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In the dark alley, there was a mansion, one big family live there. Jeon family, the most rich family. But now, there only 2 people and workers in the house. Jeon Kyeonbin and Jeon Jungkook.

Jeon Jungkook is the most successful CEO after his father passed away. All he ever do for his company, just for his father wish. Now, living with his grandfather and he grandfather wanted him to marry his own assistant. But, what he want is to marry his boyfriend Hyeyul.

Knock knock

"Who is it ?" Jungkook ask as he arranged his paperworks. "Sir, its Hyeyul on the phone" his maid said. Jungkook sighed and walk to the door. The door swung open and he saw his maid bowed. "Here" she gave to him and Jungkook ask her to leave with a sweet tone.

Slammed the door shut. "Hello ?"

"Jungkookie, where are you ?"

"Ahh Hyeyul, whats wrong ?"

"I missed you, please come to my house"

"I cant, my future husband—" he stopped as he realized he just said that.

"Your what ?" Hyeyul ask.

"Ah i mean you're my husband right ? So, as your good future husband i most do my works first" lies.

"Fine, but later we continue what where we stopped"

Jungkook think his boyfriend is cringy and he hate it but since that his boyfriend he find with it.

"Bye, love you baby" He hung up and quickly went downstairs.

"Grandpa!" He shouted as he run downstairs as fast as lightning.
One of their butler went to him and stop him. "Sir, Mr. Jeon not here." He said as he fix his mic to contact with his workers.

"Call agent Jackson and said I want him to be here with his geng" Jungkook said , straight looking at his butler. "But sir, there someone Mr. Jeon said will come later" his butler argued. "Cancel it" Jungkook said, cold. His butler hurriedly call the person.

Now Jungkook walk to the secret room and unlock it with his password.

Tit. Tit. Tit

The door swung open and there he goes, walk in and stare at the camera in front of him.

"I know its you...

Jimin... "



I was asleep when everything went good, the twins apologize to each other and they good again. I was in my dream but break down as my phone ringing. I growl and take my phone beside me.

"Hello ?" My voice shaky.

My eyes went widened. Grandfather ?!

"Mr. Jeon ? Is there anything wrong ?" I ask, fixing my tone.
"Nae, I leave Jungkook alone and I hope he didn't do anything stupid"
" so, what should I do Mr. Jeon?" I ask as I went to my bathroom.

"I want you to take care of him until morning, bring whatever you want as long as it important"

" I will do my job Sir."

" thank you, please be hurry or else you lose your job"

"Yes Mr. Jeon" he hung up and everything blank.

I wash my face and brush my teeth, I gonna meet this beast again?! Walk to my closet and take spare clothes.

Time skipped~

I was driving to Jeon Mansion but stopped as their butler call. "Yes Henry ?" I ask.

"Sir Jungkook want to cancel the—"

"Fuck him, tell him that this is his husband " i yell and hung up.

I drive as fast as I could and park it in front of the gate.


I know Jimin will come because I fired his assistant Everlyn and freakin fake a text that said Jiminie , lets break up. I love Jungkook -Taehyung

I laugh so hard when Everlyn was fired. Her face went pale and her shock reaction was dumb.

My laugh break after I saw one guy, wearing black jacket while bringing beg to the gate. I was shock. That car is not Jimin's. "T-Tae ahh ?" I was speechless. I hurriedly unlock the door so I can run to main door.

"Sir—" before he finish his word I cut him. "I know" I said running toward the main door. I pant as I reach the main door.

Ding dong

"Ahhh wait up" I open it and there he is. Standing in front of me, wet. His jacket wet because of the rain, his face seem tired. "J-Jungkook—" he fell on my arm, I can hear a cute snooze in my arm.

"Sir?" My maid call. "Its cold, please come in" she said, leading me a blanket. I stare at this boy in my arm and ruffle his hairs. "I will take him to guest room—" my maid said but I cut her, why guest ? He's my husband. "No need, take him to my room" I ordered, she bowed.

"Henry!" I shouted his name as I gave Taehyung to my maid. "Yes sir?" He come out from the kitchen , looking confused. "Ask anyone to change my husband upstairs , now" I ordered. Henry obey and quicky went to call his workers.

A few minutes waiting, its already 1:23 a.m , I still in my office in house doing my paperworks. Hearing knocked. "Come in" I said, not even think twice who is it.

The door swung open, and the figure of wonderful guy in front of me wearing short pant with oversized sweater of mine. "J-Jungkook, thanks.." he smile

I look up and smile at him. "My pleasure to make my future husband feel safe around me"

He smile and went back to my room. I sigh.

" what should I do, am I fall for him already ? Its cant be, I love Hyeyul"


"Are you done doing your job, Henry ?"


Mr. Jeon"

Part 15 baby!!

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