bad this truly is.

"Pack the things you need Isabella. We're leaving." Malfoy demands coming out of the bathroom with bags. He looks paler than usual and it hurts to see him this upset over something completely my fault.

I stand still in shock. I feel the tears rolling down my cheeks and Severus hugs me.

"Father what do I do?" I cry into his shoulder. I throw my arms around him and fall the the floor. He goes with me to the floor and just holds me.

"W-what did you?"

"She knows Severus." Malfoy cuts off his question zipping up his bag. He then goes over to my things and starts throwing things in my bag.

"Okay. Listen to me." Severus says moving my face to look at him. He uses his thumbs to push the tears rolling down my cheeks away.

"You're going to get up and pack only the necessities. You want a light bag easy to run with. You take you're wand everywhere and I'll take care of the trackers on them with Dumbledores assistance. You and Draco are leaving the country. You don't come back here no matter what until I come get you." He rants setting me on my feet and grabbing the bag from Malfoy thrusting it into my arms. He performs an extension charm on both our bags.

"Where will we go?" I say crying. I start throwing a very minimal amount of clothes into a bag and shoving my wand into my waist band.

"America." Malfoy who's been very quiet finally speaks up.

"I can't drag him into this. If Tom catches me he'd kill him." I whisper to Severus turning away from Malfoy.

"Stop. I'm coming with you end of story." Malfoy says grabbing my bag from my hand. "We'll apparate to America and find a way to contact you Severus but I will not put our location in danger so if you don't hear from us for a while don't assume we're dead."

"Look at me." Severus lifts my chin to face him. "I'll tell Harry what he needs to know. You have to leave now."

"I can't do this." I murmur.

"You can. You're the strongest person I know my dear. Your mother would be so proud of you. I am so proud of you." He pulls me into a hug and I cry into his chest squeezing as if my life depended on it. "Be safe. I love you." He whispers letting go of me. Malfoy slips his hand into mine and gives it a reassuring squeeze.

"I love you too dad." I choke out before we apparate.

We land in the middle of a field. My hand still firmly grasped in Malfoy's we just stand there.

Oh my Merlin. Draco never even said goodbye to anyone. His family are going to hate him. If Voldemort finds him he'll be killed instantly.

"D-Draco." My voice so light I almost thought he wouldn't hear me.

"Don't. No apologies. I stand by my decision." He says his voice not wavering at all.

His words remind me of our first real conversation that day in the alley.
"I've always been in danger. And I stand by my decision to help you and I'll stand by it until I die."

"We have to keep going. Find a place to stay." Malfoy's voice breaks through my thoughts.


"Yes Potter?"

"Tell me we're going to be okay." My voice cracks as I lean into him. He wraps an arm around my shoulder and is quiet for a moment.

His voice very unconvincing but still comforting. "We're going to be okay. I'm going to take care of us."

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