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The greatest thing you'll ever learn is to love and be loved in return - Nature Boy - Aurora (The song was originally by Nat King Cole but oh my I'm so obsessed with this version right now. I saw a magician last week and he played it before his show and I've been in love with this version of the song ever since!)

When I awoke, dazed and confused, all I could shout was one word.
"Mum! Mum! Mum!" I heard footsteps and I hoped that she was coming. Then I remembered where I was. I knew that my mum wasn't here. Mikey and Andy were.
"Morning, sleeping beauty. Have a nice nap?" Andy asked.
"What happened?" I asked him.
"You fainted." He said, sitting next to me. He handed me a cup of hot chocolate.
"Thank you. Fainted? That's never happened before." I said, slightly confused. I've often felt as though I was going to pass out, but I never actually had.
"Yes. You realised you had a decision to make." Hearing that made my head pound. It was as if I could feel the thoughts rushing around the pinball machine that was my mind.
"I don't want to think about it." I sighed.
"Kenzie. You need to think about it. If you don't make a decision you'll worry." Andy said, his voice was stern and serious like a teacher or a councillor.
"I'll worry anyway, Andy. That's just who I am. I worry." I sighed.
"Then you pass out." Andy said.
"I've never done that before today!" I protested. Raising my voice hurt my head, I covered my eyes with my hand and groaned.
"Kenzie, can I be honest with you? Even though it may hurt you." Andy asked. I nodded at him. That meant he was going to tell me to go home.
"You need to go to your mum, Kenzie. She's been through a lot and it just wouldn't be right to stay here. If you did stay, we'd fall apart. You'd only be able to think of your mum. You'd be filled with the regret of not leaving. Of not going to her. You'd be clutching and grabbing at straws, clinging on to the fact that we'll be fine. But we'd both know deep down that we won't." Andy said. I could tell that he was upset.
"Andy... We got separated before... I can't let it happen again..."
"But I found you! I found you, didn't I?" Andy interrupted me to say.
"We didn't have a choice then. We didn't have a say on whether we saw eachother again. But now we do! We were just kids. We didn't know what was happening. Now, Andy, we have the choice. We have the option to create our own destiny. Why waste it?" I asked him, I grabbed hold of his hand but he let go.
"Kenzie... I love you. I really do..."
"Then let me stay!" I begged.
"It wouldn't work, Kenzie! You'd regret it!" Andy shouted.
"Please... I've gone a week without my mum..."
"A week where you've worried yourself sick about her. Please. Go to her." Andy said. He was crying now.
"No. What if I never see you again?" I cried. My voice was just a squeak now. I could barely speak. I could barely look at him. I couldn't leave him now.
"Kenzie, I've found you once. I swear I'll do it again. Look... I never believed in fate. Why would I? Nothing to do with 'fate' had ever happened to me. But then I found you and it felt like everything in the world was good. Then I realised... I'd been down before you came. I didn't know what I wanted. That's why I stayed here. Without the boys. To clear my head. I didn't know if I wanted this. The fame. I didn't know if I wanted to be away from home all the time. I just felt so unbelievably down. Then you appeared and changed everything. When I found you, I changed. I was happier. I was... I wanted to go out and run around and just show everyone 'Look! I've got this amazing girl with me. Look everyone! Look how perfect she is.' Kenzie, you're the reason I believe in fate. So I believe that it will bring us back together." Andy cried.
"What do I do if it doesn't? What happens then?" I asked him.
"Then we weren't meant to be. You'll find someone better." Andy cried.
"No! I don't want anyone else! I want you!" I screamed, pushing him backwards and banging my head against the wall in frustration. Andy grabbed my hand.
"If fate doesn't bring us back together... I will. I'll make sure we see each other again. But maybe you'll have somebody new by then." Andy sighed.
"I could never... No! I would not have somebody new!" I shouted indignantly.
"Kenzie, a beautiful girl like you doesn't wait. You could have any guy you could ever want. Why would you spend your time waiting for someone like me?" Andy sighed. I could see that he was hurting. It hurt me to see that he was sad. It hurt me to see that he didn't think much of himself. It hurt me to see that he didn't love himself like I loved him.
"I don't want just any guy, Andy. I want you. Please let me stay." I sighed.
"You need to be with your mum and that's the end of it, Kenzie. Please. Do this for me. Look after your mum. Go and amount to great things. Go and make me proud, Miss Kenzie." Andy whispered. I sighed at him.
"I will, Andy Fowler. I'll make you proud. But you've got to come and see me." I said.
"I will. I promise." He said.
"That's what you said at the campsite but then you never came back. You left me alone." I cried.
"I've realised something as I've grown up. Always keep your promises. That's what I do. When I make a promise, I always keep it."

Hey guys! I've made a little decision...

So the next chapter will be the last one set in this time period.

HOWEVER Chapter 20 will be set 7 years later as a sort of an epilogue. Then I feel as though you guys will get some closure on the future of Kenzie and Andy. The idea I'm going to write about was an idea that was just casually mentioned to me by my best friend, Aimee and I'm so excited to develop it and write it!

Also I haven't checked this for spelling mistakes so please comment if you find one 😂👌


-Emily x

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