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Jimin and Taehyung went inside the mini cafe which is incredible because the cafe is not the normal cafe. Taehyung mouth hanging while the elder chuckle. The cafe full of romantic decoration and have cute maids. There is no rules in this cafe, Taehyung turning to see two guys kissing in public which make him nervous. Turning to left and saw two girls making out. Taehyung turn his attention to Jimin who was just smile sweetly at him.

"What is this Jimin?" Taehyung ask as he was travel to all place inside the cafe. Jimin hummed and led Taehyung to the table right beside the window. "Taehyung, this will make our week together great!" Jimin excited. Taehyung could feel like he should date Jimin instead of Jungkook. He mean marry . Taehyung smile at him. "Hello sir, please full this document ?" One girl who wearing pinkish clothes with bunny ears . Jimin nodded and take the document.

"Here you go" he gave back to tge girl and the girl sweetly smile.

"What document was that?" Taehyung ask as he feel confused. "Nahhh, nothing important dear. Should we order?"

Taehyung nodded and struggle it off.


I don't know where he at but seriously if I know, i will take back what mine and then punish him. Taehyung should marry me on 1 week later but he fucking date Jimin ! There was a girl coming inside my office.

"Hello sir, my name is Everlyn . Who work for Mr. Park Jimin"

"What do you want?"

"Oh sorry sir, are you having a bad day?" She walking towards me.

"Just say , what do you want Miss Everlyn?"

"Oh yeah, I want you to sign this document"

"What document?"

"Just sign it here. There's nothing important about this document"

"Nothing important? Then why do you need my sign? Its not important tho" turn to my workpaper beside me and hurried checks it. Taehyung done a good job.

"Sir just please sign"

"What is this Miss Everlyn?"

"Mr.Jeon, I need to do my job and loyal to all Mr. Park says. Please sign?"

"Give me"

"Just dont read the above—" I cut her word as I read divorcing Kim Taehyung after marry for 3 months according to Mr. Jeon Kyeonbin he shot his glare at her.

"Mind explains? How did Mr. Park know about this? About 3 months married?"

Everlyn was froze.


Jimin was curious so he went back to Mr. Jeon office and ask a question.

"Sir, what happened between the newbie assistance?"

"Hahh? Oh Mr. Kim Taehyung? He gonna marry my grandson for 3 months to change his attitude (grandson) but I think they are a cute married couple.

Jimin nodded and walk out. "Everlyn, made a document about Mr. Jeon divorce with Mr. Kim right now"

"Yes sir"

"This is a secret dont let anyone knows"

"Y-yes sir"

End flashback

"What the ? He seriously want Taehyung away from me? Miss Everlyn, you better correct this situation right now. My future husband need me right away" taking my car key and went to the elevator .

You wont dare to touch him Park Jimin. Everyone know that I always got what I want. Pay back Mr. Park

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