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Taehyung went downstairs as fast as he could so he wont be shouted by his boss. Reach downstairs, panting . "Hurry up, you gonna be late!" Jungkook call from the kitchen. He was so mad, maybe because of him, Jimin broke up with him. He walk inside the kitchen, saw he was drinking. "I will be going first" He said with a high tone. Taehyung want to walk away but stopped as he grabbed my hand which make him jolt.

"Is that the way you talk to your husband ?" His voice husky. Taehyung stood there, Jungkook tighten the grip. "Fucking answer me Taehyung!" He yell. Taehyung dont know what should he do. It seem like being with Jungkook is wrong but right at the same time.

Taehyung turn his attention to Jungkook who was pissed. "I just said I want to go first right ?" Taehyung said as he push Jungkook hand, which make Jungkook groaned. Taehyung take his stuff and hurriedly walk to the main door. Leaving Jungkook dumbfounded.


I searched for Jimin around the building to fix everything. Asking everyone where he is but everyone seem to say they dont know. I dont have any idea where he is until I saw a guy. His hairs black which make him look so bad. I fix my sight and saw a short guy hugging him.

"J-Jimin ?" I seem unsure is that Jimin. I dont know what to do. I lose him, I fell down on my knee , tears rolling. "What happen to my life ?" I whisper to myself.

"There you are"

That voice, make my eyes widened. I turn and saw Jungkook with a sweet smile draw on his lips.

"Taehyung? What's wrong ?"

He didn't care for me. He lying worried about me. I struggle it and stand up. "What do you want Jungkook ?" I send him a death glare.

He smirk. "Taehyungie~ Why would you be so mean to your husband ? " everyone turn their attention to both of us with a wide eyes. "J-Jungkook what do you mean ?" I shuttered.

"Well, grandfather want to be us." He lean close to me, he kiss my cheeks. "Dont ask for more, hurry up!" He whisper to my ears. I told you, he fake it. He walk away, I can feel an eyes watching me, I struggle it and went with Jungkook.


I hate Jungkook, he trying to ruined my relationship with Taehyung! I love Taehyung , but he take him from me. I cried so much last night after received a text from Taehyung about we breaking up. I dont want to lose him, I should trust him but my heart wont trust him.

I was walking out the building and saw Yoongi. He is my best friend who cares for me. I saw him texting someone. I walk to him and greet him. "Good morning Yoongi Hyung!" I waved at him. He looked up and smile at me. "Good morning Jimin" he wave back.

Right now, I'm in front of him. "Still short , Jiminie" he laugh. I pouted. "Hyung, we just 1cm different" I said. He laugh so hard.

"By the way, what are you doing here Hyung ?"

"Oh, my CEO ask me to come and help something"

"What is it?"

"Married arranged, why"

"It most be Jeon Jungkook right ?"

"Yeah, how do you know ?"

"He gonna married my boyfriend, oh well ex"

"Wait, this whole time you have been date?"

"Yeah why ?"

"It must be tough right. Seeing somebody we love so much been take away "

I nodded as response, I dont know what to say it just, Yoongi make me feel comfortable.

"Yah Park Jimin, who was it?"

"Who what?"

"That K.taehyung guy"

"My e-ex.." after remember his name, it make me feel sad again. Tears rolled and my feet cant stand still. I fell into Yoongi arm.

"Jimin, are you okay ?" He ask in panic tone. I nodded. "Dont be worry Hyung" I said.

"Gosh how can I'm not scared?!" He... hugged me. I cant help but to smile. His warm arm around me make me feel safe.

"Hyung, thank you" he let go

"Dont be" he smile, showing his gummy.

"Hey, that's Jungkook, who walking in just now" He pointed and i saw him with Taehyung. He kissed Taehyung cheeks and say something. Walk away like there nothing happened.

"Hyung, thats Taehyung" I pointed. "And he's mine" I husky my voice

No one pov

Taehyung and Jungkook went to elevator and went up to his grandfather floor. The door open, stepping out and straight to Kyeonbin office.


"Dont yell inside of my office young man" he fix himself.

"Grandpa, when are we married ? And why dont you come home last night ? " he said. "This guy, sleep in one bed with me!" Jungkook pointed to Taehyung who seem speechless and just stood there as rock beside the rood.

"Calm down Jungkookshii. I was busy last night and what you ask? When you gonna married ? Oh well, next week. Why?"

"Next Week?!" They both yell at the same time , disbelief

"Yea, whats wrong. I want grandchild, Jungkook" Mr. Jeon begging. Jungkook rolled his eyes, "I can just marry Hyeyul" Jungkook said.

Taehyung feel his heart break into pieces as he heard that. Well no one love me tho. I just no one he thought.

"Dont raise your voice Jungkook. You gonna marry him , Kim Taehyung next week and if everything went wrong Im gonna blame you Jungkookshii" Mr. Jeon pointed to Jungkook, make Jungkook stop talking.

"Thats final, you gonna marry him"

"I cant believe this... Come on, hurry!" Jungkook grabbed Taehyung and walk out as fast as he running from his nightmare

Went inside the elevator and press G button. Waiting, and waiting.

After reach Jungkook pull Taehyung into his car and lock the door. " Kim Taehyung, where going to a restaurant"

Did Taehyung hear it right ? Did Jungkook just... well whatever.

"Why ?"

Jungkook turn to the other as je start the car. "You hate me right? Why would you bring me to restaurant, let me sleep in one bed with you , wear your cloth and feel your warmth ?" Taehyung ask as his eyes watering. Jungkook was taken aback as the tears rolling down on Taehyung cheeks.

"Dont cry honey, I'm sorry okay?" Jungkook went in and wipe the tears. Taehyung cant help but smile. It feel like this is right to him. "I think,I started to like you..." Jungkook whisper.

"What did you say?" Taehyung ask but he hear it. Just to make sure. Jungkook smile innocently. "Nothing" and drove away

"I guess, I really in love with you Kim Taehyung "

Woahhh triple update? Part 17!!!

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