Trouble with the Malfoy Boys

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"He's a death eater!"

"Shhhh!" I cover his mouth as he was being rather loud. "Technically, so am I." I say softly and I let Ron lead the way.


"So you and Snape are friends?" Ron asks dumbfounded. He started asking questions on our walk to see Dumbledore about why Harry was yelling about death eaters in the middle of a crowded hallway.

"Severus and I have been pretty close since i was 11." I say moving out of his way. Ron says something i cant hear and a staircase appears. Ron slightly nudges me onto a step and it carries me all the way up.

"Miss.Potter!" I hear Dumbledore's voice call out for me. I look around the entire office and i don't see him. "Up here, Miss.Potter" Dumbledore laughs.

"Sorry sir." I say looking up to see him at the top of the stairs. Unfortunately there's someone else standing with him.

"Isabella." Malfoy says with his stupid little smirk.

"You know not to call me that." I sneer trying to keep my cool. That bloody ignorant little brat.

"Call you what, Isabella?"

"Malfoy i swear to Merlin i will hex that little smirk right off."

"I dare you Isabella." I grab my wand and point it at him.

"Levicorpus!" I shout. Malfoy instantly is in the air before he can even raise his wand.

"Miss.Potter I'm going to have to ask you to put Mr.Malfoy down." Dumbledore says trying to hide his smile.

"Gladly sir." I reply dropping Malfoy on his stupid face.

"Potter you are insufferable!" Malfoy says getting up and stomping over to me.

"Oh big boy words? I didn't know you knew those." I say mocking him. Almost nose to nose yelling at each other while Dumbledore stands there snickering.

I hear the door swing open and a voice i never wanted to hear again. "Isabella Potter?" Lucius sneers. Malfoy grabs my arm and pushes me behind him.

"Father what are you doing here?" Malfoy says his grip getting stronger on my arm.

"I could ask you the same Draco."Lucius says. He walks closer looking at me. My eyes shoot for the floor. Lucius i can tell isn't very happy to see me. Malfoy blocks Lucius way to me and glares at him.

"Well i called them both down Lucius. But i do have the same question as Draco." Dumbledore speaks making Lucius end the father son state down.

"Well i heard news the Potter girl was back. Had to see for myself." Lucius responds his eyes gluing back to mine.

"Well the rumors are true. Now that you've seen I'm sure you'll be on your way." Dumbledore demands more than asks.

"Well the minister would like me to ask Potter a few questions." Lucius says grabbing my arm. Draco immediately pushes his arm away and growls. "A few questions won't hurt anyone Draco right Isabella?"

I gather up all my courage to speak. "I have nothing to say to you." I tell him.

"Now Isabella the ministry won't let you just walk in after 6 years and say nothing."

"You want a statement? Fine!" I say angrily. I get out from behind Draco who holds me back by my arm and I walk threateningly towards his father. "Here's the only thing I have to say. Make sure you write it down for the Ministry. The only people more disgraceful than Voldemort himself are the idiots who blindly follow him. And once my brother defeats every last one of them those bloody prick purebloods will work for the very muggleborns they worked so hard to eliminate." I ramble and then spit on his shoes.

"You filthy little" Lucius starts cussing at me and raises his hand slapping me right across the face. Before Dumbledore can even do anything Malfoy has already pulled me behind him quite forcefully.

"Stupefy!" Malfoy yells. Lucius goes flying to the other side of the room. Malfoy turns around and inspects the side of my face. I see Lucius about to move and i do the first thing that comes to mind.

"Obliviate!" I say, only erasing to before Malfoy attacked him. Lucius stands there for a minute looking dumbstruck.

"Well Lucius i think its about time you leave before i mention to the ministry you slapped one of my female students." Dumbledore says. Lucius storms out but not before telling Malfoy to meet him somewhere i couldn't hear.

"Are you okay?" Malfoy says not looking me in the eye.

"Little stingy from the rings but yeah. I'm used to it. Are you okay?" I say moving so that he has no choice but to look at me. He doesn't say anything but i know the answer.

"Miss.Potter I am very sorry for Mr.Malfoy's actions and will assure you he will be rightly punished." I nod my head and thank Dumbledore.

"Well i'm glad i picked Mr.Malfoy to be your tutor. He's the only one i know who would dare do that. Well besides yourself Miss.Potter."Dumbledore says starting to walk away.

"Malfoy's my tutor?" I repeat more to myself than to him. My mind takes me back to that night when i first met Dumbledore. He mentioned Draco being my tutor. I didn't know Draco Malfoy then.

"Yes Miss.Potter. Now we just have to place you in a house." Dumbledore says walking towards me with the sorting hat.

See most are worried when placed. I however know that Gryffindor is the place for me.

It's the house of my family. My parents and Harry are the most famous Gryffindors you'll ever hear of.

Dumbledore carefully placed the hat on my head."Isabella Potter?" The hat says. "I was wondering when I'd be able to see you. My, you are a little complicated."

"You have no idea." Draco scoffs. I give him a glare and he quickly shuts up.

"I know where to put you. You won't be happy. Had you come in here when you were 11 you would have had a different result." The hat says. Before I can even processed what's happened the sorting hat screams.


"What? No no no. I think you've made a mistake. I'm a Potter. My whole family's been in Gryfindor." I start ranting frantically.

"Not your whole family..." The sorting hat starts speaking but Dumbledore snatches it off my head and walks away.

"Well Miss.Potter i suggest you go pay a visit to Professor Snape and he'll take care of those cuts. Unfortunately it seems Lucius was wearing bewitched rings." Dumbledore says. I bring my hand to the side of my face and feel the big welts on the side of my face.

"And Mr.Malfoy. We both know there is only one room open in Slytherin." Dumbledore says addressing Draco.

"Sir she's not going to like that." He says getting a worried look on his face.

"You don't know what I do or don't like Malfoy." I say slightly irritated he's talking for me. "I won't like what?"

"The only dormitory left is the Head Boys." Dumbledore says.

"Oh I don't mind sharing with a boy." I say slightly calming myself down.

"I am Head Boy." Malfoy says taking a step away from me.

"So?" I sneer. And then it dawned on me "ohhhh. Yeah no I lied. I won't like that a whole lot."

"Mr.Malfoy please show her to Professor Snape and then to your dormitory." Dumbledore walks away so I have to strain my ears to hear the last part.

I stand stunned at all the events that have taken place. "Well lead the way Mr.Malfoy." I sneer. How on earth am I supposed to explain this to Harry?

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