
10.9K 392 95

Sun come out, sunlight hitting the guy perfect face making the guy growled but then awake. Looking around and saw his fiance sleeping peacefully. A smile draw on his lips but then wipe away as his phone beside him ringing.

Bizz. Bizz

He stare at the ID name , his eyes wide open and quickly answer it. "Y-ye Hyeyul ?"

"Why aren't you on your office ? Should you be here by 7 right ? Look at the time darling~"

He look at the clock already 7:45 am. He facepalmed . "I will be late to work—"

"And your assistant isn't here, thanks god, he annoying"

Jungkook clenched his fist before turning to the guy who sleep peacefully. Annoying ? Annoying my ass he thought.

"Yah Hyeyul, can you please dont mention him for the goddamn second?"

"Yah Jungkookie, what the hell dude. I'm speak the fact tho. He annoying as hell you also know"

"But still, he's my assistant and the fact is he's my fiance okay?"

" the hell you said ? Fiance ? When ? How ?"

"Hyeyul, can we talk ? Meet me at the park nearer the building"

"You better explains Jeon Jungkook. If I caught you cheating on me, their life gonna be trash"

"Just answer my dumbass questions"


He hung up and run toward the bathroom quickly, wearing his suit , but not forget to leave a note for the other.

The other still sleeping, Jungkook pull the blanket to cover his whole body because its cold. Smiling slightly before heading towards his car.

A few minutes later, he arrived at the park, walking around looking for his so called boyfriend . Then, he saw someone sitting on the bench , crossing his legs. "What do you want huh ?"

Jungkook talk a deep breath, fixing his jacket . "Hey hmm Hyeyul..."


Meanwhile, the other was still sleeping, until his phone wake him up. He groaned and grab his phone beside him. "Hello ?" He answer without seeing the ID name.

"Hey hmm Taehyungie~"

Taehyung eyes wide and he sit up quickly. "J-Jimin ?!"

"Babe, c-can I talk to you ?"

"Yeah what is it ?" Taehyung sound confused.

"Hmm, its hmm not important"

"Jimin , what is it ?"


"What is it Jiminie ?"

"Hmm, meet me at mini cafe "

"Which one ? The one on the street?"

"Yea, this is urgent"

"I would—" Taehyung words cut off as Jimin hung up the phone. He dont know what happen to Jimin because he would let Taehyung finish his words or else say muah bye but now he hung up so quickly.

leaving the room, walking slowly toward the bathroom but stopped as he saw what time now. "ITS FUCKING 8 AND JUNGKOOK DIDNT WAKE ME UP?!!" He yell, run inside the bathroom doing his routines.

a few minutes later, he walk toward the closet but then saw a note on the table in front of their share bed. He quickly read it while water dripping down from his hairs.

Dear Kim Taehyung,

     So I thought to meet Hyeyul today and I dont want you to worry about me. Oh and please take your day off today, I know you're tired and please get ready before I head home. Understand ? And yes, I ask Henry to make breakfast to you, dont worry I already breakfast. For your information, today is also the day we went to meet Grandpa for our wedding concept. If you need anything here my number.

    XXX-XXX-XXXX Jungkookie
Your fiance
Jeon Jungkook

Taehyung smile slightly before heading towards his closest. "Not hard to live with his guy" Taehyung laugh as he pick up a oversized tshirt and  blue jeans, red bennie  . The shirt showing off his collarbone . Walking downstairs just to be greet by maids.

"Good morning Mr. Kim" they lower they head, Taehyung smile before greet back. "Good morning"

one of them lead him toward the dining room. He saw Henry and his workers standing around the table. He sigh and sit down.

"What would you want to drink ? Tea, coffee or hot chocolate ?" Henry asked.

"Hot chocolate please" Taehyung said, showing his beautiful smile that make everyone fall for it.

Henry nodded and ask one of the maid to brings out the hot chocolate.

A minutes later, the hot chocolate already on the table. Taehyung eats pancakes with syrup made by Jeon's chef . "Wah, delicious!" He give a thumb up for pancakes.


"Hyeyul, we're done" Jungkook said. Hyeyul who was sitting there jaw drops.

"You lying right ? " Hyeyul said , disbelief. Jungkook shake his head before standing up and walk away, leaving Hyeyul behind.

"You will pay, Jeon Jungkook" Hyeyul clenched his fist before standing up and walk the opposite way. "You wont be happy without me " he smirk to himself before getting in his car.

Meanwhile, Jungkook driving back to his building . Getting out from his car , heading to his office but even greet back his co-workers. Everyone say he not in the mood and struggle it away.

Open his door roughly and slamming the door close as he get in. He threw his coat on the couch and threw his begs on the glass table in the center of the office. Walk toward his table, threw his head back before sighing.

"Its kind of relief to break up with Hyeyul.

Or not "

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