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In my life why do I give valuable time to people who don't care if I live or die? - The Smiths - Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now

Mikey's POV

As soon as I heard the door open, I ran to it. I knew who it'd be. Kenzie wouldn't be back yet. If ever.
"What did you do?" I asked Andy.
"What did I do? Oh god, yeah, because everything's always my fault isn't it?" Andy shouted, kicking his shoes off.
"Come on, mate. Tell me what happened." I said. I lead him into our room and we both sat down on my bed on the bottom bunk.
"She didn't remember me." Andy sighed. I saw a tear fall from his eye. I didn't see Andy cry very often so I knew that this was serious.
"What do you mean, mate?" I asked him.
"I kissed her and told her I love her and she said that we'd only known eachother for a few days. She didn't remember me so I got mad. It crushed me, Mike. I thought my heart was going to break in half." Andy said. He was crying a lot now.
"Look, mate. Staying in here all day isn't going to help anything, is it? Let's go into Windsor. We'll go to the fudge shop and then sit by the castle, just how you like. Come on, fovvs, you can't beat yourself up over this. It's not your fault." I said sympathetically. Andy didn't say anything. He just nodded and stood up.
"Are you ok on your own?" I asked. I knew that he was only going to get his shoes back on but he seemed completely out of it. He nodded and slid his shoes on. I hadn't seen Andy like this in a long time.

Andy was silent the whole journey to Windsor. We went to the fudge shop that we often went to. Andy especially loved it there. We know the man that works there quite well and he always makes conversation with us. However, on this particular day, we didn't have a conversation. Instead, he looked at Andy with concern and then at me. I shook my head at him, warning him not to say anything to Andy, in fear of making him feel even worse. I ordered the fudge as Andy still hasn't spoken. We walked to the bench in front of the castle. The third one along, Andy's favourite bench. He's never told me why. He always sits on that bench, whenever we embark on a journey to Windsor. If there happens to be people already sitting on the bench, Andy stands next to the bench, waiting for them to leave.

On this particular day, the bench was free which meant that Andy and I could go and sit there. Andy was still silent. I needed to talk to him.
"Andy, mate..."
"It's days like these that I just want a hug from my mum. Why did I leave her behind, Mikey? Why did I pack it all up? For music. That's why. Music is what I've always wanted to do. I could have gone home for a bit. We had time off. Why didn't I go home? It felt like I needed to stay here. I don't know, man, it just felt like something was making me stay. Then I saw her. I recognised her as soon as I saw her. That same smile. However the smile that was once laced with innocence is now burdened with hurt and disappointment. But it's still as beautiful. Her eyes were once filled with excitement but now you can see that she's been let down time and time again. Something. Someone. Somewhere. Whatever it was made me stay here and meet her. I've never really been a believer in fate. I've always thought it was just something to make sappy love stories seem sappier and happy stories seem happier. But maybe it's real. Maybe it was fate that made me stay here. Maybe that was just the start. But sadly, as quickly as things start, they end. The good things go to quick. There's a Shakespeare quote that I stand by. 'Summer's lease hath all too short a date.' We wait so long for the summer but it's over so quickly. Why do things have to end, Mikey? Why did she have to leave me?" Andy said, bursting into tears. It was as if he had been holding it all in his head for too long. It was as if he was a tap and someone had just started the water. It was as if somebody had opened Andy's mouth and all the words had just fallen out.

Then Andy's phone started to ring.
"Who is it?" I asked.
"Her." Andy said. He then put the phone next to him on the bench.
"Are you not going to answer her?" I asked.
"She could be trying to sort things, mate." I said.
"I don't care. I need to forget her. It's been ten years. I need to let her go." Andy said. Then the phone rang again. And then again.
"Andy, I'd answer it. She seems adamant." I said. Andy shook his head. That's when my phone started ringing. It was Kenzie. Despite Andy's glares, I answered the phone.
"Mikey..." Kenzie whispered.
"Why are you whispering?" I asked.
"Please help..." She was then cut off by a man's voice.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" The man shouted. He sounded really angry. I heard a slapping noise and Kenzie shouting out in pain.
"Right, just wait til I've finished with you!" The man said. I heard more slapping and Kenzie screaming. She was screaming one word.
"Andy! Andy! Andy!" I hung up the phone and stared at Andy in disbelief.
"What did she want?" Andy sighed.
"We need to help her. Where did she go?" I asked Andy.
"She didn't tell me. I mean her dad wanted to meet up and... No. No no no! This is all my fault. She'll be with her dad." Andy said, crying again.
"What can we do? We don't know where she is!" I shouted.
"Mikey, call the police and get a track on Kenzie's phone. And quickly." Andy instructed.
"Andy, mate, you know that this might not work." I warned him.
"I will do anything to get her back. I let go of an angel, Mikey Cobban, I shall not lose her again.


Hey guys! It took me a while to write this chapter as I was thinking about how to put things. However, this is how it turned out and I hope you liked it!

Thank you for 3k reads. You're all incredibly amazing and stuff.


-Emily xx

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