Dating Tom Holland 3

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Teasing Tom On His LSB
☂ "Leave me alone." You pout.
☂ A soggy Tom emerges from the stage, his smile huge and lips matted with red lipstick.
☂ "Come here Love." He smiles, engulfing you a hug.
☂ You squirm at the wet plastic and he smothers you in kisses around your face and neck.
☂ "Did you like it?" He asks, letting you go. You clean your face.
☂ "I hate the fact that you look better in that than I would." You joke. He grabs your waist and pulls you closer.
☂ "I bet they'll let us take this home... and you can try it on..." he says in your ear. He squeezes your arse and you smile.
☂ "I think Tomalina needs to go back under that rain cause she's being a little thirsty right now." You imply.
☂ "Tomalina?" He questions. You smile.
☂ "Yes.... Tomalina." You say with a smirk.

Getting Free Dessert
🍰 "Darling it's not going to work." Tom scowls as you guys enter the restaurant.
🍰 "Trust me Tom. It will. Well... might." You smile, leading him to a table. You take your seats and wait for the perfect moment.
🍰 "Excuse me everyone!" Tom clinks his glass. Everyone silently quiets down.
🍰 "I uh.. have an announcement to make." He swallows. Everyone stares at him and he takes a deep breath, grabbing your hand. You try not to break character.
🍰 "Darling.. we've been together forever and I just want you to know, that without you, I wouldn't be who I am today. So with that... will you marry me?" Tom asks, pulling out the ring you guys bought from one of those candy machines.
🍰 "Of course I will!" You squeal. You guys hug and kiss while the resturaunt explodes into cheering.
🍰 A few minutes later, a piece of cake and some other goodies arrive with a cute little note.
🍰 You read it, only to have it say "Congrats on the engagement!"
🍰 You and Tom look at one another and burst into a fit of laughter, causing everyone to look at you.
🍰 You guys quiet down and eat  the sweets.

Tom face timing in London
📱"Hey gorgeous!" he smiles as you face pops up onto his screen.
📱 "Hi Holland." you smile. He pouts.
📱 "Guess who's with me..." he beams.
📱 "Harrison?" you ask. He shakes his head and flips the camera after two tries. You smile.
📱 You see Tessa sniffing around a pole and he moves the camera upward, showing Paddy learning to play Tennis.
📱 "Paddy is too cute!" you laugh and Tom calls over Tessa.
📱 "But I'm cuter right?" he says as Tess nuzzles his arm. You shake your head no.
📱 "I don't know. Paddy's freckles are pretty cute " you tease.
📱 "Well we're on a date." he says kissing Tess' head. "We're in love."
📱 You roll your eyes as the sounds of Tom kissing Tessa's head fill your ears.
📱 "You're mean." you laugh.
📱 "You started it by saying Paddy's freckles are cute." he pouts.
📱 "They're a chick magnet." you tell Tom. He pouts even harder.
📱 "And I'm not?"
📱 "No. Because you're dating me." you say moving the hair out of your face. You look back at the screen to see Tom smiling at you.
📱 "That's right darling. Don't you forget it."
📱 "Tom! Come look at this!" you hear Paddy call.
📱 "I got to go Love. I'll call you before you sleep okay?" he says, smiling.
📱 "You better." you say.
📱 He sends you a kiss and you roll your eyes, laughing.
📱"I expect one back." he says. You smile and send him one back, where he pretends to catch it and holds it to this heart.
📱 "You're such a dork." you smile.
📱 "Yeah but I'm your dork." he smiles.
📱 "Oh my God. Go see Paddy." you laugh.

Tom helping you de stress
⭐You come home, your hair messy and the curls starting to come out of your ponytail.
⭐You open the door to only be hit with the aroma of something delicious. You take a deep breath and sigh.
⭐ "Dinner is almost ready." you hear a voice from the kitchen say.
⭐ You head over and see Tom cooking. He hears you, comes over and pecks your cheek.
⭐ "Get changed. You need it." he teases. You look down at your uniform and laugh.
⭐ "So bossy." you smirk. He sticks his tongue out and you do as well.
⭐ You come back out, wearing one of his shirts and some basketball shorts, your curls loose from being tied up all day.
⭐ You look at the table and see spaghetti and some garlic bread made, as well as drinks placed out. You smile.
⭐ "Tom.. You didn't have too." you smile, his doing warming your heart. He shrugs.
⭐ "You always have dinner for me when I come home or we go out and eat. I wanted to do something special." he says. You head over and give him a peck.
⭐ "You're something special Tommy." you smile.
⭐ "Because you make me special." he says. You laugh.
⭐"Stop being so cheesy." you say, smacking his arm playfully.
⭐ You two enjoy dinner and end up snuggled on the couch, Tom paying with your hair, his fingers soft and making you feel sleepy.
⭐ He stops and you look up at him. He's looking down at you and smiling.
⭐ "What?" you ask
⭐ "I just wanted to see your face." he smiles, searching your face. You make an ugly face and he laughs.
⭐ "Don't do that." he says.
⭐ "Do what. This?" you say making another one.
⭐ He starts tickling you and you giggle, trying to move his hands away.
⭐ "Make another face. I dare you." he laughs. You're laughing too much to even tell him to stop and after a while he stops, letting you regain your breath.
⭐ "Feel better?" he asks.
⭐ "What?" you say, wiping your face from the tears you had.
⭐ "You feel de stressed?" he asks again.
⭐ You take a moment to gather everything up and smile.
⭐ "Yes I am. Thanks Tommy." you say, slipping into his arms. He kisses your head and rubs your back.
⭐ "I try my best." he says.
⭐ "I'll appreciate anything Tom." you say, looking at him.
⭐ He cups your cheek and leans in for a kiss when the door gets knocked on.
⭐"Bloody hell..." he mutters, making you smile.
⭐ "Anyone home!?!" a familiar voice calls out.
⭐ You look at Tom and he looks at you .
⭐ "Harrison." you both say.

Make sure you guys check out my good friend Bria1996_! Her writing is absolutely adorable and so relatable!!!

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