Part 2: The Text

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I hope you all enjoyed the first part of my TFIOS fanfic!  Here is the second part! Okay?

Graham: Hello?

Me: Hey, it's me Haz-

Graham: Okay, one sec.  

Since I've been calling up Issac every few days a week for a few years, Graham pretty much gets used to it and doesn't even need me to tell him that I want to talk to Issac, so I wait.

Issac: Hello Hazel, and how are you?

Me: Oh I'm grand.

As I say it, I immediately regret it.  Why the heck did I have to say that? I think to myself.  My throat slowly chokes on tears, but I swallow it down before tears fall from my eyes.  Quickly, I change the topic, before Issac responds.

I barely spit out the words: So when do you want me to pick you up?

Issac: Uhhhh, at like 2:30?

Me: Sounds good to me.

Issac: K, thanks.

And we hang up.  I place the cellphone back on top of the drawer next to my lamp, and walk over to my double door closet.  I open one closet door, and easily find the bright colored dress among my bland clothes, and pull it out.  I slide on the dress, surprised that it still fits perfectly on me after having it for several years.  I then open my bedroom door, and walk swiftly down the stairs barefoot to slip on a pair of  flats.  I slip them on, the sparkles at the tippy-toes of my flats shimmering brightly as the beating sunlight shines down on them through the window.  I gaze up from my flats to peer out the window, and I see no gray clouds.  Just the sun and the beautifully baby-blue sky the color of Augustus' shiny blue eyes, and fluffy white clouds.  I smile with satisfaction and make my way back up the stairs to my bedroom.

As I lay down on my bed, arms spread out throughout my mattress, feet dangling off the edge, my eyes staring pointlessly up at the ceiling, my cellphone buzzes.  I sit up, and grab the phone off the desk to see who texted me.  Kaitlyn.

Kaitlyn: Heya.

I text back: Hey.

Kaitlyn: Guess what?!

Hold on I'm guessing, I text back.

After a few seconds, I say: I give up, what is it?

Kaitlyn: Wellllll, I have this new friend of mine I would like you to meet :)

Me: Who is it?

Kaitlyn: Heh, you see, I want you to meet him in person.

Me: Wait, him?!  Please tell me you are NOT setting me up with a guy that I am probably not at all interested in as a way to "help" me move on from Augustus!

My heart thumps heavily against my chest as my pale cheeks flush to a deep red color, and anger rises up my throat, moments away from yelling at my phone.  

Kaitlyn: Maybe...

My eyebrows furrow with frustration as I text back for the millionth time: Ugh, K!  My teeth clench so hard against each other that I begin to feel pain in my mouth as I type: I have already told you that I'm not in the mood for dating right now!!!  Just stop, K, just stop!

Kaitlyn: :( Fine, but... please?!  Just meet him.  Once.  At my house.  Tomorrow?

Me: I don't know.  I gotta go anyways.  See ya.

With a little too much force, I turn my phone off.  I just can't. I think.  I feel that if I try to date someone else, I'm betraying Gus somehow.  I shake my head with annoyance and sigh with pursed lips.  I know that Kaitlyn is my friend, and has always been, but I feel like she just doesn't understand me anymore like she used to before Gus' death.  Has she ever lost someone she actually fell deeply in love with?  No.  Has she ever experienced so much pain after losing someone she truly loves?  I don't think so.  The marks humans leave are too often scars, I think.  I just feel like telling Kaitlyn straightfoward, "This is my life, not yours!", but that would just upset her.  Then, what now?

                                                              .               .               .

It's 2:00, so I rush down the stairs and grasp my navy blue coat hanging on the coatrack, while I shove my cellphone carelessly into the pocket in my coat.  I swing the coat around my arms and pull it on, shouting from the door, "Bye mom!  Bye dad!  I'm gonna pick up Issac, visit Gus' grave, then go to Support Group.  And then probably hang around at Issac's house for a little while!"  I hear my dad answer from the living room, "Okay!  Be safe!"  I take the car keys dangling next to the door and walk outside to the driveway.  I get into the car, buckle up, and ride to Issac's house.

                                                             .                 .               .   



"Do you mind if I stay over your house for a bit after Support Group?"

"Nope, not at all."

"Cool thanks."

Issac and I ride silently for most of the way to the cemetery, although I blast up Hectic Glow music from the radio, and we sit there and jam to it contently, until we finally reach the cemetery.

"Do you think there will ever be a day when we get over Gus' death?"  Issac asks as I guide him down the path to Gus' gravestone.

"No." I reply simply.

"Me either." he says.

I hope you all liked this second part to my fanfiction!  Leave a comment or vote if you do, and tell your friends who love TFIOS about it!  Thanks :)

A "The Fault in Our Stars" Fanfic: Infinity's EndWhere stories live. Discover now