Right There

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I heard my phone vibrating on my nightstand. I groaned and picked it up, blinded by the dim light. A FaceTime call from Harrison was shown.

"What the fuck Haz? It's 2 in the morning." I said, scowling.

"Well hello to you." he said, pretending to be hurt.

"I'm hanging up." I said, my finger hovering over "End Call".

"No! Please.. Just... Tom needs you." Harrison said, biting his lip.

"Why didn't he just text me?" I asked, feeling annoyed from Harrison yet concerned for Tom.

"No. He needs you." Harrison said, putting more emphasis on "need".

Oh... He needed me like that.

"I'll be on the next plane." I said, rubbing my eyes. Harrison smiled and told me he would pay.

"Nono. I got this." I said, standing up to get dressed.

"I insist." Harrison said.

"You can pay my way back home." I said, grabbing a duffel bag and setting my phone to rest on my dresser.

I finally got to the airport and as I escalated down the escalator, I could see Harrison, but not Tom. As soon as I got to Harrison I punched him in the arm.

"Okay first off... Ow! Why've you done that?" he cried.

"For ruining my beauty sleep." I mocked. He made a face but pulled me into a hug.

"Tom's at the set filming and I told him I wasn't feeling well." Harrison explained as we got into a cab. We got to their place after two hours of driving and I set my stuff down in the living room, looking around.

"When will he be back?" I asked.

"About an hour or earlier." Haz said, fixing himself and I a sandwich.

Harrison and I were sitting on the couch, watching t.v when we heard the door being unlocked. We looked at each other and I got up and ran to the bathroom.

"Hey Haz." I heard Tom say. He sounded really tired.

"Hey Tom. H-how was filming?" Harrison said, out of breath.

"You good mate?" Tom asked.

"Oh yeah just... Excited to see you. Well.. I'm pretty sure you're tired and hungry." Harrison said. I heard footsteps coming closer and then stop near the door.

"I am." Tom sighed, his voice farther. I heard the refrigerator being opened and being rummaged through. I opened the door a smidge and Harrison was in front of it. He noticed and nodded, opening it more for me, quietly.

"Yeah. I'm starving." I said, leaning against the wall. Tom looked up and dropped the water bottle he had grabbed.

"Wh-what? What are you doing here?" he asked, coming over and engulfing me in a hug. I smiled and kissed his cheek.

"Harrison said you needed me." I said, touching his cheek. He nodded and put his head back in my neck, his breathing tickling me a bit.

"I've really been stressed Love." he said, the vibrations of his voice sending me into giggles. He looked up and smiled.

"Sorry." he apologized.

"Well... Good for you guys. But I'm actually hungry so..." Harrison said, pointing towards the door, indicating Tom to hurry up.

"Alright alright. Why don't we just order pizza instead? And have a movie night?" Tom suggested.

"I can go get some movies downtown." Harrison said, looking at his phone.

"I can order the pizza."I said.

We all came up with a game plan. Harrison would go to the nearest movie store (40 minutes away) instead of going downtown, me ordering two pizzas and some drinks from the market around the corner while Tom showered.

"I'm going to go wait for the cab downstairs. See ya soon." Harrison said, high-fiving Tom and pinching my arm. I pinched him back and he left, sticking his tongue out at me. Tom came over and wrapped his arms around me from behind.

"I'm glad Harrison called you." he said, kissing my neck and then resting his head on my shoulder. I turned and wrapped my arms around him.

"So am I. Now go shower, you smell like sweat." I teased. He pouted and then smirked.

"Care to join me...?" he said, slowly leading me towards the bathroom. I smacked his arm playfully.

"Maybe next time." I said. He pouted but nodded an okay.

I got back with the drinks and the pizza wasn't to be delivered until a few more minutes. Harrison should be back before it though. I came back to see Tom out of the shower and getting cups and plates.

"We good?" I asked, setting the bags down. He nodded and I grabbed his hand, leading him to the couch. We snuggled for a while before he brought my chin up to face him.

"I love you.." he said, stroking my cheek.

"I love me too." I teased. He pinched my cheek and I brought myself up a bit to kiss him. It heated up fairly quickly, him soon on top of me. He started leaving small kisses around my neck, sucking my soft spot which was on the left side of my neck, just below my ear.

"Babe... Don't leave a hickey." I told him. He smiled against my neck and bit the skin.

"Just a small one for now." he winked, bringing his lips back to mine. The door unlocked and we looked to see Harrison with a bag. He saw and pretended to puke.

"I am traumatized." he said. Tom and I rolled our eyes and he got off, going over to see the choices we had. I sat up as the door was knocked on. The pizza was here which meant Movie Night was ready. We settled on Disney's "Hercules" and soon all fell asleep halfway through the movie.

Well.. Harrison fell asleep first but Tom and I drifted off close after.

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