Love Always Wins

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It's late June. Chloe works on a back tattoo on Rachel when Matt rushes in the private room.

'Working' she says quietly, not looking up even for a second.
'Almost done Morgan, give me five more minutes!'
'Come on!'
'Can't it wait? I'm almost done'
'Hurry up! You're done for the day!'
'Not really. I still wanna work on some designs'
'Not today, Chloe...'
'You wanna fire me?'
'No' he chuckles 'Come on Price, finish it already!'
'Fine' she sighs 'I'm done' she puts off the gloves 'Happy?'
'Not as much as you'll be when you hear the good news!' he grins.
'What news?' she starts packing.
'You won!'
'What did I win?' she giggles.
'Price!' he grabs her by the shoulders 'The law passed! You can get married! Love won!'
'What?' she sits down.
'You can marry her! The law passed!'
'What's the date?' she buries her face in her hands.
'June 26, 2015'
'Fuck' she whispers.
'You alright, C?' Rachel gently grabs her shoulder.
'I fucking can't believe this... It's happening... It really is happening...'
'Pull yourself together, Price! You have to go and buy a ring, right? You promised her...'
'I'm gonna propose as soon as possible. Yeah. I'm... I have to...'
'You're shocked' Matt giggles as he helps her stand up 'Do you want me to go with you?'
'Would you?' she scratches her neck.
'You helped me to buy a ring back then, right?' he smiles softly 'Come on! Focus! Wake up, Price! It's happening!'
'Yeah, I'm... Focus, Price, focus!' she mumbles.
'I'll handle everything, boss' she nods.
'I trust you!'
'I won't play it. Go already!'

The man gently grabs the punk's wrist. Chloe feels high, just like she smoked a whole joint alone. Everything is a blur. They sit in the car, Matt keeps talking to her but she can't get his words. Her mind is just blown. It's happening. It really is happening. They're getting married. One more year and they can move. A little bit later they can have children. It really is happening. As they stop Matt shakes her by the shoulders gently.

'Can you focus? For a little while?'
'Yeah. I'm sorry, I'm just...'
'You can't even imagine what awaits you, Chloe' he smiles 'Everything will be so different'
'What if she says no?' she looks at Matt worried.
'She won't' he bursts out laughing.
'But... what if she will?'
'Chloe, she won't! You're just creating fake problems for yourself! Come on! Let's go. Let's just buy that ring and then...'
'I have to propose.'
'That's what you promised'
'I know. But suddenly I'm so nervous. What if... what if something goes really wrong?'
'She loves you, you love her. Nothing can go wrong. Let's go already, Price!'

She takes a deep breath before getting out of the car. She hesitates before entering the jewelry, too. She looks up at the sign then looks at the man with puppy eyes. Matt smiles softly.

'What's wrong? Got scared?' the punk nods slowly 'Everything will be smooth, Chloe. Believe me. Right before proposing I could shit my pants. Literally. She knew something was wrong. We were just walking in a park and she looked at me. She knew I was up to something. I was sweating like never before. So she asked. "Matt, you're so nervous, what's wrong with you? I mean... just tell me. Do you want to break up or get married?" She knew!' he laughs 'You'll be alright, Price. Can we go in now?'

The tattooist takes another deep breath then nods. They walk in. Chloe pushes panic away and looks at the man who helps her choose a ring. He drives her back to the parlor. The punk thanks for helping out and hugs Matt. She gets into her car and waits a little before she drives home. She hesitates at the door, too. She walks in. She finds the brunette in front of the computer, working.

'Why are you so early? Is something up?'
'Everything's fine' the blonde answers and kneels next to the photographer, laying her head on her lap.
'What's wrong?' she tucks into her hair.
'Aren't you happy I'm home?'
'Of course I am. I'm just surprised'
'I'm so grateful for you' she whispers.
'What would I do without you? What would make me go on? To live? You will always be my superhero'
'What's wrong? It's too much, even from you...'
'I love you... I love you so much...' she sobs.
'Are you crying? Did something happen?'
'We won' she looks at the brunette, she gently cups her face as their foreheads touch.
'What did we win?'
'I told you... Love always wins. We won. Max...' she tucks into her pocket.
'Will you...' she has to clear her throat.
'Yeah?' she wraps her arms around her neck.
'Will you be my partner in time forever?'
'As long as you'll be my partner in crime'
'So, will you...' she sniffles.
'Will you marry me?'
'Yes' she nods slowly.
'Are you sure?'
'Hella yes' she chuckles.
'It's getting so real' she laughs as she puts the ring on the brunette's finger.
'Yeah' she kisses her on the lips.
'Are you happy?'
'I'm so happy. I've never been this happy'
'I'm getting scared' she whispers 'It really is happening. Our plans are coming to life. Can you believe this? Can you?'
'You're so sweet' she kisses her on the cheek 'Don't you cry'
'But I'm so... I'm so happy. Nothing can go wrong, right? You're not leaving me...'
'I'm never leaving you. Sentimental stupid punk...'
'But this...'
'I know' she caresses her cheek, drying her tears 'So, it really is happening. Have you really thought about it?'
'You mean... Shall we start the preparations? Right now?'
'Why the fuck not? We could tell the parents first. And then... we should really get prepared, right?'
'I guess you have something in mind'
'What if... we get married on the day we reunited?'
'October 7?'
'Why not? It's...'
'Hella romantic' she kisses her.
'Do you like it?'
'Love it' she kisses her again.
'We don't have much time'
'Can we hold it in Bay?'
'Sure. It would be cool'
'Family and a few friends, right?'
'More than enough I guess'
'We don't have to make a big deal out of this, right?'
'And what would that mean?' she grins 'So getting married is not a big deal after all?'
'Asswipe' she chuckles and kisses her softly 'We definitely have to post this' she points at the ring'
'Parents first'
'Your mother will be... shocked'
'I know, I know. But she's trying. You know that'
'She will be there' she smiles softly.
'Ten minutes?'
'That should be enough' she decides to sit on the couch.

She sends one last smile to the photographer before dialing her mother. She tries to be as fast as she can but Max still finishes sooner and sits on her lap. She shakes her head smiling and misses Joyce's last sentence.

'Sorry, didn't hear you'
'You're coming back soon, right?'
'We planned to. But we haven't decided when yet. Maybe in mid-July'
'Next week?' the brunette whispers.
'Not next week' she chuckles 'Sorry, Max's really wanna get back, but I still have some things to do before I take off two weeks. Matt's leaving tomorrow and gets back in the end of next week and I'll talk about this with him'
'But it won't be a huge wedding, I guess'
'No, no, not at all, mom. You and very few friends'
'Four more people' the photographer adds.
'Wanna talk to her, Max?'
'Sorry' she kisses her on the cheek and walks to the kitchen.
'She got excited a little bit, I guess' the tattooist smiles softly.
'It's good. Don't you think you're young for this? How old are you? Twenty-one?'
'Yeah, I'm twenty-one. I may be young, but... I know I love her. Why should we wait?'
'You sound exactly like your father. Listen, I gotta go, but call me when you found out when you're coming'
'Sure, I will. Take care, mom!'
'Talk to you'

The blonde puts her phone on the table and walks into the kitchen. She looks at Max, who's washing the dishes.

'I didn't expect you to come home this early. So... I decided to work instead of... doing anything'
'It's okay' she hugs her from behind and kisses her shoulder.
'But when can we go home?'
'I thought your home is where I am'
'It's not easy, you know? We have so many memories there'
'Yeah. And we're moving again, soon'
'I know'
'So, getting back to our wedding. Parents, and...'
'I thought about Matt and Amy. And Rachel and Layla of course. We really should decide what to do with Darren'
'He's an asshole' she leans on the counter.
'He's your friend'
'No. He used to be my friend. There's a difference. So, parents and our friends, no buddies, no mates, nobody else?'
'If you really don't want to invite anybody else, then that's it. What if...' she dries her hands and faces the punk.
'We held it on the beach'
'Wouldn't it be cold for that in October?'
'It won't be that bad'
'If you say so'
'A quiet dinner after that and some partying, but that's all, I guess. Sounds good enough?'
'Yeah. What you wanna wear?'
'Well, since you like my black dress so much...' she wraps her arms around the blonde's neck.
'Yeah?' she bites her bottom lip.
'I may wear a beautiful white wedding dress'
'Sounds hella cool and hella hot' she kisses her gently.
'Wait!' she breaks the kiss 'Can we... afford it?'
'Yeah' she caresses her cheek 'Don't be worried, baby. We're doing great'
'Are you sure?'
'Hella sure' she kisses her again.
'I just... want you to be amazed when you see me there'
'I'm always amazed, Maxi pad...'
'I hate you' she bites the tattooist's bottom lip playfully.
'And who's gonna be your bridesmaid?'
'Layla. And will you have a best man then?' she giggles.
'If I were you I wouldn't call Rachel a man' she kisses her cheek.
'It really is happening.'
'Yeah. Are you happy?'
'Happy, excited and...'
'Nervous and scared?'
'Don't worry. Same here, Super Max. We'll be fine.'
'And when we move to LA... and when we have kids...' she sobs suddenly.
'What is it now?'
'It really is happening. Do you get it, Chloe?'
'I do. I know it's sudden, but we don't have to have kids at this instant, right?'
'It's not that. Our life is going as planned... I can't even believe this.'
'You'd better, hipster. And you thought I was trouble'
'You are!' she giggles 'I don't want to remind you how many times we played with the law in 2013'
'You loved it!'
'It sure was exciting' she smiles.
'So, you want our old life?' she sighs playfully 'I knew you'll get bored of me if I learn how to handle things and life in general'
'Idiot! I love our life. Do you know why?'
'Tell me'
'Because it's ours. Not mine, not yours. Ours'
'And I'm mushy...'
'I really hate you, Price!' she chuckles.
'You really are a terrible liar, Caulfield!' she grins as their foreheads touch.
'Can you believe this? Nobody believed in this. And now, we're getting married'
'Nobody? What do you mean?'
'Chlo, the people who know you, well... you know, you were such a hell raiser, like... Nobody thought you could be tamed'
'And yet, here I am' she smiles softly.
'This is your last chance to leave me'
'Why me? If you wanna break up, don't get it on me!' she grins 'You have to do it'
'Well...' she scratches her neck 'Was the ring expensive?'
'Oh, really?' she chuckles 'So if it wasn't, you're gonna leave me?'
'You don't need to know' she kisses her softly.
'Do you really think I would ever leave you?'
'Hopefully not. Don't you dare, Caulfield!'
'Because after all...' she grins.
'You need to prove that you're gonna be the best wifey in the world'
'How hard could it be? I mean, I'll have to be the wife of the luckiest bastard of the world, who is a sentimental stupid punk...'
'We'll see'
'Soon enough'
'I love you'
'I love you, too.'

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