Chapter Eighteen

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-Dick's POV-

"Bruce, you need to tell me what's up," I said, grasping Batman's shoulder.

"We have code names for a reason, Nightwing," he grumbled back.

I rolled my eyes. "I know you are hiding something from me. Can you just tell me what you know?"

"That's the thing," Bruce continued to stare straight into his binoculars, "I don't know anything and it is very frustrating." I crossed my arms. Bruce and I shared the same thoughts and feelings. The fact that Red Hood was easily evading the Bat family was something neither of us had ever dealt with.

It also didn't help that Tim was taking a break. He was devoted to leading the Teen Titans. I felt bad for Bruce. Last time I told him I just wanted to focus on the Titans, I decided to become Nightwing. Bruce must've been pretty nervous.

We continued to sit and wait. I always hated stakeouts. Batman never liked to talk.

Eventually, we saw something.

In align with each other, our grapples shot out at the same time and we swung down just in time to see Black Mask.

He was surrounded by his goons and inspecting something. As we landed, several guns turned our way and began shooting.

"Oh stop it, you idiots. That's the fucking Batman. What're you going to do?" Black Mask called over his shoulder, still inspecting whatever he was beside.

The goons lowered the guns just as Batman and I prepared for a fight. I sighed in disappointment. I was hoping it was going to be a fun night.

Batman pushed through the goons with ease. He walked through the split crowd like Moses. With his cape sprawled out behind him, he looked like a king walking past his subjects. I guess in some ways, Batman was the king of Gotham. Many criminals over the years had tried to claim that title for themselves, but they could never get past the Bat. Bruce didn't have the ego to believe in such titles, though. But, we all knew. Batman was powerful.; He protected and loved Gotham. He wasn't going to let anyone take that away from him.

I followed behind, leaning on the side of a building. Black Mask crossed his arms as his assistant stood beside him.

"What happened?" Bruce asked. Black Mask tensed. I could tell he was outraged. He took a few calming breaths before talking.

"Some special cargo I ordered was destroyed again," he grit his teeth, "and I have a pretty good idea who it was."

"More cargo like...Amazo?" I pushed off the wall with my heel, a cocky grin on my face, "Thanks for those fresh scars, by the way. It really adds to my collection." Black Mask's face -- well, what he had of a face -- tightened at my sarcasm. I dared him to make a move.

"That was private business that you managed to get destroyed," he growled.

"So buying a mass weapon-cyborg is private business now?" I taunted.

"Listen here you little--"

Black Mask's assistant grabbed his bicep before he could even take a step. He whispered something into Mask's ear, which seemed to calm him down. With a couple more slow breaths, Black Mask turned towards Batman. He seemed to be ignoring me now.

"My cargo was supposed to be delivered here an hour ago," Black Mask commented.

Bruce inspected the area before meeting Black Mask. I joked, "Are you sure the driver just didn't stop to get pizza?"

Black Mask didn't even turn half a degree towards me. I saw his shoulders rise though. Making criminals mad was always a fun game on an uneventful night.

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