Coming home after Kidnapping someone and leaving him to starve to death surely was way different than coming home from a tough day of work. Even the toughest day could not compare - ever -to the Feeling of Exhaustion he feels now.
He had planned to try and solve the riddle, but honestly all he does is fall face over onto his bed, falling asleep within seconds.
The next moring George Kerner Wakes up with a huge headache. Probably the aftermath of yesterday. After all he's sent someone over the edge.
What on earth has woken me up? In the distand I hear the beeping of my phone. The sudden realization of who it would be puts me in a state of being awake withing Milliseconds.
Grapping the ringing Thing I stagger down the stairs to the living room before picking up.
"Yes?" I ask, before realizing what I got is just a text, not a phone call. It says:
Name: Mellina Jenkins, Age 22, Brown hair, Brown eyes, Date of Death: today, cause of death: suicide, guilty of: pride

True Love (English/Deutsch)
Mystery / ThrillerWhat would you do if the life of those you loved were up to you? What if the one who decides when their lives end and whether or not they do gave you a Chance to save them? What if to save them you would have to cross your own lines? What if crossin...