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Leaving Kyeonbin office, Jungkook pin Taehyung on a wall and stare deep inside him. "I wont ever love you, understand ?" Jungkook said, whispering. Taehyung heart drop, his word hurt him alot. Not to mention, his girlfriend broke up with him because he is useless . He will messed up everything.

"And I wont ever love you back, Mr. Jeon" Taehyung hissed which make Jungkook annoyed. Jungkook realize him and walk toward his office. Turning back ,looking at Taehyung who stood there. "Are you coming or not ?" Jungkook said while he stare and Taehyung. Taehyung walk toward the elevator and press the button. The elevator closing and they both in awkward silence for awhile.


The elevator open at 21st floor and there was a guy which make Taehyung eyes widened and jumping up and down. "JIMINIE!" He yell and hug the elder. The other stare at him, secretly. "Haha, nice to meet you again Tae!" Jimin smile. Jungkook feel weird. Again ? He thought. "Uh.. Annyeong Mr. Jeon. How was your day ?" Taehyung realised Jimin for Jimin to greet the younger and fix himself.

"Hello Mr. Park. My day just fine and how about you?" Jungkook greet back with a smile but then turn his gaze to Taehyung who was rolled his eyes. "Mr. Park, how do you know my assistant?" Jungkook ask, glaring at Taehyung who was smiling at Jimin.

"Oh, we just met today. Your boyfriend, Hyeyul was so pissed when Taehyung slips his coffee on your gift."  Jimin explain.

Jungkook does the 'o' shape mouth and press the elevator again .

Jungkook smirk alone which make Taehyung feel uncomfortable. Taehyung stand between Jungkook and Jimin. Jungkook stare at Jimin which made Taehyung heart hurt.


Jimin turn to face Jungkook who was staring at him deeply. "Ne Jungkook-shii ?"

"I want to invite you..."

Taehyung know what he want to say. Taehyung cut Jungkook word off.

"No Mr. Jeon. Please dont"

"To come to our wedding day!" Jungkook said innocently while holding Taehyung's hand. Jimin's eyes widened as he heard it. His mouth wide open. Staring at the fake couple for so long. The elevator open.


Jimin yell in unbelievable and excited. Jungkook smirk at Taehyung and Taehyung still cant get over the holding hand with his boss .

Everything went silence until they all went out and walking to their direction. Jimin walk to tge right and Jungkook with Taehyung to the left.


Wait, isn't Jungkook have a boyfriend ? I struggle it off and walk to my table.

"Good morning sir" my assistant, Everlyn, greet me. She bow.

"Morning Everlyn" I said and went straight to my office.

Closing the door behind me and walk to my table, arranged the workpapers and trying to think.

"Is this, grandpa's wish ?"

Its cant be or maybe it is...

Woahh, wait for part 5~

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