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No matter how far away you are, our hearts are always together  - Emily Moran - Home (Lol that's me heh)

Andy called a taxi and it arrived pretty quickly. The taxi driver seemed to know Andy as they chatted for the whole journey. They laughed and joked. I felt so left out. I hadn't even spoken to this guy yet. We got out of the taxi and Andy handed the guy some money. The guy gave Andy his money back and smiled at him.  Andy shook his hand and then opened my door for me. I still said nothing.  I just nodded politely at him.

He walked me up a path and into a building. It was a block of flats. We walked up the stairs and we reached a door. Number 64. Andy unlocked it and held it open for me. He led me into a room. There were two sets of bunk beds. He gestured around the room.
"I'm the only one here right now. Even Blair and Ginger are away right now. So you've got three beds to pick from." He smiled gesturing at the bunk beds. There was also a mattress leant against the wall. There was a black leather sofa underneath a huge mirror. The mirror had a PG tips monkey perched on top of it. I looked up at it.
"Oh, that's Doug. He's our friend." Andy laughed. I nodded and climbed up onto one of the top bunks.
"Nice! You picked top bunk! So did I. The bed you're in is Rye's. They don't get back for a couple of weeks though. I think Mikey gets back before everyone else so you can meet him first which is nice... Umm..." Andy said. I looked at him.
"You don't talk much. Do you?" He asked me. I stared at him blankly. I'd just come to a random guy's house. He could be an axe murderer. He could be some crazy psychopath. He could kill me and I'm sat on his friend's bed.
"You should. Would you like some water?" He asked. I nodded. I hadn't had a drink since before I set off so I was admittedly rather thirsty. Andy went to what I presumed was the kitchen and I heard the tap running. He came in with a glass of water.
"I'll give you this if you talk. Tell me your name." Andy smirked. I reached out to grab the glass from out of his hands but he pulled it away from me, a smile plastered on his face.
"Tell me your name. Then you get the water." He smirked. Why was he smirking at me. I didn't even know him yet he seemed to be flirting with me. What a weirdo.
"Come on. Tell me your name, darling." He whispered.
"Don't call me that. I'm not your darling." I sighed. He seemed taken aback by my voice. As if I'd scared him. I immediately shuffled backwards, away from him.
"You still haven't told me your name." He laughed.
"Kenzie." I told him.
"I knew it!" He said.
"You knew what?" I asked. He looked at me and sighed. He looked flustered as if I'd just asked him a really difficult question that he didn't know the answer to.
"Oh... You... Umm... You just look like someone who'd be called Kenzie." He stuttered. I looked at him in confusion. He handed me the water and then went back to his own top bunk.
"Why were you on the streets then, Miss Kenzie?" Andy asked me. Miss Kenzie. That sounded so familiar. I didn't know why. Every word that left Andy Fowler's lips felt like an extreme case of déjà vu. It felt like I'd heard every word before. It felt as if I was home.

I shrugged at him.
"You don't know?" He asked me. It wasn't that I didn't know why I was on the streets. I just didn't want to tell him. I also didn't want to think about it too much because I was so terribly worried about my mum. I nodded at Andy.
"Oh, so you do know. So why don't you tell me why you were curled up in some charity bags on the dangerous streets of London?" He asked me. I shook my head again.
"Why don't you want to tell me?! Why?!" He shouted. I didn't know why he was angry with me. We'd only just met and now he wanted to know my entire back story.
"My dad beat my mum up and it's not safe there for me anymore. I was meant to get a cheap train ticket and stay in a hotel for a bit until it was safe for me to go back there. But the train ticket was so expensive that I couldn't afford a hotel. So I looked for what seemed like the comfiest place to sleep on the desolate streets of London. Then you showed up." I told him.
"I'm sure that me showing up was the highlight of your evening." He smirked. I shook my head at him. I didn't want to talk anymore. I don't like talking to strangers. Even when I'm in their house. When I'd go for dinner parties with my mum and people that she worked with, I'd go the full outing without speaking. That was because I didn't want to talk to strangers and accidentally make friends. I didn't like having friends.

I pulled the duvet over me and rested my head on the pillow.
"Are you going to sleep already?!" Andy asked. He sounded surprised.
"Yes." I whispered.
"I don't sleep until very late. Or very early. Depending on how you look at it." Andy laughed. He then smiled at me and the corner of his eyes crinkled slightly. I closed my eyes ready to sleep.
"Goodnight Miss Kenzie." Andy whispered and then I fell asleep. It was the first night in years that I did not have the dream about the lake.


Hey guys! It feels like it's been ages since I last updated... Sorry about that!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter


-Emily xx

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