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If you asked me if I love him, I'd lie - Taylor Swift - I'd Lie

"Get up, we're going out." Andy said sternly, waking me up. I looked at him, confused. I raised my eyebrows at him.
"You heard. Keep those clothes on for now. We'll go get you some new stuff and go out for lunch and stuff. So get out of bed." Andy said. He sounded angry but he was being so sweet by offering to buy me things. I didn't want him to buy me things. If he bought me things that would mean I'd have to thank him and thanking him involves talking and talking too much makes friends and I don't want that.
"No." I whispered. He looked at me, a confused expression on his face.
"No? What do you mean? I'm being nice, here, Kenzie! I've invited you into my home and offered to buy you things and you refuse to accept?" He asked me. He was shouting and I don't like shouting. I shuffled backwards away from him.
"Ok." I sighed. He smiled at me and grabbed his wallet. He put it in his jeans pocket.
"Come on, then. Are you getting out of bed or what?" He asked me. I climbed down the ladder out of the bed and stood next to him.
"Come on, Miss Kenzie. We have some shopping to do!"

We arrived at a huge building. There were so many people there and I didn't like that. I read the sign on the top of the building. Westfield's Shopping Centre. I'd only ever been to a shopping centre three times. It was a rather small shopping centre in Leeds that I used to go to at Christmas. I started going when I was fifteen and then stopped going when dad turned violent at home and didn't want to let my mum take me anymore. He didn't want her to go anywhere anymore. She very rarely left the house. She lost her job and that's why we didn't have a lot of money.

There were three floors. We went up to the top floor and Andy stood and looked over the balcony.
"Ages ago, Rye made me shout to everyone in the shopping centre. He'd already shouted 'Hello Westfield!' at everyone. I said it quietly too. I don't like being embarrassed in public. But then Rye shouted 'Andy Fowler everyone​!' and it was probably the most embarrassing moment of my life." Andy laughed. I stayed looking at him, still not making a conversation. He sighed.
"Where do you want to eat? There's some really posh places over there. Or there's Nandos. Or there's..."
"McDonalds." I muttered.
"You see, that's what I like. A girl who knows what she wants. But you don't have to go there. I'll take you somewhere nicer!" He smiled. I shook my head at him. He sighed again and we walked to McDonalds.

I kept looking around at all the people. I didn't understand​ how so many people could be in one place at one time. It was just like the train station but even bigger. When we arrived at McDonald's, Andy asked me what I wanted. I shrugged at him.
"I'll just get you the same as I have, yeah?" He asked. I shook my head. I didn't know if I'd like what Andy was getting​.
"What do you want then?" Andy asked. I shrugged once again.
"For God's sake. This is not how I remember you!" Andy shouted.
"What?" I asked. He looked flustered again. I seem to confuse him. I don't know why. I don't do it on purpose.
"I... I meant... I didn't mean to say that... I meant... I'll just get you a burger and chips. That'll be fine, won't it...?" He asked. I nodded.
"And... and coke? Yeah?" He asked. I nodded again.

What did he mean remember me? I'd never met Andy Fowler before. What did he mean? I mean, the boy I shout in my dream is called Andy. But he looks completely different to Andy Fowler. The boy is young. He has light brown spiked hair. Andy Fowler is older. He has blonde hair that falls on his face slightly. It's completely impossible.

"Here you go, Miss Kenzie. Bon appetit!" Andy laughed, sitting down.
"So... Music...? Do you like music?" He asked me. I nodded.
"I'm in a boyband. I also used to write some songs and stuff but that was a while ago. My band has an EP out. Maybe I should show you it?" He said.
"RoadTrip." I muttered.
"Yeah! You know of us! That's awesome!" Andy said. He quickly grabbed his phone and began texting someone. He then put it down on the table.
"I'm going to the bathroom. Are you alright here on you're own?" Andy asked me. I nodded. When he left, I turned the phone around to face me. He'd forgotten to turn it off.

You: Rye... I think I've found her... You know the girl I always talk about. From the campsite when I was fourteen...
Bowman🤘🐝: Shut up! You're kidding? That's insane fovvs!
You: I know. She knows about us, though. She knows of the band. Does that mean that she's remembered me all along and just not wanted to? But she doesn't seem to know who I am...
Bowman🤘🐝: Just wait it out. See if she realises. Is she staying at the flat?

I turned the phone back around so that it was facing where Andy was sitting. Who was he talking about? I hadn't seen him talking to any other people whilst we were here. Maybe those messages were sent a while ago. Maybe he was just reading through them.
"So I was thinking where to look for clothes for you..." Andy said as he sat down. I looked up at him, my face expressionless.
"There's a huge row of shops not far from here. Do you fancy that?" He asked. I nodded at him.
"If we don't find anything there, we'll just go to the end and back again."


Hey guys!! I hope you liked this chapter. What are your opinions on Kenzie?

Thank you for 600 reads!!


-Emily xx

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