Dating Haz Osterfield

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~Him waking you up for nothing~

⭐"Babe…Babe.. BABE.“

⭐"What is it Harrison?” You groan, turning onto your back to face him, the darkness of the room hiding his expression.

⭐"Are you awake?“ He asks. You grab your pillow and wack him softly.

⭐"You’re a dick Osterfield.” You groan, fixing your pillow back under your head.

⭐"I mean…. you love my dick so yeah.“ He says, chuckling. You roll your eyes.

⭐"That may be true. But you’re a dick who won’t let me sleep.”

⭐You feel his arms snake around your waist, bringing you closer.

⭐"I just wanted to tell you that I love you.“ He says, kissing down from your neck to your shoulder. You sigh and face him.

⭐"And I love your dick. Good night.” You say, pecking his lips and closing your eyes.

⭐"Well that took an unexpected turn.“ You hear him mumble. You smile and knock out.

~Haz leaving love bites~

🔥You’re at your art easel, swaying your hips to the music softly playing from your radio, the paint brush moving along with you.
🔥You were painting a landscape scene for your good friend Ellie.

🔥"Can you not do that?” Haz asks from his place on the couch, slightly startling you.

🔥"When did you come home?“ You ask, turning around.

🔥"Just now. And stop that.” He says.

🔥"Stop what?“ You ask, going back to your painting.

🔥"Looking sexy.” He says. You snort and continue stroking the canvas, your hips swaying minimally to the song that was playing.

🔥You feel arms wrap around your waist, swaying with you and smile.

🔥"Must you always tempt me?“ He whispers in your ear, leaving a small trace of kisses down to your shoulder slowly.

🔥He knew doing that made you crazy. You try to ignore him and continue painting.

🔥He began to suck on the crook of your neck, making you bite your lip and hold back a small moan. He continues, his mouth becoming one with your neck.

🔥He moves on a bit higher, finding your spot and sucking.

🔥You roll your head to the side, giving him better access and he smiles.

🔥"I’m just getting started.” He whispers, his hands rubbing your thighs.

~Harry teasing Harrison~

♣"Are you calling her again?“ Harry says.

♣"You’ll understand when you have a girlfriend.” Harrison says, waiting for you to answer.

♣"Hi babe.“ You smile, seeing Haz in bed.

♣"Hello beautiful.” He says back, smiling.

♣"You doing okay?“ You ask, wondering why he’s called.

♣"Just checking up on you.” He says.

♣"IT’S GROSS! HE’S SO ANNOYING.!“ You hear a familiar voice say.

♣"Oh shut up Harry.” You hear Haz say. You giggle.

♣"Sorry about that.“ he laughs, turning the camera onto Harry then back on him.

♣"I know.”

♣"I’ll call you tonight okay? Moana is singing right now.“ Haz says. You laugh.

♣"Pretty sure your girlfriend is important enough.” You tease.

♣"You are… but my song is about to play so I’ll talk to you later. I love you.“ He smiles.

♣You roll your eyes and repeat those three words, hanging up on him to change for work.

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