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Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars - Ed Sheeran - Thinking Out Loud

He seemed shocked when he said that. He seemed scared yet reminiscent. As if he was remembering something. I'd heard that before. 'The end and back.'. his song! He said it in the song of his that I listened to on the train. Did he always quote his own song lyrics?
"You never told me your opinion on it." Andy said. I looked at him, confused.
"Music." He said. I sighed. I wish he'd stop trying to instigate a conversation with me. I don't want to be friends with him.
"Music sets you free." I told him. He gasped slightly and stopped walking for a second.
"I used that in an interview once." He said. I nodded politely at him. He looked shocked again. I needed to stop speaking. It seemed to scare him when I did.

"So... Umm... What kind of shops do girls like? Lush? Do lush sell clothes? No... Wait... They sell bath bombs right?" Andy asked. I nodded and couldn't help sniggering slightly.
"Don't laugh at me, Miss Kenzie, I'm trying my best!" Andy said. He wasn't angry though because he was laughing too.
"I like Primark. Primark's a good shop, right? They do girls stuff too. Fancy a trip to Primark? That's on the row of shops I was talking about. Do you want to go down there?" Andy asked me. I nodded.
"Right so I brought about a hundred quid. I spent a bit on food but you should be able to get something... Is that ok?" Andy asked.
"You don't have to, Andy. I really appreciate it but..." I said.
"Kenzie. I want to." He said. Typical. The only time I actually want to talk to him and he cuts me off. I nodded and followed Andy. I'd never been here before and therefore had no idea where we were going.

I didn't like going places that I didn't know. Often, when dad got angry, he'd order me to get into the car. He would just drive for hours and I wouldn't know where he was going. He just wouldn't want me to be with my mum. My mum loves me. She really does. She'd do anything for me. And he took me away from her for that while. He wouldn't let me have music on. Or wear headphones. I had to sit there in complete silence. I wasn't allowed to talk. I'd say something that's annoy him. I always did. Mum listened. My dad didn't like when I spoke. He just didn't seem to like me very much. He never did. It was strange. People always said that when they were kids, they had a special bond with their dads. A bond where you can laugh with them. A bond where you can tell them things. A bond where you can be happy around them. But I never had that. I never got to laugh with him. I never got to talk to him about important stuff. I never got to be a real daughter.

So as I walked around the shopping centre with a boy that was a stranger, my heart was beating faster then ever. I tried to control my breathing but I was terrified. I wanted to be at home. I wanted to be with my mum but there was no way of doing that. I didn't have enough money. I didn't know where she was. I didn't know if she was alive or not.

I leant against a wall and closed my eyes. I focussed on my breathing. I was shaking. I felt like I was going to pass out. I felt a hand on my shoulder.
"Kenzie. Kenzie are you alright?" I heard Andy say. I tried to focus on my breathing instead of what Andy was saying. I opened my eyes to look at him. He looked worried. He was smiling at me sympathetically.
"Kenzie, breathe. Ready, breathe with me. Okay." Andy said, taking deep breaths and instructing me to do the same. I breathed in time with him and it helped me calm down. He smiled at me.
"You ok now, miss Kenzie?" Andy said. I nodded. He suddenly wrapped his arms around me and grabbed me into a hug. I didn't really know what to do. I don't like people being too close to me. I put my arms around Andy. It didn't feel like people hugging me usually does. I liked it. I liked hugging Andy Fowler. It felt like I was at home, safe with my mum. Where I wanted to be. Once again, it felt familiar. So much about Andy Fowler felt familiar. Maybe he had a similar personality to someone that I already knew. Maybe he just had a warm personality. Maybe he was just friendly. Maybe I was just being stupid.

We began walking again. I already felt a bit shaky. Andy must have realised and grabbed my hand. I smiled at him, politely. People looked at us as they walked past. Some people smiled at us. One woman stopped us.
"Young love is so beautiful isn't it? How long have you two been together?" She asked. I looked at Andy, an alarmed look forming on my face. Andy laughed.
"Longer than you'd think!" He laughed. The woman smiled sweetly at the both of us.
"Well, good luck to you both. You're a beautiful couple!" She said. When she walked away, Andy looked at me.
"We're not together." I sighed. Andy laughed.
"Yet." He smiled.
"Excuse me?" I sighed.
"I'm kidding! Come on, Kenzie. Let's just walk. Let's just walk and talk about nothing in particular. Anything you want. Absolutely anything. Good or bad. Miss Kenzie, we can talk about anything in the entire world. What would you like it to be?" He asked.
"Music." I whispered.
"Music. Oh Miss Kenzie. It's just like this campsite!" He said, looking at me expectantly. Once again, I didn't have a clue what he meant.


Hey guys! I hope you liked this chapter. Sorry it took a while. I've had a rather busy week. I'm not sure when the next update will be. I'm not feeling too great in myself at the moment.

Thank you for 800 reads!


-Emily xx

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