Did I Ruin Something?

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"I'll be there soon babe." Tom texted. I smiled down at my phone and felt my stomach fill with butterflies. Tom hardly got to come home and when he did, it was for short periods. We never got to see one another, which hurt us but we got through it together. I watched as an airplane landed and I hoped it was Tom's. I saw him go down the planes stairs with his hoodie over his head and I felt excited again. I saw him come out from the door and I ran towards him. He dropped his bags and engulfed me in a hug.

"Oomph!" he said, as I jumped into his arms.

"Well hello to you, too."he laughed. As I buried my head in his neck, he lifted me off the ground making me laugh.

"Tom! Put me down!" I instructed. He set me down and looked at me.

"I swear... You get more beautiful everytime I look at you." he said, searching my face.

"Oh shut up you big goof and give me a kiss."

He smiled and wrapped an arm around my waist, bringing me closer. He nuzzled my neck for a while and planted a few kisses here and there. I giggled.

"That's not what I meant Tom."

"I know. " He said in my neck, his breath tickling me. He brought my face to face his and planted a soft kiss on my lips.

"Man have I missed this." he said smiling afterwards. I smiled and leaned in for another kiss. He bit my bottom lip and then grabbed his bags.

"Let's finish this at home shall we?" he suggested. I nodded and helped him with his bags. I drove us home and as soon as we got home Tom threw me over his shoulder.

"Tom! What about your bags!?" I asked.

"We have tomorrow. Right now I need some you time." he said. I rolled my eyes and stared at the ground. He plopped me down onto the couch and hovered above me.

"I really missed you." he said, kissing all over my face. I went into a fit of giggles at the touch.

"What's so funny?" he said, a slight smirk forming. I just shrugged and he went back to doing it but a bit faster now. I started to laugh again and he ended up leaving a big kiss on my lips as the finale. Tom started to laugh as I  wiped my face.

"You're gross Holland." I teased.

"Yeah. But you love it." he said. I smiled and nodded a yes. He leaned back in and gave me another kiss, this one a little more heated than the others. He moved down from my lips to my neck, leaving soft kisses. His mouth found its way to the left side of my neck and started to suck. I closed my eyes, feeling his lips move , making me feel happy that he was finally home.

He brought his lips back to mine, biting them softly. I placed a hand on his chest and pushed him back, so I could climb onto his lap. I gave him small kisses on his jawline and headed down towards his neck. His Adams apple bobbed and I gave it a small kiss, making it bob again. I could feel how hard he was and I smiled. I found his sweet spot between his shoulder and his ear and began to leave a love bite.

"I've really, really missed this, Love." he said, his hands feeling my hips. I bit his sweet spot making him intake a breath of air quickly.

"So have I." I said lifting his shirt up. My hands roamed his torso, feeling the crevices of his body. He went back towards my neck, leaving a few more love bites than I did as I played with his hair. I lifted up my shirt and Tom gave me a kiss. His hands went up and down the hollows of my hips slowly, making me shiver. I went back to his neck and he continued to roam my body. The touch of his hands made me shiver and he knew what he was doing.

He was being a tease.

This cheeky boy.

I continued to bite his neck, but made sure to grind on him every once in a while. A small moan escaped his lips making me smile. He made me face him and stared me down.

"That is not nice, Love." he said, his pupils dilating. I bit my lip and smiled like a little kid.

"What's not?" I asked innocently. He smirked and gave me a kiss. I was fazed slightly but gave in to his lips. His hands continues to roam my hips bit found their way towards my chest, giving it a slight squeeze. I gasped in our kiss and stared at Tom.

"Hey. We had to get even somehow." he smirked as I glared at him. But before I could take his pants off, someone knocked on the door. We both groaned.

"Who could that be?" he asked. I shrugged, got off of Tom and picked up my shirt.

"What? That's  it?" he asked, raising his hands up.

"The mood got killed." I smiled. He ran his hand over his face and sighed. The door got knocked on again.

"Alright alright. I'm coming." Tom yelled, grabbing his shirt and throwing it over his head. I followed him and he looked through the curtain.

"Bloody hell. That explains the mood being ruined." he said opening the door.

There stood Harrison. With pizza. And drinks.  He stood there smiling and then noticed our necks.

"Did I ruin something?" he asked.

"Oh no Harrison. Not at all." I said sarcastically. Tom snickered and Harrison pouted.

"It's all good mate. Come on in then. Let's eat." Tom said throwing an arm over Harrison's shoulder.

We helped him set the food down and I grabbed some movies that I had. We voted on "The Proposal" and sat down in the living room. Harrison took the beanbag while Tom and I took the sofa.

"I'm sorry you guys." Harrison said, lifting his pizza to his mouth.

"For what?" Tom and I said together.

"For ruining your guys' make out session." Harrison said through a mouthful of pizza. Tom and I started to stutter.

"Uh what make out session?"

"What? Nooo...."

"I'm not dumb mates. I can see the bites." he laughed. Tom and I looked at one another, both of us red.

"Alright. You got us. Now eat your pizza Harrison." Tom said.

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