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"Would you Jeon Jungkook takes Kim Taehyung as your officially husband?"

"I do"

"Do you Kim Taehyung takes Jeon Jungkook as your officially husband ?"

"Yes, I do"


Its been an hours since the both married which now Kim Taehyung is no longer Kim , now he's Jeon Taehyung for a long life. Jungkook brought a new house for Taehyung and him alone. The house was big nor fix for 12 people or maybe less.

"Jungkook—" Taehyung got cut as Jungkook send him death glare , not to mention it but Taehyung got force to call his husband , hubby.

"I-I mean , hubby" Taehyung relief as he saw Jungkook smile and nodded . Taehyung take a deep breath and clear his mind before saying the word that they both cannot forget.

"Do you really think we need a baby ?"

The house filled with silence. Jungkook who was sitting on the couch now standing up and walk towards his husband who seem to be so embarrassed to said that.

"Why , you need children?" Jungkook asked, smirked as he saw his husband blushed redder than a tomato. "Aish stop joking around Jung— hubby!" Taehyung hits his husband arm before heading toward upstairs. Leaving his husband downstairs alone.



So me and Jungkook moved into a new house which he bought for us. I kinda happy at first but then I feel embarrassed for our first night as a married couple. Why do I even asked about babies! I burried my face onto my pillow as I yell through it.

I heard a knock on a door , I lift up my head before shoot my gaze to the door as the door swung open.

Here he goes, standing there and giving me that stare really fucked me up.

"What are you staring at ?" Jungkook said as I didn't notice I stared at him. "Wha— you stare at me first!" I choked, I throw my head to the pillow as I pull the blanket to cover me, I take a nice position to go to sleep.

I feel the someone hop on the bed and pulling the blanket also. The person's hand is caring my cheeks as I pretend to fall asleep.

"Jeon Taehyung, I would never be this happy . Thanks for coming into my life, thanks for everything. Thanks for being the one of my loyalty husband and assistant. From the bottom of my heart, I want to says this to you ; i love you Jeon Taehyung . "

His word almost make my eyes open and tearing. His face was shook as he saw me open my eyes while its watering.

"Hubby~" I move closer to him and hugged him while bury my face on his chest.

I heard a chuckle. "Honey, I love you~" I feel his soft lips kissing my forehead.

I lift up my face from his warm chest and peek his lips. "Good night hubby~"

"Good night honey"

With our last kiss , we both drop to the dream land.

"Not everyone got what they want but half of what they want is what they dream about"

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