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Taehyung already getting ready and waiting for Jimin while watching some movie to spend a little time. A light flash through Taehyung's window which Taehyung know it was Jimin. He quickly grab his stuff and key house then rushed to the main door. Opening the door and locked it as he get out.

"Please get in Mr. Jeon Taehyung" Jimin open the car door for Taehyung to get in. "Oh Mr. Min future Jimin" Taehyung chuckle and receive a blush Jimin. Yes, they arent dating or whatever. They are best friend with a little feeling for each other. Taehyung is Jungkook's husband meanwhile Jimin is Yoongi's fiancè .

Oh i forgot to tell you. Taehyung already messaged Jungkook telling him that he and Jimin will be hanging out for a while.

Which Jungkook replied with an okay emoji with a heart beside it.

Back tk the story; Jimin drive them to their usual place to eat which is not an expensive restaurant or whatsoever, it just a normal place.

They were talking , laughing and eating for a past few 25 minutes.

"Where are we going after this?" Jimin asked as he drink is chocolate milk while Taehyung still eating his rice.

" how about watching some movie? " Taehyung suggested as he take a last sip of his strawberry milk. Jimin hummed in agreement.

"Should we off now then ?" Jimin ask .

"Sure. Let's go" Taehyung reply.

"But Jimin I-" Taehyung want to speak but Jimin's little smol finger stop him. "I will pay" Jimin said, glaring at Taehyung mentioning not to talk back to him. As Jimin's finger get back to their place , Taehyung start begging for Jimin not to pay for it.

"Jiminie! Let me pay! You already waste-"

"spend" Jimin glare.

"Oh o-okay spend your money on me! Buying me new clothes which is GUCCI , buying me a car and everything else! Please at least give me pay for this!" Taehyung begged. He done care if he begged until he kneel in front of Jimin or not he didnt want to burden his best friend .

"Taehyung, I do this for you and i am not wasting my money for you" Jimin said, pulling out money to give to the counter."No please Jimin~" Taehyung whined. Jimin sigh.

"How about you pay a cinema ticket?" Jimin suggest as he already gave the money to the counter.

Taehyung sigh but nodded. "Oh come on Taehyungie" Jimin making the puppy eyes which work to Taehyung."Okay okay!" Taehyung smile."Well then, let's go!" With that they spend so many time watching movie, shopping and anything.They were walking about the mall for a long time until Jimin receives a messages from his fiancè, Min Yoongi.

Yoongie ❤

Jimin , get back home already
Its getting late.
Its 8 already. Im worried.

Okay hyung, but first imm
Send Taehyung home first.
Bye , i love you💕

Sure. Take care. I love you too

"Taehyung, lets head home" Jimin said and Taehyung nodded.

Reach Taehyung's house.

"Taehyungie, its getting late. You should head inside now or else there will be a bad guy ready to jump to you"

"Yah! Jiminie stop scaring me!"

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