Part 12: A Plan for Vengeance

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Heya everyone!  Here's another chapter for you all!  Was your guess as to where Hazel is taking Evan to right?  I'm actually really excited to post this chapter and the next chapter, so depending on how busy I am this week, I may possibly post the next chapter before Friday if I could :).  Hope you all enjoy this chapter, okay?

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"Ready?"  I ask Evan as I stand by the doorway of the front door of his house.

"Yeah."  he tells me in a relaxed voice as he walks towards me and pulls the door open to let me through first.

While we walk down the driveway to the car, I hear Evan say to me, "Woah, nice car."

I answer in a matter-of-fact tone, "Well, technically, it's my mom's car."

"I never said it was yours."  Evan answers back and flashes me a grin with his glossy white teeth.

As I climb into the driver's seat, and Evan gets into the passenger seat next to me, I ask, "So what music are you into?  You can change the radio station if you want."

The engine slowly but surely struggles to go on, but once it's on I back out of the driveway carefully and drive in the direction towards my house.  Soon enough, the radio station buzzes with Fallen by Imagine Dragons, and I say to Evan, "Do you like this song?"

"I've heard it a couple of times," Evan answers, "though I mostly listen to heavy metal music.  Like Metallica for example.  Now that band is sick."

"Oh.  Have you ever heard of Hectic Glow?", I question him, "They're not as heavy metal as Metallica, but they're not very mellow either."

He replies, "Yeah, I've heard of them.  Their songs are pretty good.  Do you mind if I switch the radio station though?"

"No, go ahead."  I say, and a few seconds after the radio blasts of screaming and electric guitars.  I use my right hand to cup my right ear towards the speakers for the radio, while my left hand continues to steer the driving wheel.  My eyes gradually squint thinner and thinner until I can barely see the road in front of me, as I try to decipher the words that are being shouted out of the lead singer's mouth.  If the lead singer was even singing.  It doesn't sound like it to me.  It sounds more like someone shrieking for help.  Or someone with anger management issues trying to yell over deafening music.  But I guess Evan enjoys this "music", or as I would like to call it from now on, "battles against screeching instruments playing discordant 'melodies' while using every last breath to scream inaudible words.", because I occasionally sneak a glance at Evan and watch him tap his feet at the rhythm of the song that I apparently am unaware of, and bop his head from side to side with his eyes closed and mouth curved into a smile.

Slowly, he begins to open his eyes, and notices the glum expression on my face.

He smiles amusingly at me and says, "So, I'm guessing, based off of your expression of course, that you have absolutely no idea what the lead guitarist is singing."

"You're sure right."  I answer, and add, "If the lead guitarist is even singing."

He chuckles when I say this, and says, "Oh hey!  He is most definitely singing!  Don't you even understand what his message is through the song?!"

"Oh, wow.  I could totally understand the message even through I AM CLUELESS AT WHAT HE IS SAYING."  I respond back with a laugh.

Evan laughs too, and then says, "His message is that through your great mental suffering and agony you are facing now, you should still remember that there were darker times than these."

A "The Fault in Our Stars" Fanfic: Infinity's EndWhere stories live. Discover now