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I wanna dry those tears, kiss those lips, it's all I've been thinking about - James Arthur - Can I be him - RoadTrip Cover

"Ready to go?" Andy asked me, putting a small bag in the car. It contained the clothes that Andy had bought for me.
"No." I said.
"I'm sorry, Kenzie. But this is what's best." Andy said, hugging me. I knew that this was what needed to happen. I knew that I had to go back and look after my mum. I knew I had to tell her about what my dad had done. She'd be shocked. Completely. My mum always told me that no matter what emotions my dad felt towards her, he'd always love me. I guess she was expecting my dad beating her up. She didn't seem too shocked when it happened. She just told me to leave. None of us expected him to come for me. That's what made it so hard to experience. That's what will make it so hard to explain it to my mum.

I hugged Andy tight.
"Come on, Miss Kenzie. Let's get you home." He said. I climbed into the car. He said that it wasn't his car. It belonged to his managed, Blair. I found the fact that Andy had a manager very cool. Especially a manager called Blair. That sounded like the name of a rockstar. I wondered if Andy was going to get really famous and forget about me. That thought made me want to cry again.
"Are you ok, darling?" Andy asked, getting into the driver's seat.
"You know how you have a manager and stuff?" I said to Andy.
"Yes?" Andy said.
"Does that mean you're going to get super famous and then forget that I ever existed?" I asked him. I was crying now.
"Hey, come on, you! No! I could never forget you, Miss Kenzie. I've told you that. I promise I'll remember you for as long as I live. Okay? I pinky promise." Andy said, wrapping his finger around mine.

The car journey was hell. Five hours. It would have been so much better if I was happy. If I was happy, I'd have sang along to all the music that Andy had played. I'd have spoken to Andy about random rubbish. I'd have laughed with him. I'd have told him jokes and tried to make him smile. But I wasn't happy. I was sad and scared and I felt sick. I didn't want to say goodbye to Andy. I loved him. Goodbyes were always so hard. I didn't know whether goodbye meant for ever. I didn't know whether it was a 'see you soon' goodbye or a 'Goodbye forever' goodbye and that made my head hurt.

I directed Andy around the final few corners as we approached my house. Seeing my house made me feel sick. The last time that I left this house, I didn't know whether my mum would live or die. The last time that I left this house, I was running away from my dad. This house was full of bad memories that I didn't want to remember or relive. My heart was beating fast and it felt as though I was going to faint.

"Ready?" Andy asked me.
"No. Please don't let me go. Please don't let me leave. Please let me stay with you." I begged.
"Kenzie... I can't..."
"Promise you'll come back?" I asked him.
"I promise, Miss Kenzie, I will find you. Even if I have to go to the end and back."


Hey guys! That's the end of the present tense version of the book. The next chapter will be the last one and will be set 9 years in the future (That's because the campsite and the present day were 9 years apart)


-Emily xx

The End - Andy Fowler (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now