Hidden Eyez

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Can you do an imagine where the reader’s baby daddy come and gets angry at Harrison and maybe a small fight scene?
Lana squealed happily as Harrison bounced her up and down on his knee. I smiled and he looked at me, his blue eyes crinkled with happiness.

“Up… and down. Up… and down.” He cooed, lifting her up and then bending her backwards. She giggled, her fingers in her mouth and bent her head back, as if saying to do it again. He laughed and did it a few more times before he brought her to him and blew raspberries into her neck. She squealed again and I couldn’t help but laugh, too.

“You like that?” He asked, his smile beaming. She placed a hand on his face and he bit at it, earning a squeal from Lana.

“Alright alright. Quit it before you make her lose her voice.” I said slapping his arm softly. He set Lana down and she sat on the park bench, next to Harrison.

“She’s a baby. She can’t lose a voice if she doesn’t have one yet.” He said. Lana slapped his face and I busted into a fit of laughter.

“Hey!” He pouted. Lana got down from the bench and took off running, her curls bouncing away.

“Hey! Get back here!” Harrison shouted, chasing after her. I shook my head as I gathered up our supplies. Harrison came back with Lana, her giggling and hiding her face in his neck.

“She’s embarrassed she got caught.” He laughed. I smiled and we walked home, Harrison’s fingers intertwined with mine. We got home and Harrison took Lana to her room to get dressed for her dad. As I was putting her stroller away, the doorbell rang. I got up and opened it, only to be greeted by the devil.

“Hey there sexy.” His voice said, a toothpick in his mouth.

“You’re not taking my daughter if you’re smoking.” I said, crossing my arms.

“I wasn’t thinking of it” he said, resting against the doorframe, his eyes looking me up and down.

“You look good.” He said, biting his lip. I rolled my eyes and he smiled.

“How about a kiss?” He said, reaching out for me.

“How about no.” Harrison said, holding Lana up.

“Pa!” She smiled.

“Hey there pretty girl.” He said as Harrison let her down and run to her dad. He gave her a kiss and she ran back to Harrison, holding her hands up.

“Not right now sweetie” he said, bending down to her level.

“Go get your bag sweetie. Pa’s going to take you out to eat.” I told her. She ran to her room and I could feel the tension get thicker.

“It’s good seeing you Jared.” Harrison said, coming over to my side.

“You could look better.” Jared told Harrison. I sensed Harrison tensing up.

“Well. Granted we just got out of bed. Our bed.” He said, snaking an arms around my waist. Jared’s jaw clenched.

“Of course. But Granted, that was my bed before you. Guess you’re used to being seconds.” Jared smiled, his toothpick changing positions.

“Well at least I didn’t cheat with a prostitute.” Haz snapped. Jared clenched his jaw and I stayed quiet. Jared took a step closer and Harrison pushed me behind him. They stared at one another, their heights similar.

“How about we take this outside huh?” Jared asked.

“Pretty sure your fake tan will melt.” Harrison teased.

“Why you-” Jared field, cuffing Harrison’s collar. Jared pushed Harrison to the wall behind us and Harrison kneed him in the gut.

“Jared! Harrison!” I shouted, prying them off each other. They were breathing hard and prepped their hands up when we heard a small voice.

“Daddy?” Lana said.

“Yes sweetheart?”

“Yeah sweetie?”

“Lana, come on. Pa will take you to the car.” I said, holding my hand out to her. She looked scared but came over to me.

“Bye sweetheart.” Harrison said, bending down to hug her.

“Bye daddy.” She said, kissing his cheek. I looked up at Jared and saw something flicker in his eyes: hurt. He looked up at me and cleared his throat.

“Let’s go sweetie.” He said, picking Lana up.

“Where we eating Pa?” She asked.
“Chinese. Your favorite.” He smiled. She giggled and waved goodbye as Jared put her into her car seat in the back, and drove off.

I looked at Harrison and scowled.

“What?” He asked.

“Can’t believe you guys were going to fight. In the house. With Lana inside.” I said, shaking my head and heading over to the fridge for a water.

“I wasn’t going to actually fight him.” He said, wrapping his arms around me from behind.

“Oh yeah. Sure. Your prepped hands totally fooled him.” I replied, rolling my eyes. He gave the crook of my neck a kiss and sighed.

“I would never do that with Lana present.”

“You shouldn’t do it ever.” I stated, turning around to face him.

“I was doing it to scare him.” He said.

“Sure you were tough guy.” I teased. He smiled and pecked my lips.

“How about we go have our own time together?”

“I’d say that sounds like a pretty good idea.” I said, my arms wrapped around his neck. He bit his lip and picked me up, making me giggle as he carried me to the bedroom.

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