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When the skies are looking bad, my dear, and your hearts lost all its hope, after dawn there will be sunshine and all the dust will go - Lucy Spraggan - Tea and Toast

As I approached the pub that my dad had requested, I couldn't see him. My heart was beating so fast that I thought it could possibly fall right out of my chest. However, that is impossible and I don't like thinking about things that are impossible as they either fill you with false hope or pointless dread. You see, hope is a thing that you cling on to for dear life. But false hope is the worst thing in the world. It's a thing that you're trying to cling on to, but you know that you have to let go and it's going to hurt when you fall. I know from experience that it hurts badly. It hurts like all the things you've been dreading all crushing you at once. There's nothing that you can do either. You just have to accept the disappointment and say that you're ok.

Reluctantly, I walked into the pub. There were a lot of drunk people. The music was so loud that it made my head hurt. A man that was sat at the bar stool quickly got up and approached me. I'd say that he was about 50 years old. He had a large bald circle in his hair and he was very wrinkly. He was also evidently extremely drunk.
"Hello sweetheart. I could do with a younger woman." He said, putting his arm around my waist. I tried my hardest not to scream. Instead I slapped him around the face. Despite this, he still carried on.
"I love it when they play hard to get." He said, winking at me.
"Get away from me you freak." I shouted. I then reached into my pocket and saw that my dad had texted me.

Dad👿🐷: Where are you for god's sake?
You: In the pub. Where are you?
Dad👿🐷: Take your time to reply why don't you.
You: I'm sorry dad. Where are you?
Dad👿🐷: Round the back. Just tell the man that you're Tim's daughter. He'll know where to send you.
You: Are you sure?
Dad👿🐷: Trust me. I'm absolutely positive.

Reluctantly, I walked up to the man at the bar. He was a middle aged man with brown hair that looked like it hadn't been washed in quite a while. One of his eyes was larger than the other. He was wearing brown overalls that made him look like he was about to go down a mine. He flashed me a smile. Quite a lot of his teeth were missing and the remaining ones were black and rotting.
"Hi... I'm... Umm... I'm Tim's daughter... He... Umm... He said you'd know where to send me?" I stuttered. I hate talking to strangers and I most definitely did not want to be friends with this man.
"Oh trust me, darling. I know exactly where to send you." He smirked. I smiled politely at him. He sounded very sinister and it scared me. But my mum always told me not to judge people too quickly and to try and see the good in people.

The man told me to follow him. I walked round the back of the bar and followed him out of the red wooden door. He laughed to himself.
"Over by those trees, my darling. I think you're gonna have a really good time." He said. He was smirking again. He had a strong cockney accent. Usually I liked that accent. But in this moment with this man that I didn't know, it terrified me. I smiled nervously at him and then walked over to the trees that he had pointed out. I couldn't see my dad anywhere.
"Dad? Dad! Dad are you here?" I shouted. Nobody answered and it made me feel sick because I didn't want to walk through the pub again on my own. Even though I didn't like my dad very much, I'd rather him be with me when I walk through the pub.

Then I felt hands around both my arms, dragging me backwards. I screamed but someone covered my mouth. I turned my head to look at who was holding me. There were two men with long beards and long hair. They looked as though they could be Vikings but that was another impossible thing because they're not around anymore. They grabbed some rope and tied me to one of the trees.
"What are you doing?! Who are you?!  Dad!" I yelled. Then a man stood in front of me.
"Yes, sweetheart?" He smirked.
"Dad! Dad what are you doing?" I screamed.
"I hate you and your mother. If you hadn't have come along, I wouldn't have had to stay with your pathetic excuse of a mum. It's all your fault. And now you're going to suffer the same fate as her." He laughed.
"Dad! Dad I'm sorry! Please. I'll leave you alone. I'll never contact you again, I promise!" I shouted. He walked over and slapped me across the face. I winced and he laughed at me. He then turned and began talking to the two men who'd moved to behind him. I looked down at my pocket and pulled out my phone. It was almost impossible to move my arms as they were tied to my side. I knew that if he caught me doing this, I'd be dead immediately. I didn't understand what I'd done so wrong. It's not my fault that I was born. If I'm honest, I'd much rather I wasn't. The two men looked extremely sinister. I was terrified. I tried to work the buttons on my phone but it was hurting my hands so terribly that I was trying not to cry. But if I cried they'd notice and catch me on my phone. Then I could never call for help. So I braved the pain and called Andy's number. But there was no answer.


Hey guys!! Sorry that it's been so long since I uploaded. I've been ill and busy and then I just completely forgot as I was watching Horrible Histories...

We're nearly at 3k you mad lot! Love you guys!


- Emily xx

The End - Andy Fowler (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now