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The ageing superhero in me is tired - Newton Faulkner - Ageing Superhero

We didn't get back to Andy's flat until around seven that night. After buying two t-shirts, two pairs of jeans and a hoodie from Primark, Andy decided that there was definitely enough money for a trip to the cinema. We watched Beauty and the Beast. I hadn't been to the cinema in a long time. Not since I was about fourteen. Seeing the huge screen and hearing the loud, clear sounds was like being in a whole other universe. I looked around at the other people. Some were smiling. Some looked miserable. Bored even. They must come to the cinema regularly. I guess that's just the way of the world. If we do something often or see something every day, we take it for granted. We don't appreciate it as much as we should. I vowed that I would never take something as beautiful as the cinema for granted.

When we arrived back at Andy's flat, he threw me the TV remote. I immediately threw it back.
"Don't tell me you have an irrational fear of television remotes, Miss Kenzie." Andy laughed. I shook my head.
"Fine then. I'll decide what we watch. Britain's Got Talent is on soon. We'll watch that. Take Me Out is on first. We'll have to sit through that. Hey, did you know that Jack, who's also in the band, was on Britain's Got Talent as a kid." Andy laughed. I smiled politely at him. I'd never really watched Britain's Got Talent so I didn't know that Jack had been on it.

"Remember girls, if you don't like the look of him, turn of your lights!" The host on the television said. I already disliked this programme. Before they'd even got to know the girls, the guy had to pick the girl that he thought was the best looking. But before that, if the girls didn't like the way he looked, they decided that they didn't want to date him. I found the show judgemental. The guy might be the most good looking boy you've ever seen. But he could have an awful personality and vise versa. He could be the most disgusting human being you've ever seen and have six heads and thirty seven toes. But he could be the kindest, funniest person that you could ever meet. I hated that they judged the people before getting to know them.
"This show is awful!" I shouted. I meant to say it in my head. It seemed as though I had said it out loud as Andy turned to me.
"Why?" Andy asked.
"For so many reasons. One being that they don't know anything about these people but they're happy to jet off on some five star holiday to God knows where. Two being that before they've even got to know anything about them, they can reject them. Which is awful because you should judge a person on personality, not if they have a couple of spots on their face. Or if they could lose a couple of pounds. Or how big their... Anyway... That's not love. Love is noticing their flaws but accepting them and learning to love them. Love is not caring if they have a few spots here and there or if they could lose a bit of weight. Love is smiling when they text you. Love is getting butterflies at the mention of their name. Love is wanting to know more about a person. Love is carrying on a conversation just to keep talking to them. Love is loving everything about a person. Not just their face." I said.
"You know what, Miss Kenzie? That's the most I've ever heard you speak. It's also very true. I hate how judgemental people are." I'll admit, I was also rather shocked at the amount that I had decided to speak. But I kind of liked it. I felt like a weight had been removed from my shoulders. I felt like I wasn't scared to talk to Andy Fowler anymore.
"Me too. It's a fact that you judge someone within the first five seconds of meeting somebody. You can't get to know somebody in five seconds. Everybody has their story. The happiest of people could be going through the saddest of things. Everybody has been through something. Whether it's small or large. Whether it's life changing or day changing. Everybody has a story. It's one of my favourite things to do. I love learning people's stories. I love knowing things about people." I said.
"That sounds rather creepy." Andy laughed. I scowled at him.
"I'm kidding, Miss Kenzie. You seem to know a lot about love. Have you ever been in love?" Andy asked me. I thought about it for a while.
"No. Not properly, anyway." I sighed. He looked sad.
"What do you mean 'Not properly.' So that means you have?" Andy asked.
"I'm guessing fictional characters and Doctor Who don't count?" I asked.
"No they don't." Andy said. I'd tried making him laugh but he just looked even more annoyed.
"Have you ever been in love, Andy?" I asked him. He looked at me, an expression on his face that I hadn't seen in a while. It looked like a mixture of disappointment​ and longing. As if he'd lost somebody.
"Yes. Once. A long time ago, though. But you never really forget how it feels." Andy sighed.
"How does it feel?" I asked.
"It hurts." Andy told me.

We didn't talk for the rest of the night, then. I worried that I'd done something to upset him. I decided not to focus on that. I watched Britain's Got Talent and tried to distract myself from Andy. I really liked a magician on the show as he made me laugh. He was a comedian too. When they said that he had got through, I thought that he'd won the competition but he hadn't. He'd just got through to the final. I guess that's what life's like. You finally think you've won but you've still got one more round to go...

Hey guys!! I hope you liked this chapter! I'm getting some amazing feedback from this book and it really means a lot, thank you guys!

This chapter has quite a deep meaning. I wrote a lot about love. What I wrote isn't necessarily correct. I don't know much about love. I'm fourteen. I've never really had a proper boyfriend. So sorry if some of the stuff sounded a little far fetched...


-Emily xx

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