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Try to be cool but my feelings just don't allow me to - The Vamps - Paper Hearts

Still Mikey's POV

My hands were shaking so much that I thought I'd drop my phone whilst on the phone to the police. They were very nice and helped me a lot. They said that they'd tracked Kenzie's phone to some pub in a pretty rough area. I don't know why she'd be there. They said they'd send out police as well but we were much closer and would get there before they did. They told us that we must not confront anybody as it may put us in danger and put Kenzie in even more danger.

We began running to the destination that the police had told us. I don't think either of us really knew how to get there. Andy knew which part of the city the pub was in. He said that it'd take about five or ten minutes to run there.
"Fovvs. Are we mad? Doing this, I mean? What if it's too late to save her? What if she's... What if we can't get there on time?" I said.
"No, Mikey. No. We've got this. She'll be fine. She has to be fine. She's... She's Kenzie. She's always fine." Andy said. He wasn't crying like before. He seemed as if nothing was going through his mind. His eyes were glazed over as if he was in a dream. His face was blank. It was as though he was numb. It was as if he was so scared that he dare not believe it.

I was scared too. I didn't know Kenzie very well. I'd only met her once. She seemed like a really nice girl though. Unsure of herself. Insecure. Quiet. Something bad had happened to her to bring her to London. I didn't know what that was, but it must have been awful for her. Most importantly, she made my best friend happy. That was what mattered to me the most. Seeing Andy happy was one of my favourite things in the world. Seeing any of the boys happy was my favourite things in the world. However, now, seeing Andy completely blank with fear, I felt physically sick. I needed to help him find Kenzie. I needed Kenzie to be ok. If she wasn't ok, I don't know what Andy would do. He'd be beside himself. He wouldn't talk. He wouldn't sing. He wouldn't eat. He wouldn't sleep. It'd be just like when...

"We're here, Mikey. We're here!" Andy shouted. I smiled at him.
"Ok, what now?" I asked. Andy stormed into the pub.
"Right! You tell me where Kenzie is right now or I swear to God, every single one of you is going to be on that floor and in serious need of a hospital, do you hear me?!" Andy shouted. I was shocked. I'd never heard Andy say something like that. He was usually really polite and respectful. However, the circumstances were rather different to any other day. The bar tender walked up to us. He had messy brown hair that had quite a lot of dandruff in it and looked like it hadn't been washed in years. One of his eyes was larger than the other. He was wearing brown overalls that were dirty and covered in something that looked like coal. It wouldn't be coal though as he works in a bar and not a mine.
"Right, you dirty scum. Let me show you where your precious little darling is." The bar tender said, getting abnormally close to Andy's face.
"Good. I swear to God, you wonky eyed toad, if you've had any part in hurting my Kenzie then you'll be locked in prison for as long as possible. Do you hear me?" Andy said. The bar tender grabbed Andy by the shirt.
"My word against yours, pal. You think you're gonna stitch me up? Please. I've been doing this sort of thing since I was fourteen years old. What are you? Some little church boy? Going to a private school with daddy's hard earned cash?" He asked. Hitting Andy slightly. Andy hit back much harder.
"My mum raised me to respect people who deserve respect. To treat people in the way that they treat me. Not gonna lie, mate, you're not treating me very well here. So put me down. Show me where she is. Then nobody gets hurt." Andy said. The bar tender looked at him and laughed.
"You heard him, mate. Put him down. Show us where Kenzie is." I said. The man laughed and put Andy down. He walked us behind the bar and pointed to some trees.
"In there. She might have pegged it already. If she has, drag her out. Don't want some dead lass ruining my pubs reputation, do I?" The bar tender said.
"You'd better watch yourself, pal." I said to him.
"If you don't shut your face, I'm gonna hit you so hard that your grandchildren will feel it." Andy said. The man just laughed and shook his head. Then he began walking away.
"I'm gonna kill him. I'm gonna kill him!" Andy screamed. Andy began running towards the man but I grabbed his arm.
"Mate. The longer we spend getting angry at this bloke, the longer Kenzie is stuck with her dad. If we want to save her, we need to start now. Please, Andy." I said. Andy shook his head.
"No. He can't say that. He can't be like that. He can't laugh! He can't..."
"Andy! Andy help me! Andy!" I heard a girl's voice scream.
"Kenzie! Kenzie where are you?!" Andy shouted, running in the direction of the trees. I followed him, my heart beating faster than ever before.
"Andy! Andy help me! Andy, please!" Kenzie was screaming. I could hear her getting more scared with every word.
"Kenzie! Kenzie I'm coming, it's ok. Kenzie? Kenzie where are you, darling?! Kenzie!" Andy shouted.
"Stop!" A man shouted. That's when we saw her.


Hey guys!! I hope you enjoyed that chapter!

I can't believe this book is almost over. Just 5 more chapters! What do you think will happen?

*I also didn't check this chapter for spelling mistakes so sorry if there are lots...*


-Emily xx

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