Know this Feeling when something Comes out of the blue? When all you were doing was living a normal day and then there's this splitsecond that changes everything - turning your whole world up side down?
Then you know exaclty how and what I am Feeling as I stare at the short note in my Hands. It's a crumpled Piece of paper that I have flatted out to be able to read what it says.
"I've got them. Follow my lead and they will be least for a Little longer. xxx"
Added to the letter there's a Picture of my Family. My wife Cameron and our two children, 4-year-old Kacy and 6-year-old Justin. My face has been burnt out of the Picture with a cigarette butt or something.
I sit there for what feels like hours before I move and call the Police. After all, the guy didn't say what most Kidnappers say: Do not call the Police. I sure hope he didn't just Forget it.

True Love (English/Deutsch)
Mystery / ThrillerWhat would you do if the life of those you loved were up to you? What if the one who decides when their lives end and whether or not they do gave you a Chance to save them? What if to save them you would have to cross your own lines? What if crossin...