Part 1: Beginning Without Him

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NOTE: If you do not like spoilers for The Fault in our Stars, or did not read TFIOS, please do not read  this (well unless you do like spoilers of course)!  This is a fanfiction that I had made immediately after I finished TFIOS and is in Hazel's POV!  It takes place a few years after... well, you know.  Anyways, enjoy! :) Okay?

"Good morning Philip."  I whisper to my oxygen concentrater as I sluggishly climb out of bed.  Carefully, I pull the BiPAP tubes out of my small nose, and hook up Philip.  I reach over across my queen-sized bed and grab my cellphone off the drawer aside of it to check the time.  Once the screen lights up with a blinding glow, it reads, 10:23 am.  I switch it back off, place it gently back on the table, and slowly make my way to the kitchen.

"Good morning sweetie, Did you sleep well?"  my mother asks softly once I am in the kitchen.  "Yeah."  "Okay good."  she stares at me with light, kind eyes and gives me a warm smile as she gives me a plate of scrambled eggs, two pancakes, a few strips of bacon, and a scoop of hashed browns along with a glass of orange juice.  I quietly walk into the dining room, and take a seat at the dinner table, eager to eat.  While I munch on my bacon strip, I begin to organize my plans for today in my head.  Okay, so first things first, I think, call Issac to ask him when I should pick him up from his house to visit Gus' grave.  Second, well... visit his grave.  It has been a couple of years since Augustus has died, and every two or three days ever since, Issac and I try to visit his grave if we aren't busy.  And in most cases, we aren't busy.  So every Wednesday before Support Group, and Saturday, I drive over to Isaac's house to pick him up, and we drive to the cemetery where Gus was buried.  

When we get there, Issac and I usually sit side by side in front of Augustus' grave, and kinda talk to him silently, as if he were right there standing in front of us.  Most times I still even tear up when I talk to him, and so does Issac.  We may be there for almost an hour somedays, but other days we just don't know what to say anymore.  We may even just sit there motionless, and wonder what it is like "up there", and what Gus may be doing at that moment, if doing anything at all.  I always wear the floral dress I wore to Oranjee on our Amsterdam trip to his grave, because it holds a lot of the happiest moments I had with him there, or ever.  I don't want to lose those memories.  But I know I won't.  

After we talk to Gus, we go to Support Group if it's a Wednesday, or we go out to eat if it's a Saturday.  Anyways, third, we go right ahead to Support Group, because today's a Wednesday.  Afterwards, I'll drop off Issac at his house, and maybe hang out with him for a little while and play one of his interesting but sometimes boring blind video games.  When I arrive home, I might reread The Price of Dawn series for like the sixth time, have a quick dinner with mom and dad, and go to sleep.

Seems pretty normal, I think to myself while I place my spotless plate and empty glass into the kitchen sink.  I, now full, lazily make my way to my bedroom.  I close the door with a mild slam, and sit at the edge of my unmade bed.  I take the cellphone off the oakwood drawer, and dial Issac's home number.  Graham picks up.

Like this fanfic so far?  This is only Chapter 1 of my fanfic, so comment below if you want another chapter!  Hope you enjoyed reading it! :)

A "The Fault in Our Stars" Fanfic: Infinity's EndWhere stories live. Discover now