The Joy

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Chapter 16:

Holding hands with a girl. This year is all coming too fast for me. It's weird how I get to go on a date and hold hands with a girl in one year. All this time of having nothing became having all this my senior year. I can't wait to see what else will happen later this year.

Thursday went by pretty slow. I really wanted Friday to come quickly,so then Thursday was quite long for me. Four classes felt like elementary school, when we stayed in the same room the whole time. I always liked school, but I was eager for it to finish already.

At lunch, all three of us spoke to each other what felt like an hour. Juan kept asking and asking how yesterday was for the both of us. We kept saying it was great, but Juan wouldn't believe us no matter how many times we said it.

"No it really was Juan," Valerie said, winking at me while saying it.

"Yeah it was," I followed.

"Ok but it could've been more great," he said, then winked at both of us. At first, we were clueless. Then Juan pointed at his lips, and me and Valerie both laughed and punched him in both arms.

"Ow," he said, rubbing his arms like he's never been punched before by me. But maybe Valerie was pretty strong, and punched him even harder. He was rubbing his left shoulder a lot, where Valerie took a hit at him.

After lunch, we still had two more classes, which for me were my favorite but today I wanted them to be fast. Unfortunately, we had to take an hours time of notes in our notebook for both classes. After the bell rang to go to our lockers, my hand was still spazzing out as I tried to open my locker.

"Need help," I heard Juan asked behind me.

"Yes and this is between you and me," I told him back. I made sure the coast was clear, and then let him open it for me. Kids were always picking on boys who couldn't open there lockers at my school. I would laugh with them, but today I didn't want to be a victim.

"Thanks bro," I told him after he unlocked my locker.

"Your welcome weakling," he said right back, grabbing my fingers and cracking them. They cracked loudly, and painfully, making me leap in pain.


I had to say, I give him props on that one. He always got his revenge, no matter if it was the next second or a year later. He always figured out a way to get it.

"Are we even now?"

"Yeah we are," he answered back.

"Ok good because your paybacks freakin hurt," I said to him, making sure the message got to him clearly. One time, he dropped 5 textbooks on my foot while I was watching tv. I couldn't feel my toes for a week.

"I know they do" he told me with a smirk. He was such a butt sometimes.

After my lockers, we took to the school bus and made it home. My mom was at the front door, waiting for me to get back since probably forever. I told her Wednesday night about when I asked her and she said yes, and she totally flipped out.

"My sons growing up so fast," she said, whipping a fake tear away from her eyes. I felt bad since she finally told me this when I am seventeen.

"Be quiet mom," I said to her in a funny way.

Today when I walked in, she grabbed my hand, spun me around, and pushed me onto the chair. I felt dizzy, the world spinning and swaying from one side to the other.

"So what happened today!"

My mom nearly screamed that, almost loud enough for the neighbors to here across the street.

"With what?" I questioned.

"You and your lover!" My mom said back, with a big, wide smile across her face. My mom was one of those moms who acted like a teenager, even though she was too old for that.

"Oh nothing...." I said back.

"Psh Fernando I know when you lie because your ears get red," she said. Dang it, this women knew me well!

"Fine.....we kind of........held hands."

At that moment my mom wrapped her arms around me and squeezed me like a stress ball. My mom works out in her free time, mostly lifting weights so she has muscles there. I was loosing breath as time went by, which was only five seconds but felt like hours.

"I'm so proud of you," she told me right after she released the grip she had on me.

"Your welcome," I managed to get out, gasping for air. I had to say, she is very strong.

After that, I went upstairs to do my homework. I had a ton of it, from packet to packet. I managed to finish it in an hour and a half, since I'm a smarty pants like that. When I finished with my homework, I went downstairs to the kitchen. My mom set the table with one of my favorite dishes, chicken quesadillas.

"Celebration!" My mom was singing when I walked into the kitchen.

"Wow!" I said when I saw the table set up and my mom singing.

"What? This is what you deserve for going on a date!"

I didn't want to be optimistic, so I agreed and ate the quesadillas one at a time. I thought they were delicious, not like the tacos from yesterday, but very good. I ate many of them, my mom having to make more and more.

After dinner, I took a shower, brushed my teeth, and went to bed early. I was reading a book to pass the time, since it was only 7:30.

When I was getting to the good part of the story, I received a text from my phone. Mostly, it's Juan telling me about how he had 100 kills in one call of duty game. But it wasn't him. It was Valerie.

I picked up my phone quickly, and looked at the text. It read:

Hi Juan, can't wait until tomorrow!!

Good night honey!! ;)

I nearly fainted when I read that. Honey? I had never even been called that before, so this one new to me to. Idiot reply, because I knew I was going to say something a screw it up. I just went to bed after that, hoping I would wake up in the ext minute. Everything felt great at that moment.

That's what I thought, until the next day.......


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