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I never wanna leave that sunset town - All Time Low - Good Times

"Make me. Come on. I dare you to come and make me! Put the knife... Put the knife down? Seriously? I'll have every single one of you with this knife! I'll have you all! You'll all be on that floor with blood pouring out. Especially her. Especially her!" My dad said, running at me.
"Kenzie!" I heard Andy scream. It was like everything was in slow motion. I was going to die. I could feel it.
"I love you!" I shouted at Andy.

Just before my dad got to me, a police man charged at him and grabbed him. My dad swung around with the knife and stabbed the police man in the hand. The police man didn't even flinch. He grabbed my dad's wrists and wrapped handcuffs around them. I was shaking so much. I felt like crying but I was so shocked that no tears came out. A police woman came over and untied me. I was so grateful that I immediately pulled her into a big hug. She obviously wasn't expecting it but she still hugged me back.
"You saved my life... You saved me." I cried into her shoulder.
"It's our job, sweetheart. You're free from that horrible man. Who is he?" She asked me.
"Tim... Tim Smith... My... My dad." I said.
"Your own father would do that to you?! I'm disgusted. Don't worry, my darling, you're safe now. Could I take a few details from you, please?" She asked.
"My name's Kenzie Smith. I'm 20 years old." I told her.
"Okay darling, you're doing amazing. Who do you live with?" She asked me.
"My mum and dad... Well... My mum... Well, Andy... Well... I don't really know anymore. I used to live with my parents but my dad hurt my mum really badly. He might have killed her. I don't know. But she told me that I had to get out as quick as possible or dad would kill me too. So I got on the first train possible and I ended up on the streets of London. Andy found me. He let me stay with him and..."
"Andy... Could I take some of your details please?" The police woman said, walking over to Andy.
"Of course." Andy said.
"Okay I need your full name, age and current address." She said.
"I'm Andy Fowler, I'm 23." Andy said. He gave her the address of the flat.
"Are you Kenzie's boyfriend, Mr Fowler?" The police woman asked. I felt myself flushing red.
"Almost." Andy laughed.

When the police left, Andy ran over and grabbed me into a hug. He felt like he was never going to let go.
"You're alive. God... You're alive. I thought I'd be too late. I didn't think I'd be able to save you. I thought I'd lost you. I'm so sorry about everything." He said.
"Andy... I remember you. I remember the lake. Our beach. It wasn't really a beach, was it? It was a patch of sand. I thought we'd walked all the way to Australia or France." I laughed.
"You sure did, you absolute mooey!" Andy laughed. I then walked over to Mikey.
"As first impressions go, Kenzie, yours has been an interesting one." He laughed. He put his arms out to hug me and I stepped back.
"Hey it's ok. I know you don't like hugging strangers. Even the coolest ones. But I'm so glad you're okay. I was so worried about you. You make my best friend very happy. Come on. Let's go back to flat and get to know each other properly." He smiled.

Me, Mikey and Andy began walking. That was when my phone buzzed. I looked down. A text.

Mum❤☀: Hiya darling x I'm ok. Just got out of hospital. It's safe to come back. Dad went to London or something x I miss you lots and lots and lots but I'll see you soon and give you big hugs and we can go to the park down the road.
You: mum? Mum is that really you?
Mum❤☀: Of course, silly. What have you been up to?
You: You wouldn't believe me if I told you. It's been an... Exciting couple of days.
Mum❤☀: Can't wait to hear about it, darling!
You: Can't wait to see you... How bad is the... The damage...?
Mum❤☀: Broken left arm and stitches in my forehead. But I'm ok.
You: He won't bother us again. I promise.
Mum❤☀: I'm so proud of you my brave little girl
You: What for?
Mum❤☀: Putting up with him for so long. I love you.
You: Love you, mum. Talk later XXX
Mum❤☀: Ok love X

"Who are you texting?" Andy asked, hugging me.
"My... Umm... My mum." I said, shaking. I was in shock. She's not dead. She's ok.
"Oh my god! Kenzie!" Mikey said, jumping up and down.
"She... She expects me home now. She said she can't wait to hear all about my week." I said. I was trying not to cry. I knew that I should go home and see my mum. She nearly died. I need to take care of her. But then there's Andy. I can't leave him now. We've been through a lot this last week. But it's not just a week. We met all that time ago. It's been so long. Surely it's got to be fate that we met again. Surely we're here together for a reason. But surely if we're meant to be together, we'll meet again? But I don't want to leave him. I feel at home with Andy. I can't leave him. But I need to be at home with mum.

Everything was spinning around in my head. I couldn't concentrate. I felt sick. That's when I fainted.


Hey guys! Sorry that I haven't updated in a while. I'm at bultkns and the WiFi is terrible!! I've written all of this using data...



-Emily xx

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