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I'm running, I'm scared of breathing - Running Scared - Ell and Nikki

Train stations scare me. The only train stations I'd ever seen was my local one and the one in Newcastle. They weren't too busy. They had a few people in them. It was bearable. However, this London train station was so full of people that it felt as though it may burst. There were so many people with suitcases attempting to reach their destination twice as quick as any normal person should. I hate crowds. Too many people in one space makes me panic.

I fought my way through the hustle and bustle of the busy train station and found myself amongst the crowded streets of London. I had no idea where I was. I had no idea where any hotels were. Even if I did find a hotel, I wouldn't be able to afford one. I was completely stuck for ideas.

As the hours passed, I realised that there was only one thing to do. Find a comfy bench to sleep on. I walked the streets for a while longer. It was getting late. I'd bought myself a McDonalds with the five pounds that I had left so I wasn't hungry. I walked down a narrow street that didn't have many street lamps. It probably wasn't the best idea. Sure. It's dark in a busy city. Let's go down a dark alleyway. Nothing bad could happen. It's not like anyone ever gets hurt down dark alleyways. No drugs are done. No murders committed. Just an alleyway.

I found a charity shop. It was closed but it had quite a few bags that were full of clothes outside. The bags were clean. I decided that a pile of other people's clothes would be the comfiest place that I'd find around here for free. I looked down at the bags.
"My bed for the night." I sighed. I sat on one of the bags. I'd never be able to sleep like this. I worry about a lot of things. Being completely alone down a dark alleyway was one of them. Being asleep in a dark alleyway was also one of them. Being kidnapped was also one. I was completely living the dream.

I got out my phone and texted my mum.
You: Hey mum. I don't know how you are. I don't know what's happening. I don't know where I am. Well, I'm in London but I don't have a hotel. Who knew that train tickets were so expensive? I'll find somewhere. I'll be just fine, don't you worry, mum. I've had food. I've always wantedto come to London. I'm going to make you so proud of me, mum. I can do this. I'm strong. I learned from the best. I love you ❤
-Kenzie 🌠

I sighed and put my phone away. I couldn't use it very much. It would soon die without a charger. I shall just use it every night to text my mum and make sure that she's ok. I layed my head on one of the bags and closed my eyes. As soon as I heard a gust of wind or a car horn, my eyes shot open out of fear. But it wasn't until I heard footsteps that I was truly terrified. The footsteps were getting louder. I could hear breathing, too. I sat up, looking around. I couldn't see anything in the pitch black of night. I was shaking. My heart was pounding.

The footsteps kept on getting louder and the breathing was becoming clearer. There was definitely somebody there. I just couldn't see them. It was the scariest thing that had ever happened to me. It felt like a ghost. I tried to speak but no words came out due to the fear. I just sat there, shaking, fearing for my life.

As the footsteps got louder, I slowly began to be able to make out a figure. There was definitely someone there and they were slowly edging closer to me. I slowly began to make out their face. It was a boy. He had blonde hair that was flipped over his face slightly. His eyes were blue and he had a smile on his face. He was wearing a dark blue, long sleeved t-shirt and some light blue jeans that were ripped at the knee and the thigh. He looked strangely familiar. It was as if I'd seen him before. Which was completely impossible.
"Hello." He said, smiling at me. He looked shocked. I had no idea why. I hadn't jumped out on him. I was just minding my own business amongst my bags. I didn't reply to the boy. I hate talking to strangers. I thought that if I ignored him, he'd just carry on walking and leave me alone. 
"Are you okay?" He asked me. He got closer to me. I didn't like anybody being too close to me. Especially not strangers. He looked me up and down and then sat down next to me. He looked shocked or surprised. I didn't know why.
"Are you sleeping here?" He asked me. I nodded at him.
"Do you have anywhere to go? Like a home? Or a hotel?" He asked me. I didn't say a word. Instead, I shook my head at the stranger.
"This is going to sound really creepy. I live not far from here. It's a bus ride away. Or we can get a taxi. But I'm part of a band. But they're all at home right now. Their real homes. Which means I have a flat to myself. Would you like to come and stay with me?" He asked me. I nodded nervously.
"I'm Andy Fowler." He said. Then I realised. I knew this boy. How could I forget. He was the boy that I'd been listening to on the train. That's how I knew him. I didn't see that as a problem though.
"Are you going to tell me your name?" He asked me. I shook my head at him. I probably wouldn't even be staying with him for long so what was the need?


Hey guys! I hope you liked this chapter!

Thank you for 300 reads


-Emily xx

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