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When I was young I never knew what this thing called love could do to you - Scouting For Girls - Elvis Ain't Dead

2026 (futuristic oooo)

"Are we nearly there yet?" Oscar shouted from the back seat.
"Nearly, darling. Just five more minutes." I said.
"How long is that in seconds?" Olivia asked.
"Three hundred. But it's probably a little bit less than that now. Maybe about two hundred and seventy." I said.
"Two hundred and sixty nine, two hundred and sixty eight, two hundred and sixty seven, two hundred and..."
"Shut up, Oscar!" Olivia shouted.
"Olivia, don't shout at your brother." I said.
"But he's annoying." Olivia sighed.
"So is your dad, but I don't shout at him!" I laughed.
"Yes you do!" Oscar shouted.
"I do nothing of the sort!" I said, trying to keep a straight face.
"You always shout at daddy! Daddy, doesn't mummy shout at you all the time?" Olivia shouted.
"Yes. She does. And she hits me with the frying pan." Andy laughed.
"Ok that one isn't true!" I laughed.
"Owww! Did you see that?! She hit me again!" Andy shouted.
"I didn't!" I shouted.
"We're here!" Andy shouted as we drove into the car park. I hadn't seen it in eighteen years, yet it looked so familiar.
"Where even are we?" Oscar asked.
"This is where me and your dad met. Eighteen years ago." I told him, a huge smile on my face.
"Eighteen years ago? But me and Oscar are only four and a half!" Olivia said.
"For a little while, me and your dad didn't see eachother. For nine years. Then we met again and had to go six months without seeing eachother whilst I looked after your grandma." I said.
"What was wrong with Grandma?" Oscar asked.
"She just wasn't very happy because my dad wasn't very nice." I said.
"Is your dad my grandad?" He asked.
"Kind of. He is, technically but he's not very nice and you don't see him because he's in prison." I said.
"When does he get out of prison?" Olivia asked me.
"Later this year..." I sighed. Andy could tell that it was worrying me and put his hand on my shoulder.
"Why is he in prison, dad?" Oscar asked Andy.
"He just isn't a very nice man." Andy said.
"If mummy's daddy went to prison, does that mean that my daddy is going to go to prison?" Oscar said, starting to cry.
"Hey, pal! Don't cry. Look, I promise I'll always be here looking after you. Both of you." Andy said, hugging them both. I couldn't help smiling at them.
"Let me take a picture!" I said, taking out my phone. I took a picture of Andy, Olivia and Oscar and smiled, looking at it.

I didn't see Andy for six months after I went back home. Mum wasn't in a good place and she couldn't have visitors. She was so shook up and mentally scarred by everything. My dad had been sending her death threats. She said that he'd said that if she didn't go and meet him, he'd kill me. She thought he was just saying it to try and scare her but he wasn't lying. He tried. He's been in prison for nine years and seven months. He gets out in November. That scares me a lot. But the police have said that he's not allowed to come anywhere me, my mum, Andy or the kids. The kids. I'm so proud of them. They don't really understand why they don't see their grandad. Maybe when they're older, I'll tell them exactly what he did. For now, they're too young. I'll just tell them that he was a bad man. He wasn't always a bad man. He used to be kind. I often make excuses for him in my head. I always think that maybe it was my fault. But it wasn't. It wasn't my fault. It wasn't my mum's fault. It was his. Nobody made him do what he did.

Andy always said that he must have shown signs of being a bad man. But he didn't. He used to be the laid back parent. He was the one that let me go to the lake in the first place. Maybe he did do bad things. But I didn't see. He was my dad. My silly old dad that I loved. I was blind to his ways because I looked up to him. He let me down. He made me lose trust in him. Maybe not just him. I find it pretty difficult to trust anyone. Except Andy. I trust him with my life.

We walked down to the lake and looked out. This is where it all started. I grabbed Andy's hand but he pulled it away.
"Get off." Andy said.
"What? I'm sorry, Andy..." I sighed.
"Yeah! You should be! You're interrupting my question!" Andy shouted. I looked at him, confusion on my face. That was when Andy pulled something out of his pocket and put one knee to the ground.
"I... I thought that this would be the perfect place to do it. You know... We met here and stuff... Miss Kenzie, would you do the honour of marrying me?" Andy asked. Tears were running down my face. I was barely able to speak. Instead I just nodded and hugged Andy.
"Can I be a bridesmaid?!" Olivia asked.
"Yes, darling! Of course you can!" I said, hugging her.
"Can I be a bridesmaid too?" Oscar asked Andy.
"No, pal. But there's a special job that you can do too." Andy said, ruffling Oscar's hair.
"I'm bored!" Oscar shouted.
"Why don't we go for a walk?" Andy smiled.
"A walk where? There isn't anything here. I want to play!" Olivia shouted. Andy looked at me, a huge smile on his face and a knowing look in his eye. I smiled at him again. I looked at Andy. I looked at Oscar and Olivia and smiled.
"We'll go to the end and back."

Hey guys!! So that was the last chapter! Or you could say it was The End heh heh... No? Okay...

I'll post a full author's note tomorrow.



-Emily xx

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