We Need to Talk

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It's a Saturday evening. Max and Chloe are almost finished cooking dinner. The punk glances at the brunette.

'You nervous?'
'A little bit.'
'It'll be fine, Super Max' she smiles.
'I know, I know. I hope so'
'You still have two weeks until spring-semester, I'm home for three days and Rachel's out. We're
'I wonder who she's dating lately. She's going out a lot. Is she okay?'
'Yeah. She seems to be happy.'
'Does Darren know?'
'Not yet. She haven't even introduced this new girl to me'
'Rachel's very open-minded. She's not really into gender. She's into love and happiness'
'And what are you into?' she grins.
'You' she kisses her softly.
Knocking interrupts them and the brunette walks to the door.
'Hi, Dad'
'Hi, sweetheart'
'Did you come alone?'
'Yes' he sighs.
'You're just in time. Dinner's almost ready'
'Good, I'm starving'
'Hey there, Mr. Caulfield!' the bluenette waves.
'How many times do I have to tell you I'm Ryan?'
'Well, let me check...' she grins.
'Just call him Ryan, Chloe.'
'Okay, okay.' she sighs 'Sit down. I'm serving dinner.'
'So, tell me, Chloe' Ryan takes his place 'Is Max getting into cooking?'
'Definitely. Sometimes she even cooks alone. Now, that she has a little break from college but I have to work. Sometimes she brings me lunch to the parlor'
'But is it any good?' he grins.
'You will see.'
'Dad... you know why you're here, right?'
'Yeah' he picks up his fork 'We can talk'
'I guess you have some questions, too'
'I guess' he smiles softly 'Do you want to start?'
'So, Dad... how are you doing? I mean the two of you'
'We're fine.' he shrugs.
'Does she know you're here?'
'Of course she knows. What should I have told her?'
'No, it's okay. Didn't she want to come?'
Ryan hesitates for some seconds.
'It's very hard for her. She can't really understand this situation. I'm trying to explain to her, but let's be honest, I don't really know how it works. You know her, Max. She's very stubborn'
'A great excuse to neglect your daughter...'
'She's not neglecting you. She just has to process this, okay? I think she just doesn't understand this and afraid to ask some things. She's confused. That's all'
'She could ask me. Us. Dad, Joyce basically watched us getting together then she supported us all the way through.'
'We're not the same. She loves you. She just needs a little time.'
'Let's be honest, Dad' she puts her fork down 'Almost three months passed. She doesn't answer my calls, she doesn't look for me. She doesn't have a daughter anymore.'
'Don't say that, Max.' Chloe looks at her.
'She's right' Ryan nods 'Don't say that. Give her a little time'
'How much time, Dad? Listen' she glances at the punk who slowly nods 'We're getting married as soon as possible. I know it's still illegal, but we know love will win and we can get married. I got a promise ring and when the Supreme Court passes the law, I will really be engaged to this woman. I want you to be there when we get married. Both of you'
'Are you serious?'
'Yes. Aren't you happy?'
'Of course I'm happy' he smiles softly 'Just surprised. Everything's happening so fast with the two of you. Are you sure it's not early?'
'We love each other. By the time the law passes we could even be 25 year-olds'
'But how do you know, Max? How do you know she's the one? No offense' he looks at the bluenette.
'None taken'
'Dad...' she sighs 'She has always been there for me. She loves me more than anybody else. When I got back to Arcadia Bay... After we reunited I felt alive again. Before that I only tried to live. I forced myself to talk to people and it was hard. But when she's by my side everything is so easy. Dad, she's my other half, okay? I know that she's the one'
'You really are serious about this.'
'We are.'
'I guess your mother's biggest fear is that she'll never have a grandchild, you know?'
'But that's some massive bullshit! There are so many ways to have a child, you know? We can adopt, or we can get a donor, or...'
'So you want a kid'
'Of course! We both love kids! Dad... Being gay is nothing like it's been thirty years ago. We are fine. People are getting to understand that love is love. I know it's hard. But you know Chloe. Well...' she giggles 'She used to be a hell raiser, but she turns out to be a very responsible adult. And most importantly, she loves me. I'm happy with her. Doesn't it matter?'
'It's all what matters. It's just new to me and your mother, okay? Give us a little time.' he finishes dinner 'We're trying'
'Is she?'
'Max, don't even start, please.'
'Let's just sit down in the living room.'

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