Never Gonna Let You Go

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After saying their goodbyes to Joyce and David on the following day the couple gets back to the apartment and lie on the couch. The bluenette softly caresses Max's back.

'Thank you, Chloe' she whispers.
'Yesterday. I really needed you back there. You didn't let my hand go. You did your best to please my mother. Too bad I'll never be good enough for her'
'But you're perfect for me. And your dad was such a badass! He was really sweet when you came out.'
'I bet he had to sleep on the couch' she sighs 'And Joyce was so cool about us'
'Pft, she had us in her home for months. She loves you, dumbass!'
'More importantly, she loves both of us. Joyce truly is a badass when the ones she loves are confronted. She could totally kick my mother's ass. She would rip me apart if I hurt you.' she laughs.
'You're lucky you love me' she giggles.
'Of course I love you. You're my life, Chloe. And now I doubt I could ever go back to Seattle'
'Do you want to?'
'No way. You're my home.'
'I forgot to tell you that Matt and Amy are getting married'
'Did he call you yesterday?'
'Yeah. It's so great. I can't believe it. And I can't wait for us to get married'
'Pft, that's illegal in Oregon'
'Maybe someday it won't be. And then I'll have the best wifey in the world'
'Until then I'll be the best girlfriend' she giggles.
'The very best' she kisses her neck.
'Seriously, what would I do without you?' she sighs.
'You would be the same shy hipster' she smirks.
'You know I could've let you die there'
'Oh, you can always go back and change time'
'It was destiny I was there. That you kickstarted my powers and I saved you. I'd never change that. And... I want that butterfly tattooed on me'
'You serious?' she sits up.
'As soon as possible' she nods.
'I'll check out my schedule. But are you sure about this?'
'Chloe, we are meant to be. What, are you suddenly scared of commitment?' she grins.
'I just don't want you to regret it.'
'We're together forever. You said it.'
'I know. I mean it. But you know I had my time. I don't want to put chains on you'
'Bullshit. You don't. Ever since we're together again I'm more alive than ever before. I feel fulfilled with you. I don't need anyone else in my life.'
'Who's mushy now?' she giggles then softly bites the brunette's neck.
'Who the fuck cares? I love you, Chloe.'
'I love you too, Max.'
'It's been a while since we truly had some time together, huh?' she closes her eyes.
'I can't even remember' she sighs 'We're getting hella busy'
'Yeah, but... after a long day when I get home and the flat is still empty I lie down. I think about you and when you're getting home. Then I start working to finish before you arrive because when you're home I want to give all my attention to you. Because you work for us and I do nothing and I'm... I want you to feel that I'm... needed'
'Kiddin', Max? You keep me alive. You make me keep going on. To work hard. To prove myself every single day. When I get home tired and see you I smile because all day long I'm looking forward to the moment when I can embrace you and tell you how much I missed you'
'Hm?' she smiles.
'End-terms are coming. I'm about to bitch a lot again'
'It's okay' she caresses her side 'I'm with you, baby'
'I'm afraid I won't have enough time for you' she sighs.
'We'll cope with it'
'Are you sure?'
'Hella sure' she kisses her long and softly.
'Are you in a romantic mood?'
'I think so' she blushes 'Don't you mind? I'm not in the mood of rush now. It's been a while since we had this much time for each other'
'I know' she sits on her lap 'The past weeks were so crazy. What if things just get worse, Chlo?'
'Don't you dare!' she gently kisses her chest 'Let's not blow this. Fuck the problems now, okay?'
'I'm sorry.'
'Stop worrying' she cups her face 'I'm with you, Super Max' she kisses her gently while her left hand tenderly caresses her back.
'One day' she goes on as their foreheads meet 'when I'm finished with college we'll have everything. We'll have more time for each other. And I'm gonna give everything you need'
'You're all I need' she pulls her by the neck for a kiss 'And shut the fuck up already!' she giggles.
'Let's just go to the bedroom, okay?'
'Hold on tight. I'll take you'

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