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My heart decides to test me, but I try to remain calm. It feels like a century when it's time for break. When people start to swarm my desk I shrivel up. Bombarded with more questions, weird, unbreaking stares, and awkward smiles. "Where did you come from?"


"That explains the accent!"

"Do you have a boyfriend?"


"Want to go to Demeter with me and my friends today at lunch break?"


"Do you like dango?"


"Geez, you're suffocating the dear girl." It's the boring musical one. "Welcome to Majima High," she says as she shoves students out of the way. "I'm Chihiro. Mind if I call you Makoto?"

"...Sure.." I peek in between two guy's heads and smile at her. "I.. Never thought being a transfer student would be this demanding." Chihiro laughs and waves her hands.

"I wouldn't know how it feels." I give a dismissing smile and she turns around.

This is....

 __________________________________________________ Yay~!

I shoo away students and look over at Katsuragi. Still playing video games.

With a stupid grin on his face.

"That's Katsuragi Keima. Everyone calls him Otamega." A guy says to me, before snickering. I notice the rain's stopped.


I shrug and stand up. "Excuse me." I'm one row away from the door and next another empty desk. It's easy enough to leave. I weave through students, some who welcome me or whisper, "Hey. That's the new girl from 2-B."

I reach the stairs to the roof.

Victory is mine!


Just need a key..



I...I need a password...


I turn to head back. I could say I went to the bathroom or something.

"Mmpf-" I walk into someone dead on. I pull away, already apologizing.



His cold eyes stare down at me.


"What, you want to go up to the roof?" I nod sheepishly.

I don't like him.

But it's not like I have a reason to hate him...

He punches in the password and opens the door. Thinking he's opened it for me, I step forward, but he sweeps my legs and I smash into the concrete of the roof. "K-Katsuragi..." I don't move from my petrified cripple on the ground. I don't want to move. I don't want to see blood. I don't want to see him.

"Oh, get up."

Katsuragi, you horrible person. NOW I HAVE A REASON TO HATE YOU. RRGHH

I force myself up and hurry onto the roof, away from him, away from everything. I hurry to a bench before checking the damage. Fortunately, I've only got some scrapes on my forehead and the tip of my nose, which can easily be concealed with my hair.

You got lucky, Katsuragi.


...Well.. I couldn't ever do that...


...But I wouldn't ever try....

I sigh and stare at the sky. I figure the rain will eventually have to return. I didn't think as far ahead as to take my umbrella. I shut my eyes wig the back of my head resting in the bench. From far away, I hear footsteps. A bird chirp from miles away. Car horns blaring. That was another thing. My hearing had sharpened. I never told anyone though. Didn't want to be considered weird. The footsteps come closer before stopping in front of me. I bring my head forward and open one eye. Of course, it's Katsuragi, playing his Somy PFP, but he's holding out a hanker-chief. "..For your head."

What's this? He's suddenly being...


"T-thanks..." My heart knocks on the inside if my chest as I take it from him. Quietly, I dab the cloth on my head, ignoring the fact he's sat down next to me. His eyes never leave the small screen and his fingers brush the buttons. He's actually pushing them too. Fast.... I guess he notices my stare, because he pauses to sigh. I drag my eyes away and go back to my staring contest with the gray eyes of the clouds.

"Your name is Makoto, right?" He's startled me.

"Uh... Yeah... Kuroda...." I mumble.

"Hmm....Well, I'm Katsuragi Keima...Probably a shock since everyone thinks my name is Otamega." I sigh, but find a smug smirk on my face.

"...Break's probably going to end soon..." I suggest. It's sort of awkward to be alone with him here.

"I don't really care. I only play games anyway. You can do that anywhere." This amuses me.

"Ha, but not in some weird place like the bath-" I stop myself.


I.   GIVE.   UP.

"No. Even there. No trouble."


I turn to face him to make sure he's kidding. His expression reaks of the truth. A choked nervous laugh erupts from my mouth, and he looks at me quizzically. It's startling. My heart dances for a moment.

"..W-well.. Thanks for this... I'll wash it and give it back...."

I'm gone before he can reply.

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