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The sun show up, the sunshine hits a guy who sleep peacefully with his future husband. Groan as the sun so bright. Jungkook who sleep nearly the window which is on the left side, rubbing his eyes and yawn. Sitting up , he land his feet on the floor. Standing up and walk toward the bathroom.

The other was still asleep on the right side, the sunshine hits his back which make him feel hot. Quickly pull the blanket to cover himself and continue sleep.

Jungkook washing himself and doing his routine. Staring at the mirror. "Ah, new day" he mumbled ask he wash his face.

He went to take a shower, the cold water drops to his body, make him shiver. His hairs all wet , there everything wet even his thing . Hummed a song which make the bird chipping.

The other which is Kim Taehyung, woke up because of his phone ringing. Rubbing his eyes and sit up. His eyes widened as if this is not his room.

"Where am I—" he didn't finished his words as he remember something. "Oh yeah, this is Jungkook's room" he sigh and land his feet on the floor.
He heard a humming song from the bathroom. He knows Jungkook taking a shower. Staring at the clock, its still early. His siblings wont worried about him because he already told his noona about he went to his friend's house and not tell about the married.

The bathroom door swung open, there's Jungkook, his hairs wet, the towel hanging around his waist. They both share eyes contact. Until Jungkook breaks the ice. "Hey, Taehyung. You gonna be late , hurry up!" Jungkook pull Taehyung inside the bathroom , throwing towel to him and walk out.

"Its still early" Taehyung whisper, closing the door and taking his shower.


I wear my suit, making sure my hairs is neat. Everything goes well, walk to the office across my room, packing the paperworks. I know Taehyung will be mad because I treat him like shit, well its not my problem, I dont love him.

Walking downstairs, my maid greet me. "Good morning sir" they bowed. "Good morning" I reply with a normal tone, but sound appreciated.

"Sir, Got7 on phone" my other butler head me the phone, I take it. "Hello ?"

"Jungkook, why would you call us yesterday ?"

"Why dont you answer ?"

"Oh, we're busy. So what wrong ?"

"Cant tell now, meet me at my office at 12."

"Yes sir"

"Oh and Jackson"

"Yes ?"

"Dont tell grandfather about this"

"Okay Sir" I hung up .

Heading the phone to my butler. Walking toward the kitchen for breakfast, "Sir" my chef called. I looked at him "Yes Chef ?" I said. He pointed to upstairs. "Your husband would like bacon ?"

I also dont know, he like or not ? "Just cook anything, if he picky thats his problem" I said, fixing my napkin.

He start cooking.

Taehyung isn't here, why would he be late? I dont like waiting, waiting is not my hobby. "Jihoon!" I call my butler, as I yell that name, he rush went to me. Standing in front of me panting.

"Y-yes s-sir ?" He said between panting. "Call Taehyung, ask him went down now. If he didn't obey, tell me" I said. He nodded and take his way to upstairs.


I just done taking shower, now I'm wearing my suit that I prepare from home and comb my hairs. I was ready, I pack my workpapers. Then my phone got a message.


Taehyungie, mind explains ?

I know you're there , answer me...

How could you do this to me ?

Am I not enough ?

Are you seriously ignoring me?

Taehyung, explains

Its okay if you dont want  to

We're done

This relationship not gonna be happier than your married with Jungkook

Goodbye Taehyungie...

My eyes tearing. The tears rolling down my cheeks, My palm cover my mouth as I sob. What do Jimin mean ? We're breaking up? But why ? I reply his massage


What do you mean ?

What are you talking about ?

Jiminie, are we done ?

Why? What did I do ?

He quickly reply

You love Jungkook right ? Then go on. I dont care, we're friend now. Not more than that, you love him and you date me? Isn't that crazy ? If you love him than, date him. Why me? We're done. This relationship wont work. Sorry Taehyungie, this game. I lost the game already. Goodbye Taehyung.

Wait what ?! Jiminie, I dont love him!

Quit lying Taehyungie. I got your text. You love him, you ask me to break up than, we're break up

Its not me?! Who text you?

Hah, playing around Tae?

Its most be Jungkook, please I love you!

Used to love me Taehyungie. Stop blaming your husband already.

Jiminie, I dont want to lose you

We still friend Tae. Now, Im busy. Goodbye

Goodbye :')

I turn off my phone. Sobbing. Crying. Until, someone knock my door.

"Y-yes?" I said but the door didn't open. I wipe the tears

"Mr. Jeon, want you to take breakfast."

"I will be back later, tell him."

I heard footsteps walking away, I cries again and wipe the tears. "Stay strong Taehyung. Its how love turn"

But i cant believe Jimin didn't trust me which hurt me the most.


"Sir, he will be down later"

"Okay... Thanks Jihoon" he bowed and smile.

"Are he okay ?"

Double update! Yeayyy Part 16?!

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