Dating Tom

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“So when’s the wedding Thomas.” Dominic teased, biting into an apple. I blushed as Tom swatted his fathers arm.

“As soon as you give me the money for a ring.“he said back. His father grabbed him by the neck and ruffled his hair.

“Such a smart ass.” Dominic said, letting Tom go. I giggled as he came over to me so I could fix his hair.

“Awe. Tommy is having his girlfriend fix his hair cause he isn’t man enough to fix it himself.” Sam said, shooting me a wink. Dominic swatted Sam with the book he was reading but was smiling.

“I enjoy doing it Sam.” I said, sticking my tongue out. I fixed it up and he smiled at me.

“Thanks Love.” I smiled and he went behind me, resting his chin on my shoulder and wrapping his arms around my waist.

“Would you mind grabbing my phone from the living room? I have to see if my Aunt texted.” I asked Tom. He nodded and left, causing Sam to snicker. Harry walked in and looked at Sam.

“What’s so funny?” Harry asked.

“Y/N has Tom wrapped around her finger.” Sam said, taking a swig of water from the bottle he had.

“At least I have a girlfriend.” Tom said, handing me my phone. I excused myself to the restroom and when I came out, I could hear the boys in the living room. I walked over and saw them all wrestling and started to laugh at how ridiculous they looked.

“If I win, Y/N is mine!“ Harry said, jumping onto Sam.

“No way! If I win, Y/N will be mine!” Sam said, knocking Harry off.

“Bloody hell! You gits think you’re actually going to win??? Y/N will always be mine whether I win or not!“ Tom said, tackling both boys onto the couch. I shook my head no and Dominic came in with some popcorn.

“This is better than that book I was reading.” he said, holding the bowl out to me. I shrugged and took a handful, eating them one at a time. We watched the boys fighting until they tackled Tom to the ground.

“Guess Sam and Harry have to fight for Y/N then.” Dominic said, flinging a few pieces of popcorn at Tom.

“There will be no fighting.” Nikki said, entering the room. The boys whined and Tom came over and sat next to me.

“You sucked babe.” I teased.

“It was 1 VS 2 Love.” he pouted, out of breath.. I smiled and kissed his temple, groaning at how sweaty he was.

“Oh you know you love it.” he said, rubbing his face over my neck. I giggled and pushed him away but he came back and started to tickle me.

“Tom stop it!” I giggled.

“Not. Until. You. Apologize.” he said.

“Okay okay! I’m sorry.” I said, crying from laughter. He stopped and helped me up.

“I love you.” he said, smiling at me.

“I love you, too you loser.” I said. He leaned in and his lips met mine, his arms snaking their way around my waist, bringing me closer. My arms wrapped around his neck and pulled his hair slightly.

“Ew!!! They’re making out on the couch!” Both Sam and Harry yelled. We pulled apart and Tom glared at them.

“Why you little shits.” Tom said, chasing after them.

Boys! No running in the house!” Nikki said from the kitchen. I laughed quietly to myself and went to the kitchen to help her with dinner as the boys ran through the house.

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