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We we're just kids when we fell in love - Ed Sheeran - Perfect - Cover by Emily Moran (Me lol)

My phone woke me up. Andy had bought me a charger so that I could use my phone whenever I wanted. I'd left it at the end of my bed and the vibration of a notification against my foot woke me up with a start. I rubbed my eyes and noticed that it was a text message. From my dad.

Dad👿🐷: Hiya sweetheart, I heard that you were in London! What a coincidence! So am I! Would love to meet up :) love you.
You: No
Dad👿🐷: No? You're not in London?
You: I'm in London. I just don't want to meet up.
Dad👿🐷: Why not, darling?
You: You could have killed mum
Dad👿🐷: But I didn't. Kenzie, you know what my temper's like. But I'd never intentionally hurt somebody.
You: You would and you did.
Dad👿🐷: I wouldn't! I'm not nasty.
You: You are. You hurt mum. You've been hurting mum since I was twelve years old!
Dad👿🐷: I've only recently started hitting her! And I didn't mean it!
You: But look at the emotional pain you've given her, dad. Do you not see that?! You've ruined her life! And mine!
Dad👿🐷:You don't mean that, darling. Please. We need to meet up and talk about this.
You: Leave me alone. I hate you.
Dad👿🐷: You don't sweetheart. Please. I was hurting. I was depressed. Things inside my head were going mad. I didn't know how to handle it so I took it out on you and your mum. I love you both.
You: Go away.
Dad👿🐷: Really?! I've just told you how depressed I was and you act like this. Some daughter you are! You disgust me.
You: I hate you. Go away.
Dad👿🐷: Fine. If that's the way you want to play it. But watch out, darling. You're going to regret it.

I began crying. Not the sort of crying that I usually do when I'm upset. No sound came out. It felt like I was screaming but I was being forcefully silenced my my dad's words. He was my dad. He wasn't meant to say things like that. He wasn't meant to make me feel like does. He's meant to make me feel safe. Not scared. Suddenly, I felt an arm around me. I flinched.
"Shh. You're okay." Andy whispered. I shook my head at him.
"I'm not." I said.
"Are you going to tell me why?" He asked me.
"My dad... He... I... He's gonna... He wants to... I'll regret..." I stammered. I couldn't get the words out.
"Breathe, Miss Kenzie. Come on." He said. I opened up the text messages on my phone and showed them to Andy. I watched his face as he read through the texts. It was a mixture of sadness, shock and anger. He sighed and shook his head. He then gave me my phone back.
"We could report this, Kenzie." Andy sighed. I shook my head at him. I knew what my dad would do if he knew I'd told anyone about the texts. The same as he did to my mum.
"No." I whispered.
"It's a criminal offence! He could go to prison for this!" Andy shouted.
"Andy! I'm twenty one years old! I'm an adult!" I shouted.
"So?! It's still threatening and disgusting!" He shouted. I shook my head at him.
"Please don't tell anyone about this. Who knows what he'd do if he found out." I begged.
"Fine. Kenzie, I won't tell anybody if you make me this one promise." He sighed.
"Anything. I'll do anything." I said.
"Promise me that you won't go and meet him." Andy said.
"I promise." I said. I held out my pinky finger out to him. He smiled and then wrapped his pinky around mine.
"Do you want some breakfast, Miss Kenzie?" He asked me.
"Sure." I said with a smile. He patted my shoulder and then went into the kitchen. I sighed and rested my head back on the pillow. I closed my eyes and thought about my dad. I thought about saying no to meeting up with him. Maybe he really had changed. Maybe he really was sorry. Maybe he really was hurting and that's why he was so cruel to my mum. But surely that doesn't excuse it. They used to be in love. They must have been. They got married and had a little girl. Surely they didn't do that just for the sake of things. If he was hurting, why didn't he tell her. Why didn't he let my mum help him before it got so out of hand. Before somebody got hurt. Before I had to move away. Why didn't he let us help him.

I must have fallen asleep, then, as I don't remember Andy entering the room. I looked over to see him sitting in his bed with his laptop.
"I'll go get your food. You're so cute when you sleep." Andy said. I smiled at him and he wondered into the kitchen. I reached over to check my phone. I had another text from my dad. It just said Please. Give me a chance. I need to see you. He needed me. I needed to go and see him. But I'd promised Andy. I swore that I wouldn't go and see my dad. I let a tear fall from my eye as I thought about what to do.

"Hey, miss Kenzie! Don't cry! Hey!" Andy said, putting an arm around me. I hugged him and cried into his shoulder. He didn't have to ask what was wrong. He already knew. I cried into his chest for a while. When I let go, Andy stared at my for a while.
"Oh, beautiful Miss Kenzie. I've loved you since you were twelve years old." He said. And that's when he kissed me.



Hey guys!! I hope you liked this chapter! I'm excited to write the chapters to come, where do you guys think the story's going to go from here?


-Emily xx

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