Goodbye, 2014

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'Hey Max, check this out!' the bluenette tucks into her hair.
'Nice outfit, Captain Price' the brunette smiles.
'Well, who's talking?' she takes her hand.
'I still hate Matt for his idea though. A costume ball on New Year's Eve? How old are we? Ten?'
'Oh, come on, Max! It will be fun! Just like when we were kids, right? I'm the captain and you're my faithful first mate.'
'Yeah. I just... I don't really know.'
'Why are you nervous?'
'They don't even know yet... What if they just...'
'Who cares? You know what? They will be so fucking shocked!' she grins as she kisses Max's cheek 'Can you imagine? The hell raiser Price could be tamed!'
'It's not that funny...'
'Why do you care about what others think?'
'What if... what if they just want to talk you off?'
'Impossible. Come on. Give me reasons!'
'Okay, let's see... You're too young.'
'So? Why should I wait more when I already found the perfect person for myself?'
'What if you get bored of each other?'
'That's impossible. We basically lived our whole life together.'
'Except for that five years when I left you...'
'Max, what's with you?' she raises an eyebrow.
'Nothing, I'm just... I don't know.'
'If you wanna... you wanna... just...' she scratches her neck.
'No! I'm just... What if I'm going to hurt you again? I don't want to... I feel like...' she sits on the edge of the bed, brushing off her face 'I do nothing for us. All the work is yours and I'm just here to satisfy your needs like it would be a payment to you for being with me'
'What?' her eyes widen.
'I'm just... What do I do? You work, you cook, you care for me and I just... I just keep bitching about what a hard life I'm living while basically I have everything I need. I'm... I'm such a terrible person...'
'Haven't we talked about this like a million times?' she kneels before her 'Max, we're doing fine! Okay, college messes with you, but once you're through it you'll be fine. I'm always by your side. Now, come on! 2013 sucked so much more, right? We had to go through a lot, right? But we're here for each other, right? I'm never leaving you. Unless you want me to.'
'NO!' she wraps her arms around the punk's neck 'Don't! Don't leave me! I just still don't get it. Why? Why me?'
'Because you love me. Because you can handle my stupidity. Dumbass!' she gently kisses her cheek.
'I love you.'
'Listen, if you wanna pull it then it's okay, it's totally okay, just...' the brunette gently kisses her, making her go silent.
'No. I'm going to marry you someday. I'm such a drama queen.'
'You've been through a lot. It's okay to break under the pressure every once in a while. You're still my favorite superhero.' she softly smiles as she wipes off the tears from the photographer's face.
'I'm not that super.'
'You will always be to me. You're my personal superhero and you don't even know that you keep me alive by existing.' she kisses her forehead as she stands up.
'Stay here' she hugs her by the waist.
'Always' she smiles.

The idyllic moment is disturbed by knocking. Chloe sighs.

'It must be Darren and Rachel. Hey, pull yourself together a little bit, okay? I let them in and you'll join us when you're ready, Caulfield the First Mate' she winks.
'Aye-aye, Captain Price! But hey, would you kiss me before you leave?'
'Sure' she kisses her long and soft, until another series of knocking interrupts them again 'Damn it' she hisses 'I'll be waiting' she kisses her forehead then heads to the main door.
She opens it wide and looks at her friends. She bursts out laughing.

'Well, nice wig, Kurt!'
'Oh, shut up, it was not my idea!' he rushes in, getting off his coat and he's already in the kitchen to get a beer.
'What's with him?' she kisses Rachel on the cheek.
'I didn't like his original idea' she shrugs.
'Are you two okay?'
'Sure.' she smiles.
'It's so ridiculous!' the man walks back 'Like, seriously, Rach? Kurt and Courtney? Why not Sid and Nancy so I should've even cut my hair! Or like Ozzy and Sharon? Damn it!' he sits on the couch.
'Well, just because your all time favorite rock-scene couple doesn't fit my taste it's no need to rage, Darren! And by the way, they broke up like ten years ago, right?'
'So? I could totally rock Shaun out!'
'Right, and I could totally not rock Amy out! For fucks sake, Darren!'
'Like I could rock Kurt! This is just ridiculous!'
'Okay! It's fine! Put your fucking wig off and you can rock out Shaun, right?'
'Well, we're a couple, right? So why would I be Shaun when you're Courtney, huh?'
'Was it a rule to dress up as couples? I don't think so! Go and turn into Shaun then and stop this hissy fit!'
'Hey guys, stop it, okay?' the bluenette tries to soften the tension 'Darren, why don't you get changed? It's okay if you're not dressed as a couple. Everybody knows that you're together after all, right? There are some men's clothes in the guest room. Part of the designs if Max needs male models. Rock it out, Darr!'
The man finishes his beer then walks into the room mumbling on his way. The blondie sighs as she finally sits down.
'Up to a beer?' Chloe smiles.
'Even for a shot' she brushes off her face.
'All I have is rum if it fits you' she places the glasses on the counter.
'Perfect' she sits on the bar stool.
'What's with you lately?' the tattooist raises an eyebrow.
'I don't know. We're growing apart. I was good this time I swear. I didn't do drugs, I didn't go on shopping sprees, and I always swallowed when I wanted to argue. But this whole costume ball thing... Did you see him raging? What's his problem?'
'I don't know' she raises her glass 'But hey, forget it! Let's get hella drunk tonight, okay?'
'Amen to that!' she swallows the rum in a split-second then looks at the bluenette 'But the two of you, you and Max... You're doing alright?'
'I guess so' she refills the glasses 'Sometimes she's...' she sighs 'Sometimes she breaks under the pressure and starts believing she doesn't deserve me. It makes me so sad.' she brushes off her face.
'What's with her?'
'Responsibility. Deadlines, projects, essays, tests... Plus the things we had to get through back in 2013. I think she has nightmares again recently' she empties her glass 'She doesn't feel safe. She's breaking. It's getting too much for her.'
'Can you help her? I mean she's getting a little time-off now, right?'
'Yeah, but then the exams and all the shit. I'm afraid she's truly gonna break under the pressure. She feels like she wasn't enough. She's still doing it though. I'm just afraid she's not holding on for much more'
'Nobody said life is easy, right?'
'But it used to be so much easier. Do you remember? We were so careless. So free. And we were...'
'Oh, fuck it, Chloe! Fuck the problems tonight! Let's get drunk! Pour some more! Come on! Let's drink!'
'May I join?' the brunette smiles as she walks out of the room.
'Whoa, someone looks great!' Rachel nods.
'Thanks. Your outfit rocks, too!'
'Hey, let's drink already!' she winks then her eyes wander to Max's hand 'What the fuck?'
'Ready to drink?' Chloe refills the glasses.
'Wait! Wait up! You didn't even tell me you proposed!'
'I didn't' she explains after a moment of silence 'Hello, like it's still illegal in Oregon?'
'Then what the fuck is that?' she points at the ring.
'A promise ring' she sighs 'Yes, someday we truly wanna get married. And until then I made a promise that I'm actually gonna propose as soon as possible.'
'Wow... Let's drink on that!' she empties her glass 'It's so unbelievable! Don't get me wrong, it's fucking great, but who would believe Chloe Price could be tamed?'
'Oh, stop it!' she sips her beer.
'Really, like... It's fucking amazing!'
'Shall we go?' Darren walks out of the room.
'But hey, you haven't even heard the good news!'
'What news?' he tucks his hands in his pockets.
'They're getting married! I mean... no, it's... well, as soon as possible!'
'Great, can we go now?' he gets his coat and walks out.
'I'll go after him' the punk sighs 'You two, lock the door, but please, pretty please, right before that tidy up a little bit'
'Aye-aye, Captain Price!' Max giggles.
'Don't take long!' she kisses the brunette then she's off.

She catches Darren in the parking lot, smoking. She stands next to him, lights a cigarette as well then looks at the man.

'What's with you, bro?'
'I just wanna get wasted. I have to drive and I hate it. I could drink already.'
'Seriously, what's wrong lately? You're just... you're growing apart. I won't believe this whole shit is only about that you didn't dress up as Shaun and Amy.'
'I... can't tell...'
'Why not?'
'Because you're gonna rip my head off.'
'Darren?' she raises an eyebrow.
'Okay, fine. But only because I can't keep it in myself anymore. Promise you won't hurt me.'
'Uh, sure?'
'I cheated...'
'What?' her eyes widen.
'I cheated on her.'
'When? With who?'
'Two weeks ago. With a client. We're growing apart, Price. We're not the same anymore.'
'You cheated?' she hisses 'You son of a bitch! I'm gonna rip your heart out!'
Chloe, listen...'
'No, you listen! You promised me you won't hurt her! I made her promise not to hurt you, Darren! What the fuck did you do?!'
'Don't tell her. Not yet. I can still work it out'
'I won't tell. You will. The sooner the better. Otherwise I'm truly gonna rip your head off! And you can't work it out! Fucking idiot!' she whispers.
'Hey, Chloe!' she hears Rachel's voice behind her 'You don't mind I took the rest of the rum, right?'
'Nah, it's okay!' she forces a smile 'Let's go already!'
'First, we make a promise!' the blondie raises the bottle.
'A promise?'
'Hell yeah! Let's promise we're all gonna have a blast tonight! Fuck the problems, fuck this year and all the shit! 2015, here we come!'
'Amen to that!' the bluenette smiles as Rachel hands the bottle over 'And so, 2015 will be the year of love, right?' she drinks.
'Well, I hope this year will be much better' the photographer grabs the bottle 'I mean... Even better than 2014' she sips.
'Let's get going already!' the man opens the car door.
'You don't promise anything?'
'I will, as soon as I can drink, okay? Now, get in the car and let's get drunk!'
The girls share a moment of silence then get in the car. In the backseat Max leans to the bluenette's ear.'You know that I love you, right?'
'I'm so sorry I break down sometimes.' she whispers.
'It's okay.'
'But I love you' she kisses her neck.
'I love you too, asswipe' she grins as she cups the brunette's face, kissing her softly.
'Oh, God, no fucking in my car!' Darren grumbles.
'We're not fucking' Chloe raises an eyebrow.
'Darren, leave them alone!' Rachel scolds him 'Everybody's trying to have fun!'
'Well, I'm...' he takes a deep breath 'I'm sorry.'
'Chillax, bro, we're almost there!' the bluenette says.
'I know, I know.' he sighs 'These last few weeks take its toll on me. Sorry, guys. I'm gonna ease up. I just need to calm down, have some shots and have a great time. Responsibility...'
'Take it easy.' Chloe smiles.
'Yeah, yeah, sure. Soon enough.'

Right after arriving they hit the parlor. They all let the responsibility go during the night and before they could realize they're all counting down. 2014 is officially ended. Max and Chloe share a kiss, smiling.

'Happy New Year' the brunette whispers.
'Happy New Year'
'Come out with me'
'You okay?'
'Just come out with me.' she takes her hand.

The couple walks out to the skate park. Nobody's there. Perfect.

'Hey, Chloe'
'What exactly?'
'You made my last year much better. We achieved lots of things. I finished high school, you got a job, I got accepted to college, you moved with me. But more importantly, you loved me all along. Even when I was a gigantic asshole.'
'Of course, baby. I will always love you. Let's make 2015 even better, okay?'
'I'm on that.'
'No. We're on that. We're doing it together, right?'
'Yeah. That's why all the moments I can share with you are so special to me.'
'I'm so happy to hear that.'
'And Chloe?'
'2015 will be our year, right? Things will get even better'
'I'm sure about that' she smiles.
'We can't be separated. We belong together'
'We've been through a lot, Max. I couldn't have done it without you'
'Same here. I love you'
'I love you, too.'

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