Dating Tom Holland Part 1

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~Standing out in the rain~
♦"Darling, come back inside! You’ll catch cold!"
♦"But Tom… It feels good.”
♦Tom running out to join you, an umbrella in his hand.
♦"You can stand under my umbrella." he smiles.

~Starting play fights with just about anything.~
🔹"Pass me the flour please?"
🔹Tom flicking a small bunch at you, causing you to gasp and flick some back.
🔹"Oh it’s on Love.”
🔹You guys throwing things at each other whilst running through the house.
🔹"No. NO. Put. The. Cookie. Batter. Down darling."
🔹"Not until you put down the egg.”
🔹"What egg? You mean..this one?“ he says, cracking it and throwing the excess gunk at you.
🔹You flinging some of the cookie batter at him and he tackles you to the ground.
🔹"We did a good job.” he says on top of you and wiping off a piece of batter and eating it. He kisses you and you giggle.
🔹“Mmm. Cookie Batter.”

~Shutting you up with kisses.~
🔸"Love, it’s just a movie.“
🔸"Just a movie Tom? That’s like saying Tessa is just a dog.”
🔸"Love, she is a dog.“ he says laughing.
🔸"Oh hush up. You know what I mean. I just don’t understand why-”
🔸His lips meet yours, stopping you.
🔸"Darling I love you…but shut up.“ he smiles.

~Him stressed from shooting.~
⭐"Princess… I need you… I’ve had such a shit day. I need my princess” he texts.
⭐"Aw Tom… You want to go out and eat?"
⭐"Not really.."
⭐"Want me to drive to the set?"
⭐"A little…..”
⭐"You’re such a baby. I’m on my way."
⭐"Am not! And hurrryyy.”

~Him traveling messes up your guys’ time zones.~
💬"It’s 3am and I want you to know that I really fucking love you."
💬"I don’t care. Your good mornings are more important than sleep."
💬"No… Sleep is important my Love. Goodnight, and I’ll see you real soon ❤”
💬"Love you Tom 💙"

~Him texting you before his plane lands at the airport.~
⚡"Did you know…"
⚡"Know what?"
⚡"That I love you.”
⚡"Lol did you know…"
⚡"That I love you.”
⚡"I love you too."
⚡"To the moon and back?”
⚡"Forever my darling."
⚡"And ever."

~You guys going over to his parents house during the holidays.~
🌺 Him letting you wrap your legs around his as you both watched a movie in his room upstairs.
🌺Running your hands through his hair as he moved to lay on you lap.
🌺Playing with his hands after.
🌺Falling asleep in his arms whilst at his parents house due to jet lag.
🌺"Tom! Y/N! Dinner’s ready!“ His mom calls, going upstairs. She opens the door to see you guys snuggled up and smiles.
🌺You wake up later on, to see Tom and his brothers outside playing Basketball from his window.
🌺You going downstairs to see his parents talking.
🌺"Oh! Hope you and Tom slept well. Dinner is in the kitchen if you would like some dear." his mom said smiling.
🌺"We’re glad he’s found someone to keep him grounded. Harrison wasn’t enough.” His father jokes.

~You having to leave due to a job matter.~
💎"I hate waking up early.“ You tell Tom, stuffing your bag.
💎"I hate waking up.. And hearing your voice over the phone.. When I should be hearing it right next to me.” he says, his head resting on your shoulder as you packed.
💎"I love you.“ you whisper, facing Tom.
💎"I love you.“he says, pecking your cheek and grabbing his keys to drive you to the airport.

~You guys are home, walking around the park.~
👑"Hey darling?”
👑"Yes Tom”
👑"I wanna be a superhero. Guess my name."
👑"Nope. Your Man.”
👑"You’re a dork Holland."

~Tom only having another week of break before he goes to New York to shoot.~
✨You start dancing around as you clean the living room barefoot.
✨Him watching you and then joining you.
✨Him dipping and spinning you.
✨"Guess all those dance lessons paid off." he teases.
✨"And by dance lessons you mean genetics” you smile.
✨Him showering you with kisses because you’re adorable.
✨"Did *Kiss* I Kiss* tell *Kiss* you *Kiss* that* Kiss* I *Kiss* love *Kiss* You? *Kiss*.

~Going home and just enjoying each others company before he has to leave for shooting.~

🌟"Darling, I love you.“ he says as you guys are doing a 100 piece puzzle on the floor.
🌟You look up at him, sitting up just to peck his cheek.
🌟"I love you too.”
🌟You guys kiss and it gets heated.
🌟Him being an absolute gentlemen.
🌟But can be whatever you want if you ask.
🌟Him always making sure you’re okay as you guys progress more. 👉👌

~Dropping him off at the airport~
💫Kissing him goodbye at the airport and turning to leave, only to have him call your name.
💫"Yes Tom?"
💫You see his bags on the floor and arms wide open.
💫You go and hug him.
💫"I just needed to smell you again.” he whispers.
💫You giggle and kiss his chest
💫"I left a jacket of mine in your bag. The one I always wear but it’s too big for me?"
💫"Of course.” he says, looking down and smiling
💫You guys kiss one last time and wave goodbye as he enters the tunnel.

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