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"What was that? Out there ? What do you mean by 'your Husband' ? " Hyeyul ask as he was unable to handle his jealousy.

Jungkook on the other side still thinking to depend his pride. Slowly coming an ideas so Hyeyul can puzzle it.

"Its just, He wont never get me from you baby. You know what? I only belong to you" Jungkook lean in , kissing his boyfriend neck,Licking his boyfriend neck. Hyeyul can only moan.


There they go, have a bad sex Hyeyul .


The elevator open and Someone catch my attention which is Jimin. He still talking to a staff about work. Taking a deep breath, fix myself and walking toward him confidently.


Jimin turn. Smiling came out aside his lips. Bow to a staff and walk toward me , I mean, he run toward me and hug me like we've been never met for so long.

"Taehyungie!" He realised and smile.

"Jimin, wanna hangout? My work done"

"Sure! Me too, since Everlyn do my leftover works."

"So, wanna go lunch?"

"Your husband did know about this?"

"Who care? By the way, he have Hyeyul. Why would he want me?"

"Yeah,you're right. Well come on!" Jimin grab my hand and smile. A smile came aside my lips.

I wasn't sure, Its like, I forgot something. I checked myself .

Where is my phone?

"What are you looking for, Taehyungie?"

"Ahh... My phone. I will go get it!" I run toward the elevator and press to Jungkook's office floor.


Jungkook was thrusting into Hyeyul so hard. The room filled with Hyeyul's moan, Jungkook grabbed Hyeyul hands to pinned him. Thrusting roughly.

"Ah! Ah! Nghh.. ah! J-JUNGKOOK! Y-YAH... ITS GOOD!" Hyeyul said between his moan. Jungkook moan as he feel good inside Hyeyul which make him wanna be there for ever.

"Yes baby, lets do this all day" Jungkook suggested as he thrust harder, deeper and pleasures . Hyeyul smirk and moan.

"D-daddy! Fuck me! Make me can walk for 1 years!" Hyeyul begged as he hold the corner of Jungkook's table. The table moving. Jungkook's paper works was flying around. "Ah! Jungkook! I'm gonna—"

"Cum for your daddy ,baby boy"

Jungkook and hyeyul reach their climax which make the white liquid all over Hyeyul face and bodies.

"Jungkook. Lets fuck again"

Jungkook smirk and start thrusting with no mercy .

Back to Taehyung POV

The elevator open and I quickly went to my table but stopped by a loud scream. Its a moan, I guess. Tip toeing to Jungkook's office which is not far away from my table. Open the door a little and saw, Jungkook's back with 2 legs around his waist. The bottom guy was moaning.

"J-Jungkook?" They reach their climax but still doing more. I cant hold it and quickly slammed the door.

"I dont want to see him anymore... I had enough been played! Why should I marry a guy like this? Fuckboy!" Running to the elevator and hurried press the button to G floor.


We stop as we heard my door slammed. "We should stop Hyeyul." I pull out and sigh.


"Dont start it again Hyeyul..."

"Are you being like this because of your new assistant!"

"Just stop..."

"Nu-uh! I'm gonna marry you not him!"

"I said STOP!" I yelled. He was shock, froze. I sigh rubbing my head.

"I'm sorry okay? Its just, I love you and not him. Please dont make my brain explode because I keep thinking to divorce with him after marrying him"



"Saranghae daddy "

A smirk creep out on my lips.

"I love you too baby boy . Lets continue at home? Since my day almost end"

"Lets go!"

I'm fucked up...


What do you think? Should I do the wedding day early or later?

Oh yeah! Should I do Hyeyul and Jungkook played Taehyung or Taehyung and Jimin played Jungkook ?

I can smell jealousy [ 😏 ]

part 7 ~

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