Prepare to Weather the Storm

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It's late afternoon. Max and Chloe managed to fit in Portland. Weeks have passed since the two moved. The punk's heading back to the parlor after some skateboarding. As she opens the door she faces Matt.

'Good. You have a special customer, I guess.'
'Is Max here?' she grins.
'No, it's not Max. But this girl asked especially for you'

The bluenette walks in and takes a deep breath as she looks at her customer. She faces Matt.

'I will not do it' she whispers the words.
'You will do it. A customer is a customer. She will pay and I don't care about any of your excuses.'
'But Matt, I'm...'
'You're doing it!' he gives her a sharp look 'I'm your boss, you shouldn't forget about that!'
'Can't somebody else do it, Matt? Please? I'm begging you if it takes!'
'She asked for you. If I had the time you could tell me why you don't want to do it, but right now, you're not that lucky. We can talk about it tomorrow, but it's Wednesday and I have to pack the ordered clothes. Sorry, Chloe. You have to do it.' he leaves with that.

Chloe slowly faces the customer as she puts the skateboard away.

'So you're a skater again?' she smiles, but the bluenette stays stone cold.
'Let's not talk about anything but business now.'
'You're not happy to see me?'
'Cut the shit, Rachel' she sits down 'What do you want?'
'To make things up.'
'No. Nothing else, but business. Understood?'
'Fine...' she sighs.
'Now, what do you want?'
'I thought of a portrait of a doe.'
'Mhm. Give me a second now. I'll make a sketch. Go thrash if you feel like.'
'Can't we talk?'
'I'm serious.'
'Me too!' she gives her a sharp look 'Don't bother me! Give me ten minutes.'
'You won't measure the area?'
'I... have to.' she sighs as she grabs some paper 'Put your T-shirt off and show me how you imagined.'
The girl takes off her T-shirt smiling then she points to the area.
'I thought about somewhere here.'
'Mhm... I can't do that.'
'Your breasts are in the way. It would look fucked up if I did it like that. What about your back?'
'I definitely want something on my chest.'
'Just to tease me?'
'That's not the only reason' she grins 'I just like it. I want people to look there, I wanna make them look at my tattoo and say: "Wow..." Get it?'
'Mhm... Then you definitely need something smaller. A dragonfly, maybe'
'Sounds good enough.'
'I'd give it some bronze color and the wings would be shiny'
'I love it.'
'Give me a moment now. I'm gonna draw it and if you approve I'm gonna do it.' she grabs a pencil.
'You're so serious about this.'
'About what exactly?'
'Tattooing. I never noticed you're into it this much'
'Well, I love it for sure. I can live to creativity this way. I just love drawing. It's so great Matt also lets me design clothes.'
'I may take a look at them until you get ready'
'Sure. Or you may make an order later. I may design something for you.'
'Sure. You're a customer after all'
'And nothing more?'
'Listen, Rachel. You...' she sighs but doesn't quit sketching 'Don't make it hard. You left me and it was your choice. It was totally your choice. You didn't give a sign you were alive. I let you go. I buried you but I never forgot about you. My feelings have changed, okay?'
'You're still together?'
'Yeah. Just moved here because of her. For her. For us.'
'But do you really love her? The way you loved me?'
'It's... different.' she sighs again 'It seems to be deeper. Much more intense. What we had, you and me, was basically... having some fun, right? With Max it's just... I could live the rest of my life with her.'
'Never thought I'd ever say this, but you've changed, Chloe Price!'
'People change. Haven't you?'
'I opened up even more in L.A., but I don't know. Back then it was just hard to accept. That part of me. You just can't imagine how scared I was.' she brushes off her face.
'And was that the reason you started banging with Frank?'
'That's not it' she sighs 'You don't even know what a sweetheart he can be.'
'I don't even think I wanna know about that. The main issue is that you were cheating on me.'
'You can't imagine how I felt. I was totally confused. I still am, actually.'
'I loved you both. But I couldn't accept that I was in love with a girl, you know?'
'That girl was me. And just before I moved here you told me you still love me, Rachel...'
'It's not that, Chloe. I think I do. But you changed and I see it clearly now. Not that clearly as we don't even know each other. You're different and so I am.'
'And what about Frank?'
'Met him once but didn't talk about our relationship. I don't know if we could continue. I hurt him, too.'
'You could talk about your precious relationship though.'
'Didn't wanna hurt you. Just... I don't know. I didn't want you to know, because you didn't really like him. Not considering the fact he's much older than us.'
'And that he's a pig.'
'He's actually a great person.'
'As much a drug dealer can be...'
You've truly changed...'
'What do you think?' she reveals the drawing, not reacting to the last sentence.
'It's cool.'
'Okay, then. Go in. Take off your tee and bra and I'll be back in a second. I have to get the stencil'
'I'll be waiting' she smiles and walks behind the curtain.
As she's waiting for the stencil, she brushes off her face.
'Fuck me' she thinks to herself 'Once I'm done with this I don't have to see her, ever again...'

She grabs the stencil and walks up to Rachel. The blonde's already lying on her back. The punk tries to keep herself together and acts like a professional.

'You shouldn't have lied down just yet. I still have to place the stencil.'
'You're right' she sits up slowly.
'I think it will fit right here. Check it out in the mirror'
'It looks super cool!'
'Alright then' she puts on the rubber gloves 'I can't promise it won't hurt a bit'
'I know. But I heard you're a pro.'
'Who told you that?'
'Darren. I looked for you in the parlor. I didn't want to face Joyce or David, so I decided to ask Darren where you are.'
'And he told you' she sighs as she sets the ink and grabs her pistol.
'Then I checked out your work on the website and the comments. So I decided I'm gonna try you myself.'
'Okay, be ready.'
'I am.'
'I'm trying to be as fast and gentle as possible.'
'I know about the gentle part' she grins.
'Don't...' Please don't...'
'So, as you're stuck under my hands for a while' she starts drawing the lines 'what are your plans now? Still up to modeling?'
'Guess so. I'm ready for L.A., hopefully. Or your girlfriend may take me to some photo shots'
'You truly believe we all could be friends?' she laughs quietly.
'Listen. I know, okay? I hurt you. I accept that you love your girlfriend and I have no intentions breaking you two up. But I want to try...'
'What? You want me to forgive your mistakes? Your lies?'
'Fuck me...' she sighs.
'Does it hurt?'
'It's not that. It hurts so much more I ruined you. I want to make things right. I just want you to give me a chance.'
'We'll see. I need some time to think about that.'
'I'll give you my number. Call me anytime.'
'You really are trying, Rach.'
'Because you were... are an important part of my life. I know, I can't apologize enough, but please... I know you're so mad at me and I don't deserve forgiveness, but... Please...' she grabs her hand as she lifts it.
Their eyes meet. The bluenette sighs.

'I'll try. I can't say I didn't miss you.'
'I don't know how I'll tell Max about this. She helped me so much. To search for you, to find you and when I finally started to believe you were dead, she didn't let me drown.'
'She must love you' she smiles softly.
'I guess so'
'Oh, who wouldn't love you, Chloe Price?' she laughs.
'Like uhm, most of the world? I can be an asshole as you know.'
'But actually, you're a sensitive asshole.'
'Huh, a hypersensitive one. You can't even imagine how much I changed.'
'Can't wait to get to know the new Chloe.'
'We'll see about that' she laughs 'I'm gonna do the coloring now, is that okay?'
'Nah, do it tomorrow. So I can make an excuse to see you again.'
'You don't have to make excuses. I'm trying, okay? Drop in anytime.'
'You're actually nicer! Wow!'
'Hey, don't be an asswipe!' she laughs as she starts coloring.

Chloe finishes the coloring in twenty minutes. Now, she's getting rid of the gloves as Rachel's checking out her new tattoo in the mirror.

'Like it?' she frowns.
'Love it! Thank you, Chloe!'
'Please. Now, just let me take a photo of it'
'Aha, your portfolio is already great though!' she laughs as the punk takes the shot.
'But I can still improve!'
'Well, well, well, aren't you all positive?' she puts her clothes back on.
'I'm trying. I can't complain lately, really. I'm hella lucky. I have a dream job and the best girlfriend in the world.'
'What do I owe you?'
'Nothing' she smiles 'Take it as a 'welcome back and I promise I'll do my very best to let you do your best to make me forgive you' gift.'
'Thanks, Chloe. It's time to go now.'
'Heading back to Bay?'
'Yeah' she sighs 'But I'm gonna text you later, okay?'

They step out, facing Max standing by the counter. The brunette opens then closes her mouth. She shakes her head. The tattooist can imagine what thoughts can just slipping through her mind. She just stepped out of a private room with her ex girlfriend. When she sees Max's tears she knows it's the time for a serious fight...

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