Dating Tom Holland Part 2

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~Rainy days always being a plus one.~
❣ “Come on Tom, let’s dance!” You say, the rain matting the hair to your face.

❣ “Darling it’s too cold.” Tom whined.

❣ You pout and continue dancing alone, turning your back onto him.

❣ You feel strong arms wrap around you, slowly rocking you side to side.

❣ “I’m messing up my hair for you.” He whispers in you ear.

❣ “You care more about your hair than me.” You pout, getting away from his grip.

❣ He grabs your wrist and twirls you into a slow dance position.

❣ You stare into his eyes, water trickling down his hair and falling onto your face. He smiles at you.

❣ “The hair is for you Love.” He says, bringing you in for a kiss.

~Tom being drained from work.~
🌸 “Love I’m home!” You hear Tom shout and the front door closing.

🌸 You come out of your guys’ room, wearing his button up and boy shorts.

🌸 He smiles at you, lifting you up as he hugs you.

🌸 “How about we order some pizza?” He asks, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. You smile.

🌸"Funny. I had just ordered one."

🌸 The pizza arrives and you guys eat, Tom talking about what he did.

🌸 You guys plop yourselves onto the couch, Tom laying down on your lap and playing with you fingers. He kisses them occasionally, getting your attention.

🌸 “I love you.” He’ll say every few minutes. You would reply back and his smile would get bigger.

🌸 You smile every time he does that because it melts your heart. You place your hand on his head, slowly scratching it and you feel him let out a small and quiet sigh. You stop and his eyes open back up.

🌸 “Why’d you stop?” He asks, his eyes looking like a puppy. You giggle and continue, earning a smile from him. He closes his eyes again and you scratch his scalp.

🌸 You do this for a while, rubbing you hand softly over his face, giving him a small massage on his temple. He lets out a small moan, meaning he enjoys it.

🌸 You pull back his hair and place a kiss on his forehead. He opens one eye and purses his lips. You roll your eyes and lean down for a kiss.

🌸 You’re about to sit up when he tells you no. You lean back down and he cradles your face.

🌸 “I love you.” He says sleepily. You smile and peck his lips a little longer.

🌸 “I know. I love you too.” You say, going back to scratching his scalp, only to hear him softly snoring in your lap.

~You and Tom fighting.~
⏳ “You promised!” You cry, the tears stinging your eyes. He stared at you, his eyes fuming.

⏳"What exactly did I promise you? My freedom?“ He says, his voice not quite raised.

⏳"You promised to be home before 6!” You shout. He gets angry and pulls his hair.

⏳ “What is with you?!” He groans, walking away into the living room.

⏳"Me?!? I’m not an ignorant person.“ You yell after him. He turned to face you, making you startled.


⏳You’re taken back and the tears come, not even slowly. Full on sobbing occurs. He notices his words and goes to comfort you, but you push him away to sit on the couch.

⏳"L-Love? Come on now… you know I didn’t mean it.“ He coos, placing a hand onto your back as you cried.

⏳ “How could you forget?” You sob.

⏳ “What did I forget?” He asks.

⏳ You look up at him, horrified.

⏳ “Does our anniversary mean nothing?” You ask. His face falls and he looks away.

⏳ “That’s what I thought.” You say getting up.

⏳ “Where are you going?” He asks, following you.

⏳ “I’m going to Nat’s place. I just need some space.” You tell him, grabbing a change of clothes and slamming the front door on him.

~Tom making it up.~
✨ “It was one anniversary.” Harrison says, dipping his fry in some ketchup. You sigh.

✨ “I know Haz but..that was my best one yet.” You say, dipping yours in ranch.

✨ “Why?” He says, a mouthful of burger. You give a small smile.

✨ “It’s the longest one I’ve had. Three years beats a year Haz.” You tell him, passing a napkin over. He thanks you and cleans up his mouth.

✨ “You sure he didn’t forget?” He asks, taking a sip of his drink.

✨ “I wasn’t. But his face said it all.” You say, taking a pickle slice out and eating it.

✨ You notice a big commotion happening outside and you look out the window. A huge crowd had formed and both you and Harrison go outside.

✨ You look up and see a Billboard sign that reads,

“I was an ass. I didn’t completely forget. I remembered. I just didn’t have something to give. Until now. Turn around.”

✨You turn around and see someone in a Spidey suit descend upside down from the building. You look up and see people on the roof, giving you a thumbs up.

✨ “Seems like someone owes you an apology.” Harrison jokes. Spidey turns to him and punches his arm and I laugh.

✨ Someone comes up and hands me a bouquet of roses, along with a huge teddy bear. I had them over to Haz, who groans.

✨"Y/F/N Y/M/N Y/L/N, I have been amazed these past three years and honesty, you’ve made me the happiest guy to ever live. I may have not gotten you anything for our anniversary.“ He says.

✨A bigger crowd begins to close in around us as he continues.

✨ “What I’m trying to say is… will you marry me?” He says, tearing the mask off. I blink through the tears and stare back at Tom. I see him pull out a small box and he opens it, still upside down.

✨ It was a beautiful skinny sapphire ring, my birthstone. I cover my mouth and nod, the tears flowing. Everyone cheers around us and he brings me closer, performing the iconic upside down Spiderman kiss.

✨"Congrats on the engagement.. but can we go? This bear weighs a ton.“ Harrison groans.

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