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Time passed by, Got7 went out and be greet by Taehyung who was done his jobs.

"Oh good bye sunbae-nim, have a good day" he smile his boxy smile, which make Got7 blush but smile back.

"Goodbye, you too" they said and bowed, walk to the elevator.

A minute after that, Jungkook went out but stopped as Taehyung call his name.

"Mr. Jeon Jungkook!"

Jungkook turn his attention to the latter. "What?" He ask coldly.

"You have meeting with Madam Yuna now"

"Its not like interesting" he sigh.

"Fuck you Jungkook, just go!" Taehyung push Jungkook inside the elevator and press downstair.

Waiting and waiting, but still not reach yet. Jungkook dont think twice, he grabbed Taehyung's wrist and pinned it to the wall

"J-Jungkook, w-we g-g-gonna be seem, w-what a-are you doing ?" Taehyung ask , shuttering as Jungkook stare deeply inside his eyes. Without Taehyung to process anything, Jungkook pressed his lips to Taehyung's. Taehyung's eyes widened as Jungkook's eyes close. Jungkook break the kiss and Taehyung didn't respond. "Fucking respond" he whisper seductively which make Taehyung blush madly.

"S-stop J-Jungkook, w-we almost there" Taehyung tries to push Jungkook but sorry he cant push the muscleful guy with only two hands as he was so embarrassed.

"I won't come out if you didn't respond my kiss " he said. Tight the grip , make Taehyung's face so red as tomato. "F-fin—" before he could finish his word. Jungkook pressed his lips onto Taehyung's , closing his eyes. Taehyung dont have any choice but to respond to the kiss. The kiss was passionate. Taehyung enjoy it, so much. The way Jungkook's tongue explore his mouth was so good. Feel like Taehyung could melt by Jungkook's lips and tongue.

The kiss breaks as they reach down floor, which make Jungkook groaned. Taehyung was blush madly , embarrassed because he just kiss his boss, its not a normal kiss , it was his fucking first kiss

"Come on, Taehyung. We gonna be late" Jungkook said, as Taehyung jump in surprise he quickly went to Jungkook. Before he walk pass Jungkook, Jungkook grabbed his hand and whisper SOMETHING

" Its just kiss, wait until we get marry soon " Jungkook smirk, Taehyung was blush much red.

"Come on lazyass" they both walk to Jungkook's car but Taehyung stop. "Why did you stop in the middle of the road ?" Jungkook ask, his eyebrows raised confused . "Y-you will leave me again..." Taehyung said, looking down as he remembers what happened this morning which is nightmare at first but then sweet dreams as Jimin pick him up.

"Anii, I wont . Its work anyways and you don't know where the meeting head right?" Jungkook pointed, concerns.

Then Taehyung realize he didn't know where.

"See I told you now GET.IN " Jungkook order and open his door. Taehyung quickly obey as Jungkook's voice turn husky.


As they arrived, Taehyung want to walk out but stopped as Jungkook grab his wrist made Taehyung hissed . "Wh-what was that for ?" Taehyung ask as Jungkook hold his two slim wrist.

"Kiss me again" Jungkook order. But Taehyung quickly refused. Jungkook growl and kiss Taehyung to shut him.

Taehyung could help but respond. Lucky for them, Jungkook's window was dark so people from outside won't see they kissing. They both already take time by kissing each other.

Jungkook pulled out as the saliva was pulled between he and Taehyung, Taehyung look fuckable but Jungkook tries to back at his sense.

"Lets go" Jungkook said breaking the awkward silent.

Taehyung nodded and they both went out. Fixing each other own self and stepping in the building.

He such a good kisser .. Taehyung think , looking straight at Jungkook who didn't realize Taehyung was staring deeply at him  as they walk to the elevator.

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